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Everything posted by doctorrayray

  1. doctorrayray


    Thanks, I was getting anxious.
  2. doctorrayray

    Ranking / Honor system to deal with KOS issue

    I don't want any KoS systems implemented, it is fine how it is. This is a game where you make your own choices and I don't want to be dictated on how I make my own choices.
  3. doctorrayray

    [OFFICAL] V 30.3 Changelog (Dev Branch)

    This wasn't even remotely clever.
  4. doctorrayray

    Is there an apartment complex loot map?

    tenement_building_big bookshelves pointBookShelves (1)The War of the WorldsAround the World in 80 DaysCrime and PunishmentHamletThe MetamorphosisThe RavenThe Art Of WarRobinson CrusoeRussian learning bookRussian cheat sheetThe Picture Of Dorian GrayThe Pit and the PendulumThe Country of the BlindBila nemocThe new testamentYouthTovarna na absolutnoThe Jungle BookThe Brothers KaramazovThe Call of CthulhuThe Shunned HouseThe Hound of the BaskervillesFairy TalesTony and the BeetlesThe Cosmic ComputerA Traveler In TimeThe Variable ManThe Call of CthulhuThe Shunned HouseThe OutletThe BarrierThe Desert of WheatFlying U RanchHopalong Cassidy's Rustler Round-UpLonesome LandTrailin'!Ronicky DooneBetty ZaneA Texas MatchmakerThe Thunder BirdBlack JackThe Last TrailSelected StoriesThe Heritage of the SiouxThe OutletDesert GoldThe BarrierThe Hidden ChildrenThe Last of the PlainsmenGunman's ReckoningSkyriderSpinifex and SandSunset PassThe Cave of GoldThe Day of the BeastThe QuirtA Voyage to ArcturusAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsAndersen's Fairy TalesAround the World in 80 DaysBlack BeautyThe Bible - King James Version - Book 18: JobBuddenbrooksCrime and PunishmentDead SoulsErewhonFather GoriotGreat ExpectationsGulliver's TravelsHeart of DarknessHerlandIvanhoeKidnappedLa Chartreuse de ParmeLord JimMadame BovaryNostromo: A Tale of the SeaboardOn the Origin of Species by Means of Natural SelectionThe Metamorphoses of OvidThe Magna CartaMoby DickHamletKingLearLa d??b??clethe which wee findeThe Canterbury Tales and Other PoemsA Vindication of the Rights of WomanA Journey to the Interior of the EarthNjal's SagaThe TrialDon QuixotePhilosophiae Naturalis Principia MathematicaPride and PrejudiceRasselasScaramoucheSheSons and LoversThe Call of the WildThe Coming RaceThe Further Adventures of Robinson CrusoeThe Island of Doctor MoreauThe Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4The Man Who Was ThursdayThe PossessedThe Prisoner of ZendaA Princess of MarsKing Solomon's MinesMiddlemarchThe House of the Seven GablesThe Monk - A romanceThe Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified SinnerThe Red Badge of CourageA Doll's HouseAfter LondonAn Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh EpicAnna KareninaCandideFaustHindu LiteratureHungerJapanese LiteratureLe Rouge et le noirThe Brothers KaramazovThe Decameron of Giovanni BoccaccioThe Poems of Giacomo LeopardiAlice's Adventures in WonderlandThe Scarlet PimpernelThe Three MusketeersThe Turn of the ScrewTranslations of Shakuntala and Other WorksTreasure IslandUlyssesUncle SilasThe AeneidWar and PeaceWieland or The TransformationWuthering HeightsThree Men in a BoatCinq Semaines En BallonDraculaM�rchen f�r KinderLes trois mousquetairesDe l'origine des especesDas NibelungenliedThe Last ManFaust: Der Trag�die erster TeilL'enfer (1 of 2)Voyage au Centre de la TerreRomeo und JuliaFrankensteinDe la terre a la luneL'ing�nieux chevalier Don Quichotte de la MancheL'�le myst�rieuseLa com�die humaine volume I -- Scenes de la vie priv�e tome ILes Corneilles20000 Lieues sous les mers Parts 1 and 2Map of SW ChernarusMap of NW ChernarusMap of SE ChernarusMap of NE ChernarusMap of W ChernarusMap of E ChernarusMap of S ChernarusMap of N Chernarusbathrooms pointBathrooms (2)First Aid KitDisinfectant SprayBandageBandagePainkillersWaterbottleWrenchAlcohol Tincturekitchens pointKitchens (1)Can OpenerKitchen KnifeCanned Baked BeansCanned SardinesCanned SpaghettiCanned TunaCooking PotCrunchin Crisps CerealPowdered MilkRiceDisinfectant Spraytrash pointAll (2)Rotten AppleRotten BananaRotten OrangeRotten Kiwiclothesandbackpacks pointClothesAndBackpacks (2)Blue HoodieBlack HoodieBrown HoodieGreen HoodieGrey HoodieRed HoodieBlue Check ShirtBright-Blue Check ShirtGreen Check ShirtRed Check ShirtWhite Check ShirtBlack ShirtT-Shirt BeigeT-Shirt