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Disturbing (DayZ)

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About Disturbing (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Spawn changes

    Agreed. These spawns suck.
  2. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Spawns are broken

    Keep spawning in the same area. Are southern spawns closed?
  3. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Spawn changes need to be changed

    Couldn't agree more. These spawns suck.
  4. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Accuracy problem

    I'm not really a firearm expert, but with pristine attachments I don't understand how a Mosin could miss so often at 250 meters. I don't think it's wind because it seems to be random. Also, it is missing by a meter or so, which I don't believe wind could even do at that short of a range.
  5. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Mosin with Long Range Scope

    Yea hopefully it is patched soon. I understand weapons aren't 100% accurate but the spread is awful.
  6. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Accuracy should be next patch

    This and the combat logging are really bad. I shot someone who was holding up my buddy because of the terrible accuracy problem.
  7. Disturbing (DayZ)

    Accuracy should be next patch

    Definitely. Need a patch.