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About Ejaculacid

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  1. If they lose the firefight, nope.
  2. Easily fixed... Spawn in within 3-4 klicks from said player.. Time he arrives the firefight would of ended.
  3. Dude seriously tell rocket i want the same love to ground vehicles, when you enter a car i wanna see myself climb(like in toh) in :( keys/gears etc
  4. He has the mental age of a 13 year ago, looks like gollum not to mention that annoying voice going RHIIIIIIIIINUUUUURRRRRCRUUUUUUNCH & importantly a god awful player.
  5. Who would give Rhinocrunch an invite, hes trash.
  6. If they're going keen on helicopters in the standalone i wanna see you having to turn the car's ignition and shift the gears using Q/E LOL. =)
  7. Ejaculacid

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    The engine as a whole is dog and has been since fpoint but who cares? Players are quitting DayZ left right and center each time. Its kool brah, bad decision from aVgdev
  8. Ejaculacid

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So its still on RV engine, it'll fail just like this mod then. RV engine is fucking terrible. Viva la warZ
  9. Ejaculacid

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Details on the engine will be announced in the coming days/weeks. Still waiting to see if you're getting off this shit ARMA engine.
  10. Ejaculacid

    Sad day in dayz.

    Theyre not that rare.
  11. Ejaculacid

    Building Gaming Desktop help

    Like i know the american prices. In the UK shit is cheap. If you cant afford a fairly decent pc now wait, you'll only regret it :)
  12. Ejaculacid

    Building Gaming Desktop help

    Arma2 engine is bad, i can run bf3 on ultra on my i3/GTX460 yet dayz struggles on low ;) Get yourself a GTX560 / i5-2500k combo & you'll be fine.
  13. Ejaculacid

    A noob unfriendly game.

    This games hard? The hardest thing related to this game is finding a suitable object to wedge under the E/S key to autorun ;~)
  14. Same server or a new box?