BlackT-Shirt BlueT-Shirt GreenT-Shirt OrangeWhiteStripesT-Shirt RedT-Shirt RedBlackStripesT-Shirt WhiteT-Shirt GreyOrange RaincoatYellow RaincoatGreen RaincoatBlack JeansBlueDark JeansBlue JeansBrown JeansGrey JeansGreen JeansBeige Cargo PantsBlue Cargo PantsBlack Cargo PantsGreen Cargo PantsGrey Cargo PantsBlue Baseball CapBeige Baseball CapBlack Baseball CapOlive Baseball CapPink Baseball CapRed Baseball CapCamo Baseball CapBlack Baseball CapPink Baseball CapBlack Motobike HelmetBlue Motobike HelmetGreen Motobike HelmetRed Motobike HelmetWhite Motobike HelmetBeige Beanie HatBlack Beanie HatBlue Beanie HatBrown Beanie HatGreen Beanie HatGrey Beanie HatPink Beanie HatRed Beanie HatBlack UshankaBlue UshankaGreen UshankaRocket AviatorsDesigner SunglassesTTsKO PantsAutumn Hunter PantsBrown Hunter PantsSpring Hunter PantsSummer Hunter PantsWinter Hunter PantsBeige Working GlovesBlack Working GlovesBrown Working GlovesYellow Working GlovesBandana (Black)Bandana (Blue)Bandana (Green)Bandana (Red)Bandana (Yellow)Radar Cap (Black)Radar Cap (Blue)Radar Cap (Brown)Radar Cap (Green)Radar Cap (Red)Zmijovka Cap (Black)Zmijovka Cap (Blue)Zmijovka Cap (Brown)Zmijovka Cap (Green)Zmijovka Cap (Red)Dallas maskHoxton maskWolf maskRespiratorBlue Taloon BackpackGreen Taloon BackpackViolet Taloon BackpackOrange Taloon Backpackshoes pointShoes (2)WelliesHiking bootsAthletic ShoesLow Hiking bootsWorking bootsLeather shoesJogging Shoesofficestuff pointOfficeStuff (2)Black PenRed PenGreen PenBlue PenPaperDuct TapeCan OpenerZluta Klasik SodaZluta Kolaloka SodaZluta Malinovka SodaAlkaline Battery 9Vstoves pointStoves (1)Cooking PotCanned Baked BeansCanned SardinesCanned SpaghettiCanned Tunameleeandtools pointMeleeAndTools (1)Baseball BatSplitting AxeFirefighter AxePipe WrenchAlkaline Battery 9VDuct TapeHammerPliersScrewdriverWrenchBeige Working GlovesBlack Working GlovesBrown Working GlovesYellow Working GlovesRopeinterestinglootmix pointRoofAll (1) pointBalcons (2) pointDesks (1) pointTables (1).45ACP Rounds7.62mm Rounds.357 Round12 Gauge Buckshot12 Gauge Slug7.62mm 20 RoundsBaseball BatSplitting AxeFirefighter AxePipe WrenchMosin 9130Crunchin Crisps CerealPowdered MilkRiceAppleBananaOrangeKiwiCanned Baked BeansCanned SardinesCanned SpaghettiCanned TunaCanteenWaterbottleFirst Aid KitDisinfectant SprayEpinephrineMorphine Auto-InjectorPainkillersSaline BagIV Start KitSaline Bag IVVitamin BottleWater purification tabletsBandageBandageDefibrillatorTetracycline AntibioticsSyringeBlood Bag KitBlood Test KitInjection VialCharcoal TabsVitamin BottleAlcohol TinctureFirst Aid KitAlkaline Battery 9VLarge Gas CanisterMedium Gas CanisterSmall Gas CanisterDuct TapePaperStoneBaseball BatBurlap SackRopeWooden Stickinelevator point6thFloorInElevator (1)Rotten AppleRotten BananaRotten OrangeRotten KiwiBlue HoodieBlack HoodieBrown HoodieGreen HoodieGrey HoodieRed HoodieBlue Check ShirtBright-Blue Check ShirtGreen Check ShirtRed Check ShirtWhite Check ShirtBlack ShirtT-Shirt BeigeT-Shirt BlackT-Shirt BlueT-Shirt GreenT-Shirt OrangeWhiteStripesT-Shirt RedT-Shirt RedBlackStripesT-Shirt WhiteT-Shirt GreyOrange RaincoatYellow RaincoatGreen RaincoatBlack JeansBlueDark JeansBlue JeansBrown JeansGrey JeansGreen JeansBeige Cargo PantsBlue Cargo PantsBlack Cargo PantsGreen Cargo PantsGrey Cargo PantsBlue Baseball CapBeige Baseball CapBlack Baseball CapOlive Baseball CapPink Baseball CapRed Baseball CapCamo Baseball CapBlack Baseball CapPink Baseball CapBlack Motobike HelmetBlue Motobike HelmetGreen Motobike HelmetRed Motobike HelmetWhite Motobike HelmetBeige Beanie HatBlack Beanie HatBlue Beanie HatBrown Beanie HatGreen Beanie HatGrey Beanie HatPink Beanie HatRed Beanie HatBlack UshankaBlue UshankaGreen UshankaRocket AviatorsDesigner SunglassesTTsKO PantsAutumn Hunter PantsBrown Hunter PantsSpring Hunter PantsSummer Hunter PantsWinter Hunter PantsBeige Working GlovesBlack Working GlovesBrown Working GlovesYellow Working GlovesBandana (Black)Bandana (Blue)Bandana (Green)Bandana (Red)Bandana (Yellow)Radar Cap (Black)Radar Cap (Blue)Radar Cap (Brown)Radar Cap (Green)Radar Cap (Red)Zmijovka Cap (Black)Zmijovka Cap (Blue)Zmijovka Cap (Brown)Zmijovka Cap (Green)Zmijovka Cap (Red)Dallas maskHoxton maskWolf maskRespiratorWelliesHiking bootsAthletic ShoesLow Hiking bootsWorking bootsLeather shoesJogging ShoesBlue Taloon BackpackGreen Taloon BackpackViolet Taloon BackpackOrange Taloon Backpack
  5. doctorrayray

