I forgot that DayZ was a survival game. I was starting to think it was a hunting game where people just shot at humans instead of bunnies or deer. At this point, I know how to not get killed and survive relatively well. Moving around tactically, being paranoid, and staying the hell away from everyone who wasn't a friend was kind of fun, but it got boring. The risk of dying and losing all my stuff was part of what made DayZ fun for me. The part of the game I was looking forward to most, and enjoyed very much (when it used to happen for a bit) was the unpredictable interactions with other players... ...except, it's not unpredictable anymore. People will kill on sight, that's it. Almost no one wants to take risks in this game. Some KOS out of boredom, or paranoia, or anger, or reflex, or all the above; whatever their reason is, almost no one tries to take a risk and be a bandit who doesn't shoot everything, or try to team up with strangers in-game to help one another and kill their KOSers. Many KOSers say all the time that it's not hard to get your stuff again, and I do get myself the stuff I want with almost every character. I just wish more of them were willing to take risks in the game if they believe that it's not difficult to get their stuff back. Although, I guess this is due to lack of things to do in an alpha that are more fun than random murder. Anyway, I enjoy having KOS in the game to a certain degree, but when everyone does it, the game begins to lack variety. It's not very appealing for new or potentially new players. I don't have enough friends to team up with because of this. The endless KOS turns them off, especially when there are other games for this type of thing. If it continues into the full release, the game might just have a limited audience that will only shrink in size over time. For now, I'll join a friendly bandit-hunting clan or something. : D