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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. Ineedscoffee

    Books ? why they exist ?

    Also, once everything's in full swing, I could see books used for a variety of things. Starting fires, insulation, silencers with the flashlight, hell,mic you get enough of them, a bed made from the pages.
  2. Ineedscoffee

    Should Cannibalism Be In DayZ

    Frankly, as long as it can be quartered and cooked, and it's implemented right, I'll support it in game. I don't want to see people just dive in on someone's stomach. I want what would actually happen.
  3. Ineedscoffee


    I'd hope that if and when they add hunting, they give us the ability to track with blood drops. That and broken trail/trees. Mmmmmmm, hunting.....
  4. Ineedscoffee

    What scope do you like?

    No carry for close quarters huh? How's it handle? Been wondering in case I run across one again.
  5. Ineedscoffee

    What scope do you like?

    I don't enjoy my peripheral vision being blocked, so I mainly stick to iron sights. Sure I would love a kitted out mosin with a long scope, however it's worthless if your not hunting people. When your as deep north as I am, people arnt a problem.
  6. Ineedscoffee

    Books ? why they exist ?

    I have a soft side. Sometimes, I'll leave my deep northern area, and head far south to the coast. There, I will offer to escort Bambi's a few towns north, or I will pass out a water bottle with an open can of beans and a random book. Keeps me entertained lol
  7. Ineedscoffee

    New Player Story

    What yoga fails to mention is intolerance, indescision, stubbornness, and control also lead to the dark side, which him and the jedi council are swimming in.
  8. Ineedscoffee

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    Loots only an issue to coast humpers. Once 90% of those kids get off the coast, and out of electro, they will see that the only problem there, was them.
  9. Ineedscoffee


    Huh, I must have the wrong Studio C.... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rIePw-Zm9Aw&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrIePw-Zm9Aw
  10. Ineedscoffee

    Pretty game is pretty.

    Tis a general conversation, not a Galla, which your clearly underdressed for.
  11. Ineedscoffee

    Sprinting while shooting handgun

    Wouldn't the problem be due to a lack of proper weighting to counteract the impact from your legs, kicking your arms and firearm into the air? Even if you flex and lock your arms, your shoulders will still float them off center.
  12. Ineedscoffee

    Sprinting while shooting handgun

    If you say anything other then Mcrd, then you were junior varsity, sir o7
  13. Ineedscoffee

    Sprinting while shooting handgun

    Have quite a few buddies serving as police officers. Sir, it's extremely unrealistic. If you don't stop, settle yourself, then squeeze the trigger, you won't hit jack, unless jacks off to the side, buying a coffee. The only time people shoot one handed, is when one arm/hands been disabled, or unless they've seen to many sucker free Sundays on MTV. Not only is the zero recoil control, the shock from your feet hitting ground, and transferring that energy to the rest of your body, your couldn't keep your arm steady enough to even take aim. Now I am far from a handgun expert, as I only grew up with rifles, and I could be very wrong. Common sense dictates otherwise though.
  14. Ineedscoffee

    FRANKIEonPCin1080p's latest standalone episode = so much win

    Ohhhhhh, a YouTube kid. No wonder I've never heard of him.
  15. Ineedscoffee

    Need expert help on this-godmode?

    I'm gonna be that guy, but who?
  16. Ineedscoffee

    Pretty game is pretty.

    Wait till your deep north, just below the edge of nowhere, overlooking autumn fields and trees. Almost makes you forget your starving and lost lol
  17. Ineedscoffee

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    The areas I don't really blend well, are cities, which I avoid, and open fields. Which I have no buisiness being out in anyways. Tree lines, deep woods, and towns are where I tend to stay.
  18. Ineedscoffee


    Also, the three story police/schools/office building spawns them on the first floor. Enter in the front, straight ahead of you is a pantry styled room. Always has rice, canned foods, cereal, fresh fruit, variety of sodas, water bottles, and canteens.
  19. Ineedscoffee

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    Why dayz ultimately won't fail: because kids like this will go back to Wow and Cod.
  20. Ineedscoffee