    A Day as a Hero

    Today my partner, Tizzle, and I decided to play as heros. You know, to mix it up and have a different change of pace. Wearing grey tactical shirts, press vests, and camo pants. We made sure to not wear any masks because that just screams bandit. We eventually made our way to the east coast to help fresh spawns out. We started outside of Kamblwobo and worked out way up to Rify, walking along the coast because we felt walking in the hill was sketchier. Along the way we met some fresh spawns and helped them out. In Solnichniy we met a group of players that had made like a bazaar right by the silo that everyone jumps off of. I donated a gas mask to their store and we continued on. We eventually got to Berezino, and wanted an overlook of the situation so we went to the construction yard. We meet a player there who only had the game for a few days, I gave him a canteen and we showed him to the office building that usually has a weapon on the top floor. Once we got to Rify we started heading back towards where we started. The bazaar in Solnichniy grew and the store owners got themselves weapons. Past Solnichniy two guys were fist fighting, so I fired shots into the sky to get them to stop, they then proceeded to charge me and I had to kill them. After that, a player sprinted at asking if I could kill him. I started to pull out my pistol but then he cried out that we wait. He then complimented us about how we look awesome with the press vests and loaded up weapons. We gave him some looting advice and he ran off Then the server restarted. We got on a new server and continued onto Kamblwobo, along the way we saw a guy with full military gear, giving him the benefit of the doubt we didn't shoot towards him. He fired twice at me, so with my M4 I suppressed him, Tizzle then flanked him and put a 7.62 in the guy's skull. Sorry but you fired first. :P Once him Kamblwobo we stuck around, refilled canteens, and kept watch for a few minutes. We then turned back around to head back to Rify. Just outside Kamblwobo someone fired their M4 towards us, he or her missed and we scanned the tree line. We kept watch for a few minutes but never saw anyone. Combat logger probably. Just outside Solnichniy we saw another guy with full military gear, M4, gas mask (Bandit Alert!). My partner drew his Mosin and watched the guy running along the tree line, I sprinted towards the treeline to attempt to cut the guy off and see if he was friendly. He started to pull out his M4 and fire at Tizzle. Tizzle responded with nailing the guy in the chest with his mosin; then the bandit started to bandage himself so I ice'd him. We logged after that and felt accomplished about helping fellow players. I highly recommend that everyone should attempt to be a hero at least once. Playing as a bandit and killing new spawns is satisfying but any troglodyte can do that. But playing as a hero feels fulfilling, knowing that maybe the people you help will help others. TL;DR Played as heros, killed a few bandits, helped some guys out, felt good.
  6. doctorrayray

    What does blurry vision mean?

