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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. while i don't go out of my way to hide them, i have zero problems with emptying any and all ammo i find into a creek
  2. Ineedscoffee


    Alpha nuff said
  3. Ineedscoffee

    How to get out of a wall

    it's bug-ception 0.o http://inception.davepedu.com/
  4. Ineedscoffee

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    Kristen Stewart maybe
  5. now i generally avoid typical camo kits, as most of the potato's wearing it are coast humpers. being deep north though, and finding a boonie, i figured what the hell, why not. most of this was thrown together from garage bays, metal sheds, and construction sites. i stopped briefly at a three floor school/office building and found a .22. the m4 was found at the construction site, as well as the paint needed to do the m4's components, and the fire axe. now this is mainly for deeper woodland surviving. you will stick out in a city.
  6. Ineedscoffee

    building effective camo without stepping one foot into a base

    i actually threw on a helmet today, someone winged me with a .22 lol. thankfully, did not die. here's my updated gear. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181594-effective-camo-without-barracks-pt2/
  7. Ineedscoffee

    Effective Camo Without Barracks, Pt.2

    updated screenies of my loadout. once again, i have yet to step foot into a military compound of any kind. scavenged all shown items from train stations, construction sites, a three floor office building, barns, and garage bays. link to the original thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181149-building-effective-camo-without-stepping-one-foot-into-a-base/
  8. Ineedscoffee

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    lets see, roughly 300 hours in, 40 hours a week at work, fiance, cat, and social circle. only 32, so 6 to 7 hours of sleep is plenty. i think your over exaggerating a few
  9. Ineedscoffee

    How to get out of a wall

    Try getting uncomfortably close to the wall before the Ping trick. I'm talking so close, heavy breathing would make it sweat
  10. Ineedscoffee

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    Don't need to list five, I'll list just one. Every time you loot something I want the alpha warning to pop up, so you are forced to click I understand. Every time you fire a round, I want the alpha warning to pop up,mso you are forced to click I understand. Every time you run more then five feet, I want the alpha warning pop up, so you are forced to click I understand. Every five minutes of play, I want the alpha warning to pop up, so you are forced to click I understand. Every time you speak to your friends, or try to make a post on the forums, I want the alpha warning to pop up, twice, forcing you to click.....I understand.
  11. Ineedscoffee

    How to get out of a wall

    Easy fix for it: Has worked for me every time. Log off near the wall. Find a server with high ping above the 100's. Log in. Should teleport you roughly twenty feet in a direction.
  12. Ineedscoffee

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    Well,first, I suggest you stop watching some no-name tuber, and find good streamers on twitch. Lirik, Sacriel, Soma to name a few. Most streamers ignore those mechanics due to short lived in game lives. Second, get off the coast, you won't find anything in high populated areas. Head north, where hardly anyone goes. Unless you care to coast hump down south. In that case, enjoy your own made misery. Third, food and drink systems is perfectly fine. You have plenty of time to sprint to deep north upon spawning. Plenty of time to find a well, loot, etc.
  13. Ineedscoffee

    Best Character Contest.

    Current kits outside my norm, but here she is. Put it together without stepping foot into a barracks, police building, fire station, or hanger. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181149-building-effective-camo-without-stepping-one-foot-into-a-base/
  14. Ineedscoffee

    Post Your Gear So Far

    First, not every post with a picture belongs in the sodding gallery. This is a general topic forum, where general topic conversations may be had. With that out of the way, here's my current kit, haven't stepped one foot into a hanger or base. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181149-building-effective-camo-without-stepping-one-foot-into-a-base/
  15. Ineedscoffee

    Where is everyone?

    North, way up north http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JSt0NEESrUA If I'm not there, then check underneath the water... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Q8a2jmfMk
  16. Oh don't get me wrong I'm not shooting an unarmed potato. However, if I say to keep a distance, and he doesent, he gets to meet my BOOMSTICK. Shop smart, shop S Smart
  17. I gave it the ol college try at first, didn't take. I'm not playing to make buddies, or take on a side kick. It's scout out a location, get in, get what I need, get out. I'm not letting up on that mentality. Once you go soft (giggity) it's hard to get that edge back. Your timing and reflexes slow, your charactor judgement plummets, and your wiggling on top of the electro church for beans. Not me man, not me,
  18. I always have a reason to drop someone on sight these days. See, at the far northern reaches of the map, you run into someone, it's a survivor. He will have food, ammo, can opener, hell, maybe even a portable stove and tank, and I promise with 99.9% certainty, he will think the same of you.
  19. Ineedscoffee

    building effective camo without stepping one foot into a base

    I actually chose the skin for wanting to feel more immersed by playing what I felt a native of the country would appear as. Has the deep Eastern European features it seemed.
  20. Ineedscoffee

    building effective camo without stepping one foot into a base

    It's actually a khaki tactical shirt, only been able to find a black wool coat.
  21. Considering I play deep enough north, I've had zero issues with zombies. More interested in surviving the elements on rationed food and supplies, then coast humping and fighting barrack rats. Bring on the snow!
  22. Laughing with it :p
  23. Ineedscoffee

    New Patch - Who's still having fun?

    I'm still enjoying the hell out of this when I log on.
  24. I was there from the beginning also.....watching people play it on twitch, with only two other people in the top channels. I to, am a part of the game, and I couldn't make it through the first eight words without laughing at this post lol.