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GriffZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by GriffZ (DayZ)

  1. GriffZ (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Beans +1
  2. GriffZ (DayZ)

    The strength of handcuffs

    Pristine cuffs should be unbreakable IMO. The "break-out time" should decrease per step of quality lesser than pristine. My mind does splurt out a "break-out" scenario/action when in possesion of keys for example. The idea behind that being fuddling with the keys untill they unlock the cuffs.
  3. GriffZ (DayZ)

    How many hours have you played DayZ SA so far?

    132 and going
  4. You have my beans! :beans: Great work. Real asset to the comunity :-) Merino Scofield! :thumbsup: