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Everything posted by gamer222

  1. This is one of the examples how to survive in apocalyptic zombie world. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iIzS62pIQ1s
  2. I think Dean should contact them they could help for sure with ideas and development :)
  3. They call him Hockey but real name is Clint Hocking...
  4. Remember my words when vehicles become part of the game people will make threads and say hey vehicles should only have 1pp when you get inside of them, vehicles are easy mode, vehicles are for exploit and fast looting etc....
  5. How about that we have some kind indicator for smell... For example you walk towards some village and before 30 min someone was killed there and your characters indicator for smell tells you that you can smell dead body's, or you can smell someone's cooking food in the area or you smell someone's poop lol (being sarcastic) or can old food etc... I don't think this would change the game in some point but it would put more realistic way of dayz...
  6. gamer222

    let's talk about being able to SMELL

    I know it's so hard to code that cuz how you can program something to shows you what other players did in some areas ...like okiimatsu said what if you could smell gunpowder from firefights, but not to show you like where smell is coming from just to give you small details message that it happened there in that area something like there was shooting here not long time ago just for awareness but I think it would give big advantage of finding people in the area and especially if you could smell campfire or cooking food it would definitely change dynamics of the game...
  7. gamer222

    let's talk about being able to SMELL

    I know it's so hard to code that and yeah its little bit too realistic...
  8. gamer222

    I Love to KoS

    Sometimes I love to kill harmless people in game i just enjoy it seeing them suffer ...it has nothing to do with my ego it's just I feel better when I kill people in this game especially geared once ... people course at me when I kill them all the time and I can't do nothing about it.. it's just the game...
  9. gamer222

    I Love to KoS

    Lol yeah I will try that...until combat logging is fixed I don't see how to be friendly bandit :)
  10. gamer222

    Joined a server, unconscious

    Depends what kind pizza was...mostly if you eat plain you will be unconscious, if it was with peperoni then u will have you char as it was...
  11. gamer222

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    I like modding people can make scary missions and mod a lot of things that's why I support it
  12. gamer222

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I understand everyone's opinion who wants to change 3pp so that you can't peek behind the walls and as u constantly saying that it's easy mode for looting etc...but squeezing camera will just kill the feeling of 'somebody is watching me ' and it will not be interesting at all anymore these amazing things would be disappear in gameplay http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uIYmjwpvRNc people would run more than 200km not seeing anyone, I already seeing peoples threads how they playing a day or a week and they didn't kill or see anyone in this game, if I wanted that feeling than I would play 1pp and people would not see me even if I'm standing cross the street or next to them...changing camera view would definitely kill all my gameplay fun and I would consider it for refund right away...
  13. Do you think we will have over 60fps all the time with mantle this year, I think Rocket should test it right away when it's out he could I think boost FPS in the game...
  14. gamer222

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Deleting my comments and warning me cuz im not agree with him is this forums downhill
  15. gamer222

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    3d person is fine as it is... there is reason why is called 3d person... what you guys debating is to make 3d person as 1st person are you kidding me??
  16. gamer222

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I see you have pick on me cuz i don't agree with his views what kind debate is that...???
  17. gamer222

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Separate servers only solution...
  18. It's not just for frostbite it's for all graphics core next GPUs...
  19. It improves graphics fidelity and that push frame rate further... http://m.techradar.com/news/computing-components/graphics-cards/amd-mantle-a-low-level-api-with-high-level-potential-1190692
  20. Will you need to find gas for it or it will be unlimited...
  21. gamer222

    how chainsaw is going to work?

    I think distance should be longer in a terms of hitting someone it should be better than axe...
  22. gamer222

    how chainsaw is going to work?

    I just hope people will not abuse it and act in a middle of forest like leatherface ...
  23. gamer222

    Ultra realism Vs Balanced game design

    The game is authentic....
  24. gamer222

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Thx for sharing this I'm excited :)
  25. gamer222

    Desync is getting really out of hand now.

    Restart cpu maybe you got some cookies from nasty sites lol