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Everything posted by doctorrayray

  1. doctorrayray

    Dayz possibly for ps4?

    I'm an all round gamer and I'm just going to tell you now, based off the xbox one and ps4 specs, they would have an extremely hard time running DayZ. I have the Xbox One and I know for a fact that it would have a hard time running DayZ at a smooth framerate. ESO runs on an entirely different engine so saying its "much similar" to Dayz is entirely false. I've played the ESO beta so take that however you want. Also, mapping all the controls to an Xbox or Dualshock would probably be impossible. If it did come out for console gamers you'd probably see it 3-4 years from now, considering it's in Pre-Alpha...
  2. I record usually when I play, its mostly just to go back and laugh at how I handled certain situations.
  3. doctorrayray

    Character got wiped when server restarted

    I've experienced this many times and all I can say is to not switch servers all the time. Try to play on the same servers. If you do get reset, DONT PRESS ANYTHING, just log out and go back to the main menu. At the main menu if it shows the character you had before you got reset then find another server; if they're a fresh spawn then you're out of luck.
  4. doctorrayray

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    Astro's A50s, they've saved my life multiple times.
  5. doctorrayray

    Thanks DayZ but I'm afraid I'm staying

    Same here, I can't get enough of the game.
  6. doctorrayray

    Next patch: a big one?

    I think it's time for the SKS to make an appearance...
  7. doctorrayray

    Strength in numbers?

    A 2-man group has worked well for me. Having an extra set of eyes can save your life. In my own experience my partner and I have saved each other's lives many times.
  8. doctorrayray

    Blowing Up Gas Stations

    Has anyone else blown up a gas station? If you're loaded up and have tons of ammo, I recommend doing so. It is extremely entertaining and the explosion is probably the loudest thing you'll ever hear in DayZ.
  9. doctorrayray

    Character Wipe

    I have been wiped 10+ times not counting database wipes. It finally stopped when I tried these things. First advice, stick to one server and you'll most likely not get wiped. Second, if you are changing servers a lot, stick to servers with 5+ people. For some reason I haven't been wiped since. If you do get wiped again, DONT TOUCH ANYTHING, log off the server. If you're character at the main screen isn't a fresh character then you're good to try to find another. Just some pointers.
  10. doctorrayray

    Where are people finding the Mosin?

    Go to Riffy, use a map if you have to. It's on the coast on the northeast side of the map. Every time I go I find at least 2-3, it's almost impossible not seeing one. I've found in a burnout car once, but I've found probably 6 at Riffy in 7 tries.
  11. doctorrayray

    Blowing Up Gas Stations

    Just check YouTube, "DayZ standalone gas pumps". You can do it with melee weapons but if you're doing it with a gun it will take a TON of ammo. I've done it twice and it does take a long time before it finally explodes. You can die from the explosion so be careful if you're not freshly spawned.
  12. doctorrayray

    Blowing Up Gas Stations

    It is literally the funniest thing that's happened to me in DayZ. You get an error message when it explodes and you could probably hear the explosion from a mile off. You have to try it! :D
  13. doctorrayray

    Most frustrating Parts in DayZ/

    I think the most frustrating part for me was for awhile I'd get my character reset daily. I eventually just got used to it and took as a learning experience, so I could try gearing up differently. But I agree that clipping through a wall and falling to your death is extremely annoying. I had a week character that died from that happening, RIP
  14. doctorrayray

    Love Suicide

    What was this?
  15. doctorrayray

    Were can I find a mosin?

    Trust me, if you're desperate for a Mosin, go to Riffy. My friend and I usually find 2-3 every time we go. If you do go, go in and take a right and look on that half of the ship. You will find one there.
  16. doctorrayray

    Bullet drop, wind, rain...

    I've spent a lot of time sniping and at maybe 500m+, for the Mosin ,you do have to account for windage. Just aim a little bit to the right of your target, assuming you're zeroed correctly. It could be windage or it's just off from that distance.
  17. Actually I recently switched to a stronger computer. On login it did not display my character and when I clicked play it put me on a fresh spawn. I know for a fact I didn't die before. So good luck switching.
  18. Just wondering if I should be able to run DayZ at max settings? And if there is a in game way to check my fps. Here's my specs OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 64-bit CPU TYPE: Intel® Core™ i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz CPU SPEED: 3.75 GHz SYSTEM MEMORY: 17.09 GB VIDEO CARD MODEL: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 Ti OEM VIDEO CARD MEMORY: 4.21 GB VIDEO CARD DRIVER: nvd3dum.dll DESKTOP RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 HARD DISK SIZE: 5.99 TB HARD DISK FREE SPACE: 5.74 TB (96%) Edit: I'm actually using two of those video cards.
  19. doctorrayray

    I should be able to run DayZ at max settings, right?

    I played for maybe 30 minutes yesterday and it was the first time I was running it on my new rig. I had freshly spawned on the coast and I didn't have any FPS meter on. But it looked really smooth, I eventually ran through Elecktro and never really noticed a FPS difference. I did have my settings on very high, besides resolution. I'll actually check the FPS today with my settings absolutely maxed out to see how it runs.
  20. doctorrayray

    I should be able to run DayZ at max settings, right?

    My chassis is the Alienware Aurora so it has plenty of vents and it's liquid cooled so that should be enough cooling, right? Not sure exactly how to over clock my processor so could you please link me to something to guide me?
  21. doctorrayray

    I should be able to run DayZ at max settings, right?

    Ok, I'll do that and post my fps here.