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Everything posted by Tizzle

  1. We've both said that the guy was lagging and clutching around about 16 times now, not sure what else you want me to say here. Didn't you join the forum like 4 days ago? All you've been doing since then is posting useless comments on people's threads. Exhibit A!
  2. Well you see, I thought I was in safety! I was safely out of the building and I assumed RayRay had it under control, then the guy started rubber banding and we were both dead. I said that in the post!
  3. Tizzle

    How does SKS compare to the M4/Mosin

    Has anyone else noticed that even if you don't have the ten round loader and you go to reload, if you're in first person you can see your character pull a stripper clip out of nowhere and use it to reload the gun?
  4. I was bandaging myself because I got hit by the axe in the building
  5. Tizzle

    GTX650 TI problem FPS? or not?

    Lag depends on your internet strength and that kind of stuff. Your FPS should be fine though, you shouldn't have any problems running it with that card
  6. Tizzle

    Sighting in guns

    You can use the scales on the in game maps and occasionally a little trig to figure out distances Or DayZDB works too
  7. Tizzle

    My experimental experience so far:

    What an insightful comment! Back on topic, that's basically my experience when i spawned in the first few times. After that, as soon as I spawned i booked it as far inland i could go. After running inland for a while, i stopped to loot some small towns. Wound up finding an SKS and a PU along with some ammo. But right now on experimental, the coast is chaos
  8. Probably just a server message trying to mess with people. But who's to say someone isn't....?
  9. Tizzle

    Stay outta my Balota!

    Are there still people around Balota? Ever since the spawns changed I've found it to be relatively empty, whereas the NEAF (the balota stand-in for now) is always packed
  10. Get your grammar and syntax in order before criticizing others
  11. That was possibly the most redundant two sentences I've ever read.
  12. Tizzle

    why good samiritans irritate me

    So just out of curiosity, what type of game do you play? KoS? Sniper? Coast Patrol? Hero?
  13. Tizzle

    Hard to hit zombies with melee

    First person POV makes it is a lot easier
  14. Tizzle


    It rained on me once, then never again
  15. Tizzle

    Good or Bad?

    There's no black and white in DayZ. Just a whole lot of grey
  16. Tizzle

    Six hours of "stuffed"

    Same thing happened to me on experimental. I was Healthy and Stuffed for like 5-6 hours. Hopefully they fix it before the update on Wednesday
  17. Tizzle

    Mosin or M4?

    Depends on how you want to play the game. With the style of play i use, i like the mosin more.
  18. Servers are going down on Wednesday for the update
  19. Tizzle

    Thank You!

    I love hearing about how people of a wide variety of ages and backgrounds are enjoying DayZ The dev team really has created a unique atmosphere that sets DayZ above the rest
  20. Tizzle

    Zombie attack=everything ruined in backpack?

    Are you sure you just didn't get shot at some point? Has lowering of item quality from zombie hits been confirmed?
  21. Tizzle

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    WowSo helpful
  22. Tizzle

    A pristine PU scope

    PU's (pristine or not) spawn constantly in bars, at least in the experimental build they do
  23. The post I was quoting was asking for motives to stop shooting on sight. I gave one. I never said it was effective
  24. Right now the main deterrent from shooting other players is ruining gear, which killers like KoS usually do not care about. And yes, it is a fantasy game! And with the word "game" comes the realization that people set on killing are always going to kill, because guess what: that's how they want to play their game! I guarantee whatever game mechanic is implemented (if one even is) to stop killing on sight will be ineffective.
  25. Tizzle

    Invisible zombie kill... or was it?

    Got killed by an invisible zombie yesterday at Green Mountain Spawned in after a server reset on experimental And heard the zombie sounds but didn't see anything. Zombie sounds got more and more clear, than all the sudden my character started doing the animation they do when they get hit, and I fell unconscious