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Everything posted by gamer222

  1. gamer222

    Hold Breath option.

    It will help you from zombies to sneak and hide away from them... but idk is it working in alpha...
  2. gamer222

    this game is Emotional

    It's for a reason 18+ people who are really emotional I would not recommend this game for them lol
  3. What do you guys think about going to fish or finding abandoned boats to be part of the dayz standalone surviving, do you think this is good idea? and what kind impact would have on this game? would people abuse boats?
  4. gamer222

    Fishing and Boats - bad or good idea?

    I think fishing would be useful for cooking and people would fish for food supplies...
  5. gamer222

    AMMO should be Rare like in Resident Evil 1

    this is what i like to hear :lol:
  6. gamer222

    AMMO should be Rare like in Resident Evil 1

    this is what was i thinking it will change whole gameplay of surviving and in a positive way u got my beans cos i have christmas spaghetti :D
  7. I think this would be great idea.... what do you guys think?
  8. gamer222

    AMMO should be Rare like in Resident Evil 1

    Sorry for double post
  9. In snowy area where there is doubt of trust and you friends might become monsters and infect others it would bring another elements to the game and I believe Dean could make masterpiece of pure survivor and terrifying moments... If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about you should all watch movie called The Thing...
  10. Make psychological balance, something like your health meter and very simple ...more you kill zombies and help others your meter will go towards the good, but if you kill humans your meter will went from bad to crazy for example, how this will discourage people shooting randomly, well first off all you could create some kind dizziness shaking when you aim, blurry black and white screen, your hunger is faster etc...
  11. Yeah I think he should focus right now only on standalone,and not to think about any future projects until he finishes this great game, but I bet after modding is released someone will create mod the thing lol
  12. Russian archaeologist find huge suspected meteorite chunk in Black Lake , they thought they should investigate about it more and meteorite origin, Black Lake was closed for further investigation. Meteroite was transported to Chernogorski into most advanced Labs for scientific research and technology.After hard research Scientist discovered that origin of the meteorite was from another galaxy , he hit the Earth approximately around 100.000 million years ago, but not just that , they found that there is something inside of it , some kind living bacteria .They tryed to do all kind strange experiments with it hoping it will cure dying plants or some diseases, they all failed besides one, they found that it can cure only one flu, it was virus called Z-10 , people who were sick from a Z-10 virus would easily die in a months it was more dangerous than cancer but with new anti virus Anti-Z they felt much better and stronger people lived there lives normally a years ,until one day they all got sick again... All people who had that flu and who thought they were cured by Anti-Z vaccine found themselves inside the hospital again. Doctors did some research but they couldnt find any reason behind it , how the flu Z come back? until one day they did full body research on one hospital patient. They used new microscopes that could zoom more than ordinary one but what they found was small bacterial infection slowly moving throughout the body blood veins killing all Z cells and after a year creating new cells that were attacking directly brain cells taking peoples memories and turning them into more aggressive human beings, something like wild animals. But it was too late people were attacked and being bitten, virus was spreading really fast through citys, farms , even airports and bays. Military didnt react really fast and they were overrun in large numbers of infested zombies, but there were still survivors there and they are now left alone by themselves to survive in this cruel apocalyptic world , where bandits, lunatics and good people are stuck in one of the most terrifying places. and this is how DayZ Standalone begins.......
  13. It's not actually aliens like in alien form of being but yeah we can say it's extraterrestrial bacteria :)
  14. Lol okay then I don't know why people complaining about KOS it's funny...
  15. I would love to read your story,can you post it here? I'm interested in everyone's view how everything started....
  16. gamer222

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas :lol:
  17. look at people on youtube recording dayz at night 95% of them use full gamma on , honestly to me thats like cheating...
  18. gamer222

    Rare TANK in the game

    yeah i see , its just idea :ph34r: anyway do you think TANK would be OP in the game ....i mean its a TANK :D thx for answering :)
  19. yes mine story is little bit short but if you just think about it more deeply its very powerful... i somehow got this idea watching this documentary... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-cRDkuFaQQ# :)
  20. yes gamma definitely needs to be gone , sorry Dean but this is must.... if you can do it please do it ......
  21. gamer222

    Night cycle / Gamma boost.

    we have same thoughts i just made topic about removing gamma or somehow to be disabled.... Dean should do it if its possible....
  22. thanks :P yeah you might be little bit confused cuz i used , flu, bacteria, vaccine + virus :D
  23. hey thanks i hope you like my story about the virus :rolleyes: and i hope Dean Hall reads this it could give him some ideas :lol: