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Everything posted by doctorrayray

  1. doctorrayray

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Sometimes I shoot on sight because the game has stagnated for me and I want some action. Sometimes whoever I'm shooting has gear I may want. I also KoS whenever I'm in a popular city because at that point its kill or be killed. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm some KoSing scum, I like player contact too. It just depends on how I feel. I guess the only way to say I'm not bad at this game is because I play the game how I want to play it. Just because someone plays in a way that is frowned upon doesn't make he/she bad. I've seen people that are actually bad at this game play a friendly hero. Just because you talk to someone instead of shooting them makes you better or worse at this game. But on a whole, I feel that most people who KoS are not as good. People who KoS? They chose to play that way. People that ruin the DayZ experience are people that grief other players than just killing them. People that after they kill you, they scream slurs into your corpse are douches that ruin the experience. KoS players should not be ashamed.
  2. doctorrayray

    Anybody willing to fix a couple broken legs?

    I may be able to help if I have some morphine...
  3. This ploy is dumb, your profile picture is dumb, this thread is dumb. Go troll elsewhere, kid.
  4. I agree with Guppy, this seems a bit sketchy. Also, I think'd that a lot more people would know of these "caves"
  5. doctorrayray

    Disruption of body functions after a gun fight

    KoS is not problem. No need fixing.
  6. doctorrayray

    Can't respawn on Regular

    I can confirm that. My buddy was in a death loop and I told him to do that and he got out the loop.
  7. doctorrayray

    LLJK Police Patrolled Server

    I think this server is a joke. Whenever I feel like starting over I get on this server because it is so infested with bandits.
  8. Yea there's nothing worst than getting killed in an entirely unfair way. But as most people would have to say, just suck it up and hope it doesn't happen again. I've never experienced hackers myself, but I know I would feel so frustrated over a situation like yours. Hackers are just scum that are too insecure to PLAY A GAME fairly.
  9. It kind of sounds like massive de sync. The same thing has happened to me before and it sucks how you can't really put up a fight against a teleporting enemy.
  10. doctorrayray

    Hearing voice comm before logging in?

    Yea that's the network bubble. Sometimes that happens, Im sure it will be fixed eventually.
  11. doctorrayray

    Dayz Steam Trading Cards

    I'm also interested in why some people opted for no. I can't think of a single negative thing that could result from this.
  12. doctorrayray

    Compound bow

    I think bows of any type would be a great addition for DayZ but I don't think it needs to be a priority. If they are added I would hate to see them take your primary weapon slot because no matter how accurate you are with a bow; you'll never out shoot someone who has any form of firearm. (Maybe the FNX). I would only use them for hunting, that's where they would shine on DayZ.
  13. This is great. By far my favorite item in DayZ is the Press Vest. Saved my life on more than one occasion and their quite fashionable in pristine condition!
  14. doctorrayray


    The only bloodlust I have is when I cut open players and remove their vital organs. You know for... err... Science!
  15. doctorrayray

    early access

    Every medic needs fashionable gloves! If you'd like a pair, here you go http://www.amazon.com/SAS-Safety-SAS6419-Vehicle-Service/dp/B002Q51MP4?tag=vglnk-c2179-20
  16. doctorrayray

    early access

    Once the game launches your early access version will update to full release. So go buy it!
  17. doctorrayray

    Problem with two monitors.

    That is so odd. I have dual monitors as well and have never had that happen to me before.
  18. doctorrayray

    Team Speak

    For me and my group, TS is 98% bullish and the rest it actually coordinating.
  19. doctorrayray


    Since the stable branches launched has anyone found a machete? If so, does it slot like a melee weapon? How many hits to drop a zombie? Where did you find it?
  20. doctorrayray

    Looting time on dead bodies?

    Ah one of the bastards broke my leg, went to loot his body he had morphine but disappeared as I was dragging it over...
  21. doctorrayray

    Any love for the PKM ?

    I love it as well and it would fit right into the environment. But all those people pushing for less military weapons would hate this...
  22. doctorrayray

    using ps4 controler

    Sorry I'm not really answering your question but... When I first played the Mod I tried to using an Xbox controller and it was ok for maybe a day. But you really do need to use the keyboard and mouse, it isn't hard to learn at all. There is just too many actions and not enough buttons.
  23. doctorrayray

    Looting time on dead bodies?

    Oh, sorry. That happens to me as well, you just have to keep changing stances until you eventually have the choice to loot the body. Just keep moving your cursor around the body until you see the loot option, that's what I do.
  24. doctorrayray

    Looting time on dead bodies?

    I think it's very short now. I, errrr, had to defend myself and the bodies were probably gone within a minute.
  25. doctorrayray

    Anonymity in DayZ

    Do you have any other response than that? You didn't really open this topic up for discussion. Maybe it would be more suitable if the topic was, "Do you think there should be anonymity in DayZ?". Come on, you're smarter than that.