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About glang01

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. glang01

    Gun Magazines

    WHERE do you find all this ammo - Shot guns to rifles I find have no ammo or none in area ?
  2. glang01

    Ammo for Guns ?

    Why do no guns have ammo in them or is there somting im missing ? Does any guns spawn with ammo in them ?
  3. glang01

    More Loot would be rad !

    For a survival game Ive never seen so many empty dwellings - its not even realistic Q! How hard would it be to throw some more 6 pack sodas ? tuna cans ? corn flakes ? on all those empty racks,sheds and houses. Thats not mentioning when you do get a weapon theres no bulletes or a hint of where ammo may be ? - come on MAKE IT FUN PLEASE ! The game is still habit forming lol :)
  4. Can Anyone tell me why on my game - the crosshair is a white dot ? Is that the way its designed or do I have a glitch. Also Do you know when a map will be available in the near future ?