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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. now i need to switch my pack, maybe ditch that axe lol
  2. Ineedscoffee

    new wool coat and cap, and apparently rain is wet :P

    Judging from the amount of available clothing and food, givin the locations of it all as well, I'm going with it happened quickly.
  3. Ineedscoffee

    new wool coat and cap, and apparently rain is wet :P

    I might of hit up a burlingtons after slaughtering someone for his tactical bacon.......
  4. I'm hoping the current stage of zombies will drive more people north, and out of those southern cities. While it may not be a zombie fix, it sure as hell could be a player fix lol
  5. Huh, always envisioned them more like this Paula Abdul song..... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0XfdoSipPaI
  6. Ineedscoffee

    new wool coat and cap, and apparently rain is wet :P

    I only logged about twenty mins before work, so I didn't come across any disruption.
  7. Ineedscoffee

    Tactical Bacon.

    Tactical Bacon.....I love it. I'm going to fill a pack full of it, and hand it out to snipers when I sneak up on them, then whisper "baaaacccooonnnnn" as I slowly back crawl away, never breaking eye contact. Already have two cans lol
  8. Ineedscoffee

    new wool coat and cap, and apparently rain is wet :P

    Yes, I'm sure it should be, and chances are, it will be moved. However, posting it here lets those, whom don't peruse said gallery, see some new items in game before its moved.
  9. Ineedscoffee

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    TiL im hardcore!
  10. Ineedscoffee

    Remove the F*CKING 5 minute log in timer.

    in a word.......no
  11. Ineedscoffee

    Was Excited For The Patch..

    Yesssssss, I can feel your hatttteeee
  12. I would really, reallllllyyyyyy love to see this lol Gun safety is important http://imgur.com/sz7pCtq.gif
  13. Ineedscoffee

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    Both, because I like to piss off people who say I need to choose one. Actually, I enjoy playing both as I'm provided with ever changing encounters per session.
  14. I wouldn't, I'd add snares and traps.
  15. Ineedscoffee

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    Imagine being held up. They've robbed you, fed you rotten fruit, and are about to execute you, when boom! It explodes in their face. Now you can loot them and chuckle to death :p
  16. Ineedscoffee

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    How is a general cata gory topic, off topic......
  17. Ineedscoffee

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    Community's not on your side here chief.
  18. Ineedscoffee

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    Lol I know your pain :p
  19. Ineedscoffee

    Casuals and DayZ

    close to 300 hours, and i don't want to see heli's either.
  20. Ineedscoffee

    A mountain man

    Long as I can tame a grizzly and name him Ben............I'm old lol. That was actually my initial hope for the direction of this game. I'd love to live off the mountains, set snares, etc. Now granted, I grew up doing this in Alaska, hunting, fishing, picking berries, whole nine yards. I'd just prefer to relive it in a game, with zombies lol
  21. Fun? If I wanted fun, I'd be back in nullsec wormhole mining while some Estars trying to smart bomb me out of the black for his youtube montage. Fun means little Johnny wouldn't of been podded three seconds out of his frigate because he didn't train drones enough to specialize scouts. Now Johnny's got no legs, stuck flying a scooter. Sorry, to much Eve Online.....
  22. Ineedscoffee

    How much of the map have you explored?

    Everything that matters. That being everything up north. To hell with the south, and no, it ain't rising again.
  23. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110616221232/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/8/8c/Tumblr_ll062aF3151qfy2kdo1_r1_500.gif
  24. Ineedscoffee

    While your adding in content.. can we get some cats?

    I already have a keyboard hero at home who feels it's her personal mission to sit when I'm in a firefight. I really don't need to get shot because boots gave away my position with his purring......... Who am I kidding, I want the kitties to!
  25. Ineedscoffee

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    I play both personally. It gives me two characters to experience the game with. To me, pigeon holing yourself to one style is cutting yourself short. Why not enjoy both? Hell, I find third person to be great for relaxing after a heart pounding game of cat and mouse in first.