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Everything posted by TLa_Vanguard

  1. TLa_Vanguard


  2. TLa_Vanguard


    I know :( if he's mate wasn't there i would have had the spoils.
  3. TLa_Vanguard

    We Hungry

  4. TLa_Vanguard

    Australia vs England 1PP Promo Cinematic

    Hi guys, This is a little hype video for the next round of the 'Ashes' Series between Australia and England, its great to see communities from both countries getting together and enjoying the game. Hopefully some of you guys can come and watch it :)
  5. TLa_Vanguard

    The year of the Team

    This is just a quick recap of the year past, big thanks to the community for the love and support!
  6. TLa_Vanguard

    Elektro KOS sniper outmaneuvered and embarrassed!

    Cheers guys, yeah the slide made me chuckle too, glad I didn't break my legs when I went down after him :/
  7. TLa_Vanguard

    TLa Training [PICS]

  8. TLa_Vanguard

    TLa vs Hackers - Berezino Apartments

  9. TLa_Vanguard

    Clan cookup before entering battle!

    Found some cattle in the hills south of Vybor, which made for great eating before venturing into the North.
  10. TLa_Vanguard

    DayZ Internet Problems, Please help.

    May also be an issue with your internet service quality, the time of day maybe an issue due to you perhaps playing in 'peak' time. For example, late night/early morning you maybe able to buffer a 1080p youtube video no worries, but come the peak period of the day (business hours) you may need to degrade to 480p to view the video smoothly. Also, you may have other family members or wireless devices using up your bandwidth, what has changed since you played last?
  11. TLa_Vanguard

    Combat Logging - Got no time for that!

    What are your guys thoughts on combat logging? Instant death or let them go to fight another day?
  12. TLa_Vanguard

    Combat Logging - Got no time for that!

    i agree with that, he was either server hopping the NW trying to loot up and was scared to lose his gear or he is just used to people KOS that he thought he was good as dead anyway. Either way its a sad mindset to have, i'd much prefer to go guns blazing then combat log.
  13. TLa_Vanguard

    Vybor Bandit

    not enough 'get rekts!!!'
  14. TLa_Vanguard

    Chernarus Bushmen EP1 ► Rex Hunt

    Rex Hunt makes a cameo in this episode, TLa are against animal cruelty.
  15. TLa_Vanguard

    TLa Tactics - Breach and Clear

    Any questions regarding this or any further videos you would like to see please let us know, thanks.
  16. TLa_Vanguard

    TLa Tactics - Breach and Clear

    We would love to play hardcore but being in AUS/NZ, so we obviously lean to where the people are, which at the moment is regular. Our clan is 40 plus people with normally 10-15 people on nightly either in the one team or spilt up. This method can be done with any building with multiple doors, doesn't necessarily need to be multi storey.
  17. TLa_Vanguard

    I Give You My Word - TLa Gameplay

    Like lith said the only quick response we have is to 'kick' them until they either give up or simply change there name. Even doing that could see server admins possibly getting warnings for breach of contract from there hoster. What you did was great by letting us know and we will assist as best we can. Thank you for the props poet, the situation would have played out to a very bloody ending. The sense of distance between the teams would have been gone, so the period of negotiations would have been very stressful for both teams due to not knowing each others location, and would have definately ended with a few premature panicked shots which would have opened the floodgates. We have had discussions within the staff team and we would love to open a hardcore server but due to the lack of demand in AUS/NZ region it is just not worth it, But if the demand rises, we would look at moving our clan wars onto the hardcore server which would make them 1000% more realistic and immersive. If you haven't already check out our good mate 'Vigilante Gamer' were he discusses 1st v 3rd person servers.
  18. TLa_Vanguard

    I Give You My Word - TLa Gameplay

    Thank you very much for the beans duckie, i surprised myself by really enjoying this approach more then the usual run and gun.
  19. TLa_Vanguard

    Possible Server crash with Large gatherings

    We had that over the weekend, we had a planned clan war on our standalone server with 35+ participants, and within 30 minutes of beginning the server shat itself and had to be manually restarted. All participants were within a 1 kilometre radius, all shooting and moving, obviously the servers aren't ready for such high volume traffic but they will get better. Here's a link to the said clan war crash - http://youtu.be/jtRb7cTwRbU
  20. TLa_Vanguard

    [TLa] Berezino - Balls of Steel Walk

    hehe thanks mate
  21. TLa_Vanguard

    [TLa] Berezino - Balls of Steel Walk

    as we walked past the pub and that guy was scope in i was sure atleast one of us was gone, maybe he liked our orange hats?