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Everything posted by domonos

  1. domonos

    Giving the v3s gas

    Can I only refuel the V3S with a gas can or can I use a water bottle and canteen with gas in them? Dont I have to wait for the V3S to fully run out of gas to?
  2. domonos

    tent persistence in .59

    So I saw in the newest status report that tents were getting a refreshed lifetime if you interacted with them. Does this mean that server maintenance won't affect or delete tents anymore if you leave them?
  3. What ever happened to adding.... 1.Tisy military base? 2.scope for the carbine? 3.Alaskan winchester model 70? Thanks in advance if you know the answers.
  4. domonos

    What ever happened to......

    O yeah and chainsaws.
  5. Did they fix the loot spawns on persistent servers like the massive loot?
  6. When will the persistence actually not be affected by the wednesday maintenace? Some one about 3 months ago told me it would probably be in in about 3 months. Does anyone know anything about this?
  7. LOL right sometimes I walk in to a barracks on a per server and theres like 10 aks in one room.
  8. since .49 went to stable ive noticed chicken coops (at least for me) dont spawn anything. That is where people were finding tents before. Where are the tents spawning now does anyone know?
  9. domonos

    where do the tents spawn now?

    Me to man. 2 of them said persistence on and they both deleted my tents lol its hard out here
  10. domonos

    where do the tents spawn now?

    Yeah the server that said persistence enabled was the one it disapeared off of so im wondering if persistence is still bugged?
  11. domonos

    where do the tents spawn now?

    Do they automatically get deleted after restart if there is nothing in them? Mine was deleted but had nothing in it and im wondering
  12. domonos

    where do the tents spawn now?

    thanks I just found one there.
  13. I have not found any tents in experimental yet, have any of you guys found them yet? if so where did you find them at?
  14. domonos

    Tents has anyone found em

    I actually heard the military barracks was one of the spawn points for them Possibly the only place
  15. domonos

    Love the New Sway

    Thats true but half the sway there is now seems perfect in the rested state. Also does painful leg affect sway?
  16. domonos

    Love the New Sway

    Not that realistic in the rested state especially.
  17. domonos


    No. They are In the works now though.
  18. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    This is going to be about my opinions on what can be fixed or tweaked in sniping and also what can be added to help sniping. 1. The sway, It is absolutely rediculous and unrealistic now a days and it did not used to be this way. Realistic would be about half as much sway. It is almost impossible to hit a mid to long range shot now. Im talking 400+ meters. I know im not the only one that thinks this I have seen more complaints than I can count in a hour. 2. The mosin should have a bipod again but not the atlas bipod because that one is a rail bipod OR Maybe have a crafting recipe where you can duct tape the atlas bipod to the mosin. Duct tape + Bipod+mosin= bipod on mosin. You could also put in a old school bipod that squeezes onto the barrel of the gun, the mosin had at least 3 or 4 bipods for it like that in real life. 3. MORE SNIPERS. Yes I know the cz-527 is coming but it is not the long range, high stopping power beast like I would prefer. There are a few real nice sniper rifles that fit the games setting and are long range and high stopping power . Obviously the SVD/Dragunov and the newer SV-98 they are perfect sniper rifles for this game. 4. The kind of side suggestion/question where are the ghillie suits I mean I know about the ghillie coming out for guns but what about the suits are those still coming in? Thats all for now and let me know what you guys think.
  19. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    1. I hold my breath and it is still rediculous. 2. Mosin bipods exist true and some even just squeeze to the barrel. 3.A marksman is what you would prefer or a marksman rifle for weapon type? I just call them what the rest of the everyday people do sniper rifles and snipers.
  20. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    Just some opinions man. You have stated yours and contributed to the thread thank you. I kill bandits and help people out and have saved many people soooooo
  21. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    1.sway gets worse with optics. 2.several bipods were used for the mosin. 2 were even issued soooooo..... 3. the mosin has enough range to be a sniper rifle and has the stopping power of a sniper rifle but by definition it is not a sniper rifle I just call it that in this game.
  22. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    Yeah I play it sometimes but I love the survival apocalypse feeling of dayz. Helping people out and making friends and then killing baddies I personally feel theres no other game like it.
  23. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    search function wasnt working for me
  24. domonos

    Sniper issues and ideas

    Yeah saw that on that thread but then he was halfway proved wrong by the definition of sniping so maybe you should change that lol
  25. Well I saw on dayz tv a couple weeks ago somebody uploaded and shared pictures of a leaked tent model. I THINK they are real but I am not for sure. I was wondering if any of you guys have heard or seen any news on tents and when they might be put in. I am very excited for them because I will finally be able to call something a base or HQ and store things there. :)