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Everything posted by doctorrayray

  1. doctorrayray

    #[Guide] Finding your Location in DayZ#

    Also, you usually spawn near a hamlet or town and you can find a street sign in the town. Maybe link an example?
  2. doctorrayray

    Looking for a Server

    Right now with the servers its kind of just getting lucky. One server may be filled with the friendliest people while another server will just be a constant massacre from bandits. Usually the most populated servers are the always daylight ones FYI.
  3. doctorrayray

    Long Range Scope?

    Or fully loaded bandits with Mosins...
  4. doctorrayray

    I'm not KOS (I swear)

    The best thing about firefights is the authenticity that DayZ presents. This is the only game where I feel my heart pounding and the adrenaline pumping during a firefight. Hopefully that experience gave you some pointers to help improve! Just one thing, if you want to lean less away from the KoS side of things. You have to be extremely "trigger unhappy" so to say. But you'll get there one day. Good luck I enjoyed the post!
  5. Only a fool thinks someone is a fool for being a hero. Playing as a hero is the most rewarding experience. Based off your post, you obviously know what you're doing so it wouldn't take you that long to gear back up. Good luck fellow hero!
  6. doctorrayray

    fisher price my first psyco moment

    Wow... Grammer suks rite? No. But for real, you probably ran into a 12 year old KoS'er. Most KoS guys actually know what they are doing and can hit their target.
  7. doctorrayray

    Tent Loot Experimental

    To put it in the words of Dean Hall "It will be fixed when it's fixed".
  8. doctorrayray

    Tent Loot Experimental

    In the changelog it says that's a known issue. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169526-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-033114782/ Literally 5 lines down
  9. doctorrayray

    The svetloyarsk community

    Age: 18 Players killed: 40+ I'd like to apply for the position of doctor. I don't have a P.H.D but I have a hacksaw and a few med kits. edit: Fixed Details
  10. doctorrayray

    To the Guys Who Held Me Up

    To the gentlemen that attempted to hold me up in the Elektro firebase, First off I appreciate the fact that you only wanted my back pack. I respect that. Secondly, I noticed how your M4 didn't have a magazine in it while you were aiming at me. That was a mistake. Next, you should have confiscated my fully loaded magnum, I was worried that your friend with the SKS might of had ammo so I decided to risk something. I offered your buddy SKS ammo to bait him. While he was trying to pick up the ammo I pulled out my magnum and shot you both because you guys were horrible bandits. And I wanted my backpack back! So thanks for giving me the SKS that I've spent hours searching for on this experimental build and maybe you both learned a lesson about robbing people.
  11. doctorrayray

    Connection Issue

    Same problem here, it's basically made the game unplayable for myself.
  12. doctorrayray

    A Good Interaction

    That damn M4 can't be found anywhere, you used to be able to find like 6 at the NWAF. Good job not turning to the dark side and gunning those guys down. We need more friendly players!
  13. doctorrayray

    New Patch... Thoughts?

    Rocket posted a pending changelog here ----> http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169526-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-033114782/ What do you guys think of it? Anything that catches intrigue? I thought that was interesting, so maybe berries are spawning in. And of course the SKS was added to loot tables along with some attachments.
  14. doctorrayray

    Population Control, Plz Help.

    The increased population would only affect the server host not the development team. Betas like what you're referring to usually don't have a lot of dedicated servers running. So to combat that they only invite as many people as they can handle.
  15. @Thrasher I realize you can use the transmitter, it just seems too much trouble. Hopefully we can get down to the truth!
  16. My buddy and I are having the same problem.
  17. I've been following this thread now and I'm trying to get in on the investigation. I really don't think that the Elektro transmissions are a hoax. You have to realize, why would someone be broadcasting those transmissions? I don't think anyone has the time to get GM's coordinates then have a Russian relative speak the coordinates. It just seems like a lot of work and I believe that the Elektro and GM transmissions are not a hoax.
  18. I think zombies are pretty good right now, their detection just needs to be tweaked. Sometimes you can walk up to them and they won't see you but you'll aggro three from 200 meters away. And I'm 100% sure the zombie's no clip will be fixed.
  19. doctorrayray

    An apple a day.....

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  20. doctorrayray

    The Hero Guide!

    1. Hero's shouldn't be ghosts. Hero's need to stand out, walk on the road, and make their presence known. Keeping a low profile is essentially what a bandit/murderer is doing before they ambush. Despite making yourself a target by walking along the roads, that shouldn't make you fret. Hero's should be where the action is and that is the coast, there needs to be more heros on the coast, making their presence known. 2. I don't like the fact that it says you should "hold-up" "bambis", or how you throw around the word "bambi". I think a hero should never hold up a new spawn, only shoot when shot at or a player is making a mad dash to attempt to knock them out. Also, being an ex-bandit, only bandits really use the term bambi loosely, its really derogatory when referring to new guys. If they're new call them new guys, not Bambis. 3. I think it's absurd how you're describing how jumpy of a trigger finger heros' should have. That is a huge no-no when being a hero. Walk with your weapon lowered, and only aim it when making your presence known to an unaware player. I honestly don't think you know what you're talking about for you to make a hero guide. I honestly would trust a guy whose running at me yelling "Friendly! Need anything? I have a bloodbag!!!1" over you.
  21. doctorrayray

    Noob Questions

    2) As of now, I have tried many different weapons to try to improve their condition with the kit but it has not worked at all.
  22. doctorrayray

    Hello gun cleaning kit!? How do craft?

    So far the cleaning kit's have had no effect on any of my weapons. Anyone else?
  23. doctorrayray

    Gun Cleaning Kit Bug?

    Weapon cleaning kits weren't in the mod. But same here, my friend and I both tried cleaning our guns with a weapon cleaning kit (damaged) with no avail. So maybe the kit's condition may effect it or it may be bugged. edit: typo
  24. doctorrayray

    Quick Question

    Yep, a lot of people (myself included) have been rolled back to characters they had weeks ago. My friend and I both got rolled back to when we were sniping at the NEAF, I thought it was pretty funny besides the fact that I lost a M4 and now I cant find any <_<