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lyndonguitar (DayZ)

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About lyndonguitar (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    Anyone has a full copy of this Chernarus map?

    ok I found it https://pp.vk.me/c406731/v406731835/7fbf/maUnEHhCOxA.jpg one last copy in the whole of internetz
  2. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    I am talking about the standalone (I even said there's no vehicles yet)
  3. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    yeah I play with my friends too, We tried robbing people and they all just logged off. We tried killing them but their bodies disappear before we can completely loot it(or even loot it for that matter) There's no vehicles and other things yet so this is really the only thing doable in the game yet but it's bugged out. I hope they fix it asap. put a timer on log off and remove the body disappear bug. I can play for 1000 more hours despite the other bugs and alpha
  4. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?

    this is how it goes in the mod NWA - Main PVP Battlefield Northern Town - Ghost Towns with almost no loot Balota Airfield - Ghost Town with almost no loot Elektro and Cherno - Bambi PVP Battlefield in the SA game NWA - Veteran's PVP Battlefield (Highly experienced players, clans, groups) Northern Towns - Veteran Looting Grounds Balota Airfield - Bambi PVP Battlefield Elektro and Cherno - Bambi Looting Grounds I prefer the SA style. It's more balanced. By making all buildings enter-able and adding more loot spawn points the game makes the northern towns a viable option to survive now aside from the southern cities. Now there is balance, the northern have more civilian loots plus the removal of stary sobor military loot makes it a balanced place. The addition of military loot in the south makes it balanced too. Making Balota a military loot place essentially makes it a PVP zone so it will decrease the number of hostile players in the nearby towns Cherno and Elektro(they will go to balota instead for their killing pleasures), new players can now loot more peacefully and not die the moment they spawn in the coast. If you remove Balota loot it will do absolutely NOTHING. Hostile players will go terrorize elektro and cherno again. People who want military loot will just go to NWA anyway, crowded with Veterans and Bambi's alike Loot amount isn't high... unless you do server hopping and go to unlooted servers with 0 players which really isn't solvable with your solution because they will just go to NWA and server hop instead. it does nothing. And just to add, I roll with a group of 5 or more depending on who's online in our clan. we play dayz since the mod. in the mod we tend to hit elektro and cherno and then NWA. that's the only three locations we really go around. In the SA, we tend to roam around the map. going place to place. elektro, cherno, balota, miltary base, zelenogorsk, stary, NWA, and backtrak on a new server. OR instead go to devil's castle, gorka, berezino, solnichy, rog castle and back to elektro. In the mod I never really paid attention to the other towns. now I do. I really like the current style. the only thing missing is more loot/weapon types and then vehicles
  5. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    lmao, he said he single fired. so theres absolutely no recoil to talk about. If I understand correctly, this is what he Did. Aim down at a particular thing. fire 1 shot. shot hits the wall. re-aim at the same spot. fire 1 shot again, shot hits the wall again. repeat the many times over. If he described it correctly, If you look at the wall this is the hits you would see (he was aiming at the CIRCLE DOT all the time, single firing) If this is true in the game, then I agree with the OP, this is bad. Accuracy and Precision of the gun should be left close to their real life counterparts, and leave the rest to the skill of the player.
  6. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    Anyone has a full copy of this Chernarus map?

    I might add, the annotations in the map are pretty useful for newbies as alot of my friends will be playing this for the first time that's why i'm looking for it funny
  7. lyndonguitar (DayZ)

    Anyone has a full copy of this Chernarus map?

    Well maybe I haven't clearly stated that I specifically wanted all the annotations in that pic ;)
  8. http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?sa=X&espv=210&es_sm=122&biw=1236&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=jp9s4Th--noheM:&imgrefurl=http://myfilesarchive.com/%3Fp%3D385&docid=bxthHx88kPCAyM&imgurl=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/158/c/1/annotated_dayz_map_by_chemicalnurd-d52n71p.jpg&w=3500&h=2477&ei=9VS5UpOBGqLyiAfiqoCoCg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:0,i:75&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=186&tbnw=263&start=0&ndsp=15&tx=202&ty=65 This is an old dayz map I was using and I kinda wanted to look at it again and maybe show it to a friend, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet. anyone has a copy? edit: I mainly wasn't looking for a map for chernarus, I just wanted this specific map(with all the cool annotations and drawings) maybe someone has a copy because I really can't find it anywhere on the internet AGAIN. I did not want A Chernarus Map. I want THIS Chernarus map