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Everything posted by Turtle813

  1. I bought the game because I liked I saw streams and etc when I bought it I try to start running the game and it said that "Shader Model 2 was not supported anymore" I asked around and people said my video card is too old and that I need to upgrade and now I cant play day z and it just there can I get a refund and buy a new game?
  2. Turtle813

    Will i be able to get refund

    I don't play pc much I play xbox but I saw streams on twitch and just decided to buy it and yea I guess
  3. Turtle813

    Will i be able to get refund

    no I didn't but like I said every other game has worked except this one and only one requirement I guess didn't work it was my video card
  4. Turtle813

    Will i be able to get refund

    its the first time that I buy a game from steam every other I have downloaded it works so I expected to work theres nothing I can do?