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Everything posted by Tizzle

  1. Tizzle


    In the past it probably would have worked at Badly Damaged, but they're starting to put a lot more emphasis on item condition
  2. Tizzle

    The wiggles have been defeated!

    Real wiggles only multiply...
  3. Tizzle

    frisk action

    If you have the opportunity to frisk them, you have the opportunity to handcuff them. And then you have full access to their inventory! That being said, not everyone has handcuffs, so a frisk action would be cool
  4. Tizzle

    Longest Surviving Character?

    On stable branch, I've been going for about a week and a half On experimental, a few days
  5. Personally, I don't like a morality or psychology system. If you walk up to someone and see then wearing a red bandana (in this case being something that would signify a bandit), sure you know to avoid them and keep away from them. But when you take away that aspect of the game (not knowing what you're walking into, always being on edge around people), you basically remove the core of DayZ
  6. Tizzle

    DayZ on mac ?

    Yep as a few people have already said you're probably going to need to run in through bootcamp. Should run fine, though
  7. Tizzle

    SKS & Mossin ?

    Mosin* is and has been in game, SKS is currently in the experimental build that should be stable on wednesday
  8. Tizzle

    The Cult (Role Play)

    Well that got very heated very quickly....
  9. Tizzle

    SKS ammo?

    Yep, SKS and ammo has been added to the loot spawns for the experimental servers
  10. Tizzle

    Long Range Scope?

    Barracks and hangars
  11. Tizzle

    Zsh3 Pilot Helmet?

    Found one yesterday It looks awesome, my only complaint is that you can't put the visor down, which would make it look even more awesome
  12. Tizzle

    SKS ammo?

    I found the gun itself in a military base which i was a little surprised by. I thought it would be a residential spawn like the mosin. The ammo i have found in grocery stores and the big residential houses with pianos
  13. Tizzle

    Painted M4

    In the experimental build you can, not the current stable build
  14. Tizzle

    SKS - Confirmed Attachments

    I do not believe that the bipod is compatible at the moment. Hopefully they add one for it
  15. Tizzle

    SKS Feedback

    Nice points, i agree with what you said. I put a few rounds down range with it. The kick isn't awful, and my rounds were hitting pretty well from around 100 meters. Looking forward to using it more extensively
  16. Tizzle

    Optimize optimize optimize

    I agree with everything KoS is saying. It seems like they're fixing and adding really trivial things while leaving some of the biggest concerns untouched
  17. Tizzle


    "A thesis, or dissertation, is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings." Maybe do a little research yourself :thumbsup: A thesis is the document you write to earn your PhD, not just the statement of an essay that contains the main idea
  18. Tizzle

    Reflection of Experimental 33.114782

    Spawned in near Berezino and ran into an office building, walked up to the top floor and an SKS was sitting on a shelf. Picked it up, then the server reset and i lost it :( Other than that, I'm having a ton of fun on the experimental servers
  19. Tizzle

    How Many Of You Play In A Clan Or A Group

    I play with one friend on a consistent basis. We have security in numbers, but at the same time we can still be sneaky since there is only two of us
  20. Tizzle

    Should I Fell Sorry?

    Zombies can smell sorrow and mourning!
  21. Tizzle

    Reaction On Dying

    Sometimes gearing up and wandering the countryside is more fun than being geared up
  22. Tizzle

    Confessing my sins....

    You are forgiven, my son Now go forth and patrol the coast for bandits
  23. Tizzle

    Alt Tab Death

    Steam layover Much easier
  24. Currently, nothing. Maybe a character wipe every now and again
  25. Tizzle

    A Little Problem...

    As of right now the game is really poorly optimized for CPUs with multiple cores (usually AMD) and it handles things a lot better with single core CPU's. Adjusting the CPU count setting in the launch options should help you run it better