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Everything posted by Rekuja

  1. Yeah yeah It's Alpha, early Alpha infact.. I know. I purchased the game early to show my support but I'm here to ask a few questions, that's all.. not bashing, not complaining, nothing like that. I'm curious if anyone else has this problem? my mouse just feels... like horse shit basically? (g500) I understand acceleration is on and this will most likely be removed/fixed in the future, but what's going on with the mouse in general? It feels like I'm wrestling with my mouse just to get the cursor where I want it... I don't even want to imagine firing a weapon, I move left and the mouse does some crazy zig-zag motion, I look right and it does the same thing, the X and Y axis are seriously messed up, there's no 1:1 ratio with the mouse and the game, it feels insanely broken and my wrist starts to die after 30 minutes :\ I don't have this problem in literally every shooter but the stand alone version of DayZ has some serious mouse issues for me, I don't remember the ARMA II mod that well but I'm pretty sure it had something similar, only it wasn't as severe as the stand alone. Also, frames... running a 680gtx and I'm already getting headaches from the frame problems.. then again, frames could be fine and it's the mouse itself destroying my eyes thanks to the messed up mechanics. cheers, love the game and the goal behind it.. really hope the mouse thing is a top priority.
  2. lol I just don't see why aiming left should make my crosshair go diagonal, really hope the devs are onto this... it's the only thing ruining the game for me, other bugs I'm totally fine with.
  3. Yeah that's the weird thing, happens to me even when I'm moving it insanely slow... who knows, we'll see what happens in future patches.. I'll cross my fingers
  4. It's happening to quite a few people actually, not just me.. so yes, it's obviously something with the game. When I move my mouse LEFT the cursor should go LEFT... mine does some weird zig zag left and makes the cursor go up and down for no reason whatsoever... maybe you're not understanding the situation because to be honest, it's quite hard to explain lol.. maybe I should fraps a video but I really cbf T_T I'm sure devs are aware of the situation, would be nice if someone could link a source though...
  5. i meant the gun motion mate, not the movement. My mouse isn't "shitty" ffs, it's a G500 Logitech -_- it's clearly something with the game, works fine everywhere else. I can't shoot for crap in this game, the cursor just zig zags all over the god damn place even when I'm moving it slowly... it's literally unplayable and I hope they are aware of this.
  6. Thanks guys. I'm not really turning the mouse insanely fast, even to look left or look right the mouse does some weird stuff. There's no reason why my mouse goes upwards when im turning left.. if im moving my hand left, the cursor should go left, not diagonal hope this gets fixed soon, DayZ would be insanely top-tier if the mouse movement was exactly like Counter Strike tbh