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Everything posted by Ejaculacid

  1. Ejaculacid

    Most Wanted Bandits

    Is that most kills per 1 life? o.0
  2. Ejaculacid

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    How exactly can I avoid every single server I join crashing after a few minutes? SE10 is fine.
  3. no wonder the fps is shit not to mention the death loop me n 4 yanks r in... they're failing
  4. Ejaculacid

    First bout with melee...

    now im stuck on a loop after i died, spawning with the same 900 hp Man these american guys must be pisssssed off. 4 vs 1 and theyre struggling hard. This is depressing :(
  5. Ejaculacid

    First bout with melee...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAzCbQADOis Well.. i was chasing some guy who shot me with an axe until his mate shot me :(
  6. Ejaculacid

    WARNING: Do not install!

    Err im running fine on the server i was on? Manual ofc none of that 6shite
  7. Ejaculacid

    First bout with melee...

    Made me chuckle for sure haha, reloading the axe =D Won't be happy until i've melee'd a player to death though
  8. Ejaculacid

    First bout with melee...

    Oh was recording it for a mate n thought i'd post. Need to go for round two it seems to swing when it chooses o.O
  9. Ejaculacid

    Six Launcher or Manual Update

    Manual cdn.armafiles.info/latest/ dayz.sykotix.com/arma-ii-beta-client-install/ - look in description
  10. Ejaculacid

    Locked servers?

    Firstly, i love you for actually telling me is out. Secondly, take screenshots & post them in server thread if its common on same servers. Normally it's people gathering loot
  11. Ejaculacid

    US20 CQF

  12. Ejaculacid

    Build a SafeHouse

    You're thinking too outside the box... We need to be able to build proper outposts but would require alot of code etc :) Not to mention the 10x increase of players & map size.
  13. Ejaculacid

    Bring back the startgun

    Every weapon is powerful when aiming for the head. Crossbow aint. heheheheheheheheh
  14. Ejaculacid

    I cannot pick up backpacks, only drop them

    You need a primary weapon, once you have one click mouse3 away from it then hover over it. If that fails go into first person, its been fucked since 1.6ish
  15. Ejaculacid

    Firefight/Alt F4 Abuser/Death

    I vote he misses 95% of his shots, tagged him enough to knock him out after he reaches the other side & ALT F4's like a girl :D
  16. Ejaculacid

    why am i

    ESC > Respawn > Abort > reconnect
  17. Ejaculacid

    Bring back the startgun

    Thats player mistakes not mechanics.. I get along fine, even better now i can sprint/lose zombie aggro
  18. Ejaculacid

    Arma 2 Free low textures. Help

    Considering the survival skins are from PMC DLC and the Camo/Ghillie are from the BAF DLC. Terrain, ur not missing much.