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Everything posted by doctorrayray

  1. doctorrayray

    Brotherhood of the Spiders is looking for you

    Wrong spot --->http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/127-clan-recruitment/
  2. doctorrayray

    ahh combat loggers

    Also, you know you're bad when you get forced to combat log because of a yellow raincoat wearing maniac.
  3. doctorrayray

    It's not about how you die...

    I agree, sometimes I just let zombie beat me up so I can try to gear up again.
  4. doctorrayray

    ahh combat loggers

    Good riddance. I love the desperation in the guy who repeatedly kept clicking his FNX.
  5. doctorrayray

    Are you addicted to this game?

    My Xbox One hasn't seen me since I got my computer, mainly because DayZ.
  6. doctorrayray

    Where to find Spotter .22 Magazines?

    I found one in a firebase.
  7. doctorrayray

    700 megs for EXPERIMENTAL...uh what

    Actually four new guns.
  8. doctorrayray

    Series Debut: The Quest for Princess Kenny

    How is this entertaining? :huh:
  9. doctorrayray

    DayZ SA : Our first kill!

    I was thinking the same thing.
  10. doctorrayray

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Well in this community. Bandits are guys who hold you up and don't kill you on sight. KoS/Murderers are those guys. But I think it adds a huge aspect to the game. Without bandits there can be no heros. So people who say bandits play the game wrong are just upset over the fact that they are recently deceased from them. Banditing is fun, counter-banditing is fun. Your skill level doesn't apply to what role you play. There are bandits that are extremely skillful as well as heros that absolutely suck.
  11. Well it may run DayZ. But will it look pretty? Probably not. You could probably build a better computer for the same price anyway, that can run DayZ and stream.
  12. doctorrayray

    problem with sli some sort of flickering.

    This is what I used http://r2.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ta9ry/how_to_enable_nvidia_sli_in_standalone/
  13. doctorrayray

    problem with sli some sort of flickering.

    I use a custom nvidia SLI as well and that happens to me sometimes. Since SLI isn't supported yet you just have to deal with it :blush:
  14. doctorrayray

    Advertising for big money

    If they got real products in the game it would send a bad message about the products. For example: "I used CLOROX bleach to force feed innocent survivors!" Just a thought.
  15. doctorrayray

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    Last time I got held up, two guys with M4s, that didn't have a magazines, tried to. My magnum ended their lives quickly.
  16. doctorrayray

    Long range scopes?

    ATC towers are your best bet at finding them. I had an extra one earlier today but I dropped it :/
  17. doctorrayray

    New City in the North on experimental

    Looks awesome.
  18. Well DayZ is pretty much anonymous so your solutions are pointless. And for the combat logging and ghosting, that has already been fixed (to a degree).
  19. doctorrayray

    Random sounds?

    Its just a bug. Next time use the search function, this has been asked before.
  20. doctorrayray

    MUST HAVE map idea/s

    It's hardly a cave, but yes I do know where it is. However, you keep asking people for beans/gear for you to show them where it's at. It seems like you want to lead them there so your buddies can ambush them.
  21. doctorrayray

    wish i had video of this

    The op said he ran about half a mile before he logged. I think it's safe to assume he was no longer in combat.
  22. doctorrayray

    MUST HAVE map idea/s

    This guy is still trying with his caves ploy? Some people.
  23. doctorrayray

    Lets Talk Camo

    I assume more camo variants will pop up as the development progresses. We still have probably 9 months of alpha left.
  24. doctorrayray

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    You must have missed this ^. KoSing is griefing but the real griefing is when you verbally assault someone too. It's just bad sportsmanship.