    Tizzle is wrong... ;) Blurry vision is due to you being low on HEALTH, so its to make you feel like your losing consciousness. It was the same way on Arma II, if you get shot a lot your vision get's blurry. Two ways to fix this. Get your blood back up, then eat and drink until you have healing status, that means you're recovering health you lost. Or, go into your video settings, rendering, then disable post processing effects.
  7. doctorrayray

    How noticable is the flashlight?

    Being a hunter, seeing a flashlight is one of the funniest experiences because it lights up everything! If you plan on playing on mid-high population servers you'll probably end up dead using a flashlight.
  8. doctorrayray

    So I got stuck in a room

    That happens to me all the time on Rify, you're just going to have to keep pressing V until you suddenly warp through. Also try getting on a server with high ping because sometimes the lag will clip you through objects.
  9. doctorrayray

    Launch In Window Mode?

    Try changing the video configuration settings in this folder. C:\Users\User\Documents\DayZ
  10. doctorrayray

    PRONE stopped working

    Try looking around for the key binding "Go prone" and map it to Z instead of "Prone".
  11. If you can't do it in game, here's a solution. Go to C:\Users\User\Documents\DayZ. In the DayZ folder there should be a file that says DayZ.cfg change the .cfg to .txt and open it. There you can change your video settings, but make sure to save the file and change it back to .cfg. Good luck!
  12. doctorrayray

    Character keeps getting reset

    This is a pretty common problem. But you should probably use the handy dandy search function before making a thread.
  13. doctorrayray

    SLi / Crossfire Support

    You can actually force SLI if its bothering you. I have my DayZ running about 50% on my two GTX 760s. Heres the link if you want to know how--- http://r2.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ta9ry/how_to_enable_nvidia_sli_in_standalone/
  14. doctorrayray

    Dayz SA Question (blood type)

    Your blood type is new for every character.
  15. Or just find one of the many common melee weapons.
  16. doctorrayray

    Bows, we need BOWS

    Yes bows! So when a player misses me and it takes them 5 seconds to reload I can ice them with my fully automatic M4 and take their gear!
  17. doctorrayray

    spawning sickness

    Fresh spawns don't need any more handicaps, they already have the fists of fury to possibly one shot fully geared bandits. + If I was invincible for 5 minutes I would try to find another player and stay by him until the timer ends. And fresh spawns getting killed constantly should teach them the lesson to move inland instead of staying on the coast. Then for the server idea. What if you just got on for the day and you logged in at a military base. You then get killed by a KoS player because you couldn't take your weapon out because an invisible force is preventing you from doing so, now that's unfair.
  18. doctorrayray

    Help with Ironsighting

    Do yourself a favor and learn to play with keyboard + mouse. You cannot possibly bind all the controls to an xbox controller.
  19. doctorrayray

    My Experience....

    Zombies don't even respawn. Also, 7 days to die the top most helpful reviews are all negative and DayZ are all positive... You probably haven't played enough to know how to play the game. You can't judge this game because you poorly handled being spawned on the coast.
  20. doctorrayray

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Have you've been on steam recently? DayZ has been the best selling game since it opened up on early access. During the steam winter sale it was best selling despite all the cheap, good games. Also, Rust is alpha and gets alpha patchs all the time...
  21. doctorrayray

    LifeBoats - how get stuff in them?

    I go to Rify probably every time I play and have never found a way up to the lifeboats. You're just going to have to leave that Mosin on the lifeboat alone...
  22. doctorrayray

    The very first kill. Do you remember yours?

    I was with a friend in the "Secret" military base. I was watching the surroundings and he went into an open barracks. While he was going through it, another player stepped out of one of the rooms while my friend was going in. My friend quickly asked if that was me, I responded with a no and said I saw someone too. So I aim down the hall and another player steps out with M4 in hand, without taking any chances I just ice'd the guy, I didn't want to risk him actually being hostile and killing my friend or myself.
  23. Simple and understandable, me gusta.
  24. doctorrayray

    day/night cycle

    It's real time if the server obviously isn't set to 24/7 day/night. But most servers aren't synced with the real world time in a location. For example, you may live in New York and it's noon but you could get on a NY server and it could be 3:00 am in game.
  25. doctorrayray

    dayz horrible since last hotfix?

    I have not experienced any form of performance issues since the last hotfix... Maybe its the server?