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Hype (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hype (DayZ)

  1. We told you several times to make a thread. If a Dev asks us to unban them we will. If they don't then we aren't going to.
  2. We didn't call anyone whiny bitches. If you're going to make claims then back them up with screen shots or stop posting.
  3. We didn't disconnect all day. Do you have any screen shots of that happening? No? Didn't think. The only time Heisenberg and I disconnected was to log into Rcon to ban Craiggory.
  4. you have a hacked skin. if a dev want's us to unban you then we will. otherwise, we aren't going to. A hacker did NOT come into the server and nuke everyone because two of us were on running together and did not die. also, before your buddy comes in saying he's banned as well. two seconds after saying that the server was nuked. if you disagree with being banned then talk to a dev and see what they have to say. otherwise as we said we're not unbanning you.
  5. Hype (DayZ)

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    If you shoot at someone and they DC then e-mail us at the e-mail we have posted in the M,OTD. Send us screenshots and we'll ban that person too.
  6. Hype (DayZ)

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    Because after I shot at him and he aborted i went to the lobby to open rcon and ban him. He got called a bitch because he acted like one.
  7. Hype (DayZ)

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    If your buddy doesn't want to get banned then he shouldn't disconnect when he gets shot at. We warn the server every few hours every day.
  8. Hype (DayZ)

    List of: SIDE CHAT ENABLED Servers.

    there has been a couple of threads about us (tx20) having sidechat enabled. each time we've said a dev has enabled it for us. if that were a lie a dev would have spoken out about it and if they didnt want us to have it enabled they would contact us asking us to disable it.
  9. Hype (DayZ)

    Item hacker on NL4

    i think that's a bug. when they die because of friendly fire they can relog and be a little further back from where they last were and died.
  10. Hype (DayZ)


    wtf kind of laugh is that
  11. Hype (DayZ)

    Soldiers clothing?

    take a screenshot. sounds cool.
  12. fair warning to any regulars of tx20. i'm updating to the latest patch. so go grab your important items from your tents.
  13. Hype (DayZ)

    TX20 Receiving Special Dev Treatment?

    We told you when you asked and all you did was try to act like you knew everything. Despite us telling you why it was on you kept saying "nope, no. they don't do that. you're wrong."if the devs want to remove it then more power to them. i don't use sidechat and i don't care about it. but quit trying to act like it's a huge conspiracy. if they want it removed we can remove it.