As i search forums and twitch streams with low viewers to find someone to team with because all my friends are offline. I descide to get back on...Still in Berezino alone...sks with about 40 rounds and a mosin with about 60 rounds i descide to run my ass to the jail and wait for some gear to come strolling in the front door for me. What i was about to get myself into was quite possibly the funniest thing i have ever done in this game. I notice the front door is one would think that noone is camping the stairs right? So i sit my ass under the stairs and immediately notice someone in the right side room. Shot at fast as i could and empty'd my whole 10 rounds into the ground (i wont lie, i probably missed a few) and all the way up into his dome piece. Bam. Full kit of gear including another mosin and and M4. I was happy. So i reloaded as fast as possible and heard another person above me and all i could think was i just lost the full kit i had gotten. I hopped into the room and looted his m4 and threw in a 60 round mag i had in my inventory. Open the door, another full kit of military loot at my face "Insert spraying M4 here." Okay 2 down there no one else and i got enough loot for day. This is what i thought. But i played it safe, luckly, and i close the door and reloaded my 60 round mag, Open the door...You guess'd another full retard looking down the stairs at me...and didn't really know what to think i guess while he turned around and tried to retreat up the stairs which we all know and have probably died on before because your guy moves at the speed of sloth on stairs. So thats 3. There can't possibly be anymore gear in this jail! Wrong...i hear him walking around up stairs, most likely getting raged at by his friends telling him that he better kill me or his ass is off there obviously well rounded team. HA. I thought at this point i was already beyond satisfied and wouldn't be the slightest upset if i die now, So i charge out the door once again and i manage to gun the last one down right at the top of the stairs. At this point all i could do was laugh, and i swear i wasn't the kid who is the fucking squeeker toy over direct chat, i did manage to keep it all to myself. I had no clue what to do and then out of nowhere there is someone talking to me. I awnser back and he says hes a fresh spawn, so my dumbass tells him to come in. He shuts the front door and i am still laughing to myself and i told him to take whatever he needs, At this point i notice i am bleeding and i told him if he shoots me after me letting him have his pick of the free look, well it just wouldn't be fair. Let me tell you what everyone. DAY Z is not fair what so ever. He see's my sks in the side room where i swaped it for the M4 and ask's if he can have it, Obviously i say yes because i dont need anything in the game at this point. I start to bandage myself and he stands in front of me...with the SKS...i had just killed his FRIEND with, and i ask if he knew any of these people, as to which i get yes they were my friends ASSHOLE. "You are Dead." Moral of the story. Shoot first, fuck the questions, don't even ask them. Now please don't take this as a rage story because going into that jail i had nothing more then a few rounds and a lucky military vest on i found in a warehouse. Gear is gear, and i guarantee i just ended there night on day z. So in turn, my night was made and i have a fun story to tell! :)