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    I also find a good set of browns make me harder to see then some camo monkey. Keeping a sleek, woodsy colored profile, has helped me paint my target nine times out of then without them seeing me first. I'm also able to go prone, without a massive mound sticking off my rear end. Recently switched to darker brown shoes, and ditched my firemans axe for a splitting axe. The wooden handle lends better then the fiberglass yellow and red head.
  21. Ineedscoffee

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    While not the give away coloring of the mountain pack, it still sticks straight up out of the grass like a shell. Your basically an easy to spot turtle....
  22. I always thought overcoming food poisoning with random blackouts would be the hardest thing i'd survived through in this game. Dead wrong lol. Walked away from firefights, ambushes, actual bandits, military rats, zombies, ghosters, loggers, etc. This one though, this one sucked. I spawn somewhere south after i took a running leap off a building as tribute, distributing my survival gear to the first lucky soul to come upon it. First thing i see is factories, tells me I'm in one of the big three. say "Ah hell" and procede to nope my way out of there north. Sprint hard, hit a couple random houses, towns, Collect a splitting axe, orange pack, few cans of beans, water bottle, hit a well, keep running north. Come across a sign reading Ryrnobo, or Guglovo translated. find a barn, head upstairs, have a peek. Nothing worthwhile, so i head back down. I didn't pay attention and cut the loft short. Missed the stairs completely. Not enough to kill me, whew. Then i try to move................. If you haven't had to crawl your way though town, desperately looking for a F'n stick, Morphine, or help, fighting off zombies whilst unable to move properly, then you haven't bloody lived. Every bit of gear was damaged. Almost all my food, water, supplies, even my pack.....gone. Strip down to my skivvies, tear my shirt, bandage, and crawl on. Even if I had come across another player, they would of died laughing before they could help me. There i am, boots, shades, axe, gloves, and cowboy hat...... Color's completely gone, gobble down the last bit of food that i have left, and crawl north out of town. After what felt like forever, i finally see another sign of civilization. HoBbIn Co6op......Novy Sobor. Not exactly ideal, as it's a spawn point last i checked. Get shot at a few times, before i can even enter. Guessing they ran out of ammo, as they didn't press the attack. I skim a few of the outer houses, grab some pants, a new pack, few cans of tuna. Now the entire time I'm doing this, I have to crawl to the base of the steps, stand up, step over so that I'm on the steps, then crawl around the house. Stars raining pretty hard, can't see the clouds clearly enough to see which way they are blowing. Hear more shots, and start squirming towards what i thought was north. Turns out it was southeast. Hello Guglovo again. Sigh, and crawl northeast this time, following some offbeat road. Run out of food and water on the way. After god knows how long,I start see'ing houses again. Small supermarket, roadside cafe, long barn, feeling the love. Found a brown hoodie, another water bottle, fought off zombies, replenished my vitals. Moved north a bit. Hit the mother lode as I recognize that I'm in Gvozdno. Fire station has a B95 and ammo, a hoodie, fresh fruit. Other homes have more food and soda. Feeling good, minus the whole having to crawl thing. Far north, meaning i won't see anyone sadly. I Know further north is a train station, maybe I'll find something useful there. Start to crawl down, and a long metal shed catches my eye off to the right. Slither my way in, natta. Head out the other side, and there they were......Glorious MotherF'n sticks. I've never made a splint so fast in this game as I did then. Sprinted for the first time in hours to my station, singing the Smurf's happy song. You know the one: La La Lalala..... You Beautiful bastards had better appreciate your legs. TLdR: To damned bad, I didn't crawl five F'n plus hours for you to skip this!
  23. Ineedscoffee

    Rough night of survival (story included)

    Lol well, it is a survival game. Figured why give up? A good challenge keeps me here. If I wanted to be spoon fed success, I'd go back to Wow, join some group of fedora tipping neck beards, and pretend that scripted encounters are worth my time. You only get back what you put in gentlemen.
  24. Ineedscoffee

    Rough night of survival (story included)

    Lol thanks. It was more stubbornness then heroics :p
  25. Ineedscoffee

    So this is what people do on the experimental server.......

    no telephone lines to string those shoes up.