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Posts posted by Zelgaden

  1. Military Flashlights still have the same visibly range of normal lights and because you are able to see lights through buildings using a flashlight ins't the best idea for a bandit unless you want to give away your position. If you are truly in need of light i recommend that you use blue chem-lights the aura of the light is only visible from 30m away.

  2. The admins are obviously abusing the power to reset the server. Before we left to find a new spot for our camp we packed two of the tents that were there. After all the shit that #BASEDGOD said happened we then decided to go back to our old camp and see what was left. When we arrived we found that the tents that we had packed the day before reappeared and the loot that was in in them magically reappeared. If you are not abusing your power why are there multiple threads complaining about sketchy shit happening on this server.
