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About uscg_cox

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. We'd love to see a few more of you guys out here with us. Feel free to bring your friends, Clan Members and join the Counter Squad!
  2. That's neat and all, but as far as I'm concerned, NO ONE is even getting NEAR, let alone KILLING MY Leader. #Gummy'sSavior
  3. uscg_cox

    Settling Down - Bases

    Your base needs to consist of a graphics card lol.
  4. uscg_cox

    Duration of alpha

    No sign of intelligence here. Move along.
  5. uscg_cox

    Describe your first kill

    NOTE THIS IS A CLAN MEMBERS KILL: NOT MINE. ---------------------------------- We were standing in the streets of Elektrozavodsk with the cool air whipping around our ears; our ballistic helmets not offering any real shelter from the brisk Chernarusian autumn winds. The group had been halved by an earlier ambush and we had decided to wait for reinforcements and tend to our wounds. He seemed to appear out of thin air--a man in jeans and a t-shirt sprinting through the deserted streets that had once been teeming with life. He had to have been freezing. The group swiveled and trained their guns on him, but that did not deter him. From a distance you could hear him trying to communicate. "Friend? Friend? Friend?" We were still jumpy from the earlier ambush and were taking no chances this time. "Get on the ground!" one of us shouted. He got down on his knees. We weren't taking any chances but he didn't stop asking for friendship as we cuffed him. It was a sad sight to witness because in another time we actually could have been friends. Hell, in another time most of us wouldn't have ever been here. We'd be living simple lives of carpenters, mechanics, teachers, and so on. The list of "could have been's" could go on forever, but after the outbreak, all of those futures were gone. All that was taken from us. Survival was our job now. "Can I be in your clan?" he asked insistently, though we could barely hear him over the loud discussion taking place over what to do with him. None of us wanted to stay where we were. We were sitting ducks in the bleak streets of Elektrozavodsk with little cover and with quite a distance between us and our support. A decision was finally reached. With shaky hands I walked over to the man with my M4 in hand. I put the muzzle to his head. "Friend?" The suppressor made for a quiet death, but it didn't stop us all from flinching. I still don't know if it was just a reaction to the sound or a small part of our souls leaving our bodies that made us jump. I do know what our job is now: to survive. Unfortunately, to do so means others won't.
  6. uscg_cox

    Describe your first kill

    WE did this on our clan forum, lets try here too. MUST be at least 100 characters long. (Please assist in keeping this clean mods) ---- It was late in the day... Heavy breathing. I felt as though I had been running for hours, My breaths so loud I'm positive I can be heard from my position in the woods just north of Balota. Over Vent I can hear my comrades say "Contact, Contact, Contact !" "Where?" - I shout, not moving a muscle from my concealed location in a small bush. I scope into my Pristine ACOG m4 recently looted and full of ammo with A bandits name scribbled on the first bullet. "Three-Oh-Clock, Behind Tent City" - yelled my comrade SHOTS. I listened carefully to count them. Three. Four. Five. Six. "I'm down" "Me Too" - They Groaned Pained by their abrupt departure from this life I began to sweat, VOWING not to be his next victim. "Do we have a LKL?" (Last Known Location) "Negative" Radio Silence I listen carefully and hear the ever distinctive sound of a soda can pop open and be guzzled down with a carefree "Ahh". Determined to keep my element of surprise I remain hidden until I see him, the Bandit, the Slayer of my comrades. He climbs to the top of the ACT undoubtedly to scout out more unsuspecting prey. Little does he know, a larger more prepared fish has already marked him for death. I Scope in again, the Glare is in my sight and its beyond difficult to get a clean shot. I Decided its now or never as he stands up from a prone position. I Fire. 3 Times. Each time hoping if the previous didn't kill him the next would. He drops. Reveled with the sense of Joy and victory I confirm with my comrades that I have slain their attacker by describing his backpack and unmistakable purple shirt. Just then it hits me, As though the reality of the situation was delayed by the unmistakable flow of adrenaline. I've killed him, this was my first kill.
  7. LMK If you find some people who aren't like 16 and live in Saudi Arabia. 26 Y/O Military Veteran / Video Game Extraordinaire.
  8. uscg_cox

    Clan/Fraction idea

    Edit -> CTRL + F "Fractions" Change to "Factions" I can see at least 3
  9. uscg_cox

    To the people whining about KoSing etc.

    Like this picture of a Baby Panda for no reason other than that this topic has been beat to death.
  10. uscg_cox

    Lets talk about Game Mechanics for a minute

    And what of opposing players waiting in ambush?
  11. Id like to see a better system implemented for Ladder usage, climbing down haphazardly and not being able to act except for move up or down with a zed directly below you is neat and all, but Id like to see a more tactical approach to this movement. What are some others things you would like to see improved? My suggestion for ladder usage is that whilst climbing down you are able to use a sidearm, totally plausible in reality, and doesn't leave me as a sitting duck for Other players/Bambi's/Zeds. If this is impossible, give me the option to dismount with speed and ease. AT THE VERY LEAST, when I get to the ground not spend 3-4 seconds pulling out whatever weapon my character feels like and checking to make sure his shoes are tied before being capable of running away. A lot of things have been done right in this game, and I feel a few more touches of realism will make this almost perfect.
  12. uscg_cox

    The Union of Asia's Important Announcement

  13. uscg_cox

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    That was office space, fuck you for not knowing that.
  14. uscg_cox

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    Its happened, im not foolish enough to say im invincible, but you would be HARD PRESSED to earn that victory. Im no lay-down.