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About Realign

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  1. Realign

    Huey emergency landing?

    Yep you are pretty much dead, because in vanilla arma the chopper just goes down like a brick, while in ace auto rotating is doable.
  2. Realign

    1.62 changelog

    you do realize that the 1.62 patch contains all the changes in the beta patches released so far
  3. Realign

    Hackers/Dupers Have Taken Over

    Im just calling bullshit on this, in the 2 months of playing this mod I have seen one hacker that spawned a heli.Thats it, and i play pretty much every day.So yes I agree there are hackers but not to the extent you are saying.
  4. Realign

    I miss this attitude [video]

    what attitude, this is shacktac a clan with a crapton members that like to roleplay.join a group and get that experience every day?
  5. Realign

    I found a Pipe-bomb o.O

    These topics are getting annoying, you can use the crap cheaters spawn.If you didn't spawn it in the system doesn't care.
  6. Realign

    Stary Sobor : Sniper Haven

    I dont know what the hell you people are talking about, i went atleast 10 times there on servers with 50 people no problems at all.
  7. Realign

    Map print out for free

    yes because everyone has a second monitor...
  8. Realign

    Saving Cars and Tents etc

    Ye something got fucked up, our whole camp dissapeared.We restarted the server and it was back where it was.So just wait for a restart and hope for the best
  9. I am amazed by all the whining, everything will be wiped several times by the end of this alpha, that includes your character, tents, cars, whatever.Just deal with it.
  10. Realign

    Gotta love that alpha

    Dont go prone in weird places?
  11. Realign

    Spawning without a gun?

    I just dont understand how can this happen to a person so many times with these random spawn points, to a point that you make a thread about it.In all the times i have spawned on beach i havent seen a single person let alone a bandit.
  12. Realign

    Ingame map

    Looks like i missed out on some free loot, saw so many markers on some servers.
  13. Realign

    Ingame map

    Well thats good to know, thanks.
  14. Realign

    Ingame map

    Does anyone else get weird marks on their map, i would sometimes mark my camps or places i want to go to.But on next login into the game they would be gone, but there are new ones that i didnt place.Im really confused
  15. MGS FTW, what server are you on, what times and that kind of stuff.