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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. Ineedscoffee

    System to Punish KoS

    The problem is 90% of the kosing estars! could care less for loot. Hell, I've even seen a few streamers bitching about having to eat and gather gear. We get stuck with their mindless fan base. Your gonna kill someone with a firearm, fine. Someone with an axe coming at you, fine as well. You run across some Bambi in a base, you know what he's looking for, put a bullet in him. However, if you scope into the distance and see some poor purple backpacked fresh spawn just trying to drink at a well, back the fuck down boy. Kos is fine for those able to defend themselves. However, fresh spawns should be protected. There's nothing that will advance the game by standing near a beach and killing whatever spawns.
  2. Ineedscoffee

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    see'ing as how most of these e-stars enforce infectious gameplay, i support the hell out of stream sniping. streamer decides to kill fresh spawns, you've got a thousand strong kiddies doing the same thing. keeps new players from wanting to join.
  3. at least have the balls enough to only shoot someone with a firearm or an axe. some of us arn't so lucky with finding things. hell, this spawn i've yet to come across any form of defensive weapon from zombies, let alone a backpack.
  4. Wake up, eat a bowl of cereal, check show times for the hobbit for my fiancé. Log into dayz, pick one of my usual servers, only five people on. Figure eh, may as well use the low pop to head deeper north then I already am. Log in, on my loading screen, before I'm even givin a chance to move, two mosin shots ring out in close quarter. Finally loaded fully into, which is only a thirty second process, I'm dead. I use VoIP, tell the kid happy new year, I'll let him loot me before re spawning. Not even a wod, just the sound of reloading. See, thirty hours gone, not a big deal. Loot gone, whatever, I can get more. Being shot on a server without even givin a chance to respond however, bugs me. Little shit didn't even to have the curtousy to let me know he was done looting after I graciously allowed him the chance without rage logging, etc. I used to not kos, thanks to this kid however, that's changed, time to be the bigger fish.
  5. Ineedscoffee

    Great way to start the new year

    Yeah, thinking back, even the typical loot free buildings were a poor choice. Well, least I have something to do now.
  6. Ineedscoffee

    Great way to start the new year

    That's not the issue son, the issue is being shot in the thirty second load window without a chance to respond. That's what burns my ass.
  7. Ineedscoffee

    Great way to start the new year

    Guess I'd better elaborate on my log out position, in the very back corner of a non loot providing brown building, in the deep north east. My log out spot was not the issue.
  8. Ineedscoffee

    The road

    That movie trailer did not even come close to representing the actual show. Girl and I saw it on demand or something, thought we would knock out a Vigo action flick, cracked some fresh drinks, and the next thing we know, the end credits are rolling. Neither her or I touched our beer, she had tears on her face and didn't know it, and I had a man tear gleaming. Needs a warning label for despair, especially for certain parts.
  9. Ineedscoffee

    Anyone else way up north and stocked up?

    I'm up north also, geared enough without setting foot on a military spot. Feeling comfortable enough to just jog from town to town, dispatch zombies, and replace everything with pristine quality.
  10. For me, it was when I grabbed a red bull at work yesterday, and audibly said "awe, I wanted a pristine one" It had a tiny ding in it lol My boss looked at me like I was crazy. Or it could of been when I greeted a customer with "Friendly!" Instead of the normal lol. Had been reading the forums all day.
  11. So I was striding across field out north, and out of nowher, this unarmed new spawn appears on my flank. I stop, pull out my fnx as he approaches me. He starts making small talk, and I switch to third person, just so I don't get sneak attacked, Out of nowhere, I'm unconscious. Kids arms didn't even come up, they were at his side at all times. No firearm went off either. No bleeding, nothing. He disappears, completely, as I hit escape to see my surroundings. No one is even near me. Was perfectly healthy, full blood, healthy status in my tab menu, the works. Twenty hours on that toon perfecting him. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what happened (besides Alpha lol), so I respawned. Yay I'm naked lol Anyways, anyone have an idea on what caused this?
  12. Ineedscoffee

    Possibly hacked or something lol

    Well, in the servers defense, the trees do look good.......
  13. Ineedscoffee

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    Lol besides that one
  14. Ineedscoffee

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    One shot, One kill. Did you see Barry Pepper missing any shots in Saving private Ryan? Nope.
  15. Ineedscoffee

    I was murdered in Balota.

    "People once believed that when you died, a crow took your soul to the land of the dead.....but sometimes, just sometimes, the crow could bring that soul back, to make the wrong things right..." Become The Crow my friend.......
  16. Ineedscoffee

    So... Where's all the zombies?

    They are keeping the zombie numbers low to work on the player/server load. Much like winter, zombies are coming..........
  17. Ineedscoffee

    Should beards be in DayZ?

    Actually, those eyes scream "bro, come with me,winkle face winkle face winkle face" Now a mans beard, the poll is not should we, it's why haven't we yet :p
  18. Ineedscoffee

    And you listen to ?

    Birds, wind, my cat meowing, my fiancé saying "ooohhhh, look look" every three minutes........
  19. Ineedscoffee

    Possibly hacked or something lol

    That's very possible as well, although I had no red or yellow chain on the bottom right. Guess I'll just resort to shooting anyone who comes closer then VoIP max distance lol. Not that I mind losing everything, half the fun is re gearing.
  20. Ineedscoffee

    You serious?

    Stay away from the bottom 25% of the server list. Also, before you log out, eat something, that way an action will be written to the save file. Once I started doing these two things, it stopped happening to me.
  21. Ineedscoffee

    no water? Drink your own piss...

    Most seem to forget that you can squeeze a decent amount of moisture from moss. Granted, you can also use said moss, rocks, and soil to filter your piss with a water bottle. Even still, I'll chew on plant stems before I resort to that.
  22. Ineedscoffee

    vehicles you want in the game

    Snowtercycle, for winter. Google it, you'll thank me later.
  23. Most are hanging out at the big three on the coast. Bambi's apparently are the greater threat.
  24. Ineedscoffee

    Let's up the Fear Factor

    Heh, anyone who lives north will appreciate this. When you shine a torch out into the woods, the light reflects off of every animals eyes. Even rabbits. Panning your light around and catching a pair of eyes staring at you will ice your veins. Grew up using an outhouse, sometimes at night, it was better to just turn the light off.
  25. Ineedscoffee

    Let's up the Fear Factor

    South central Alaska, glennallen here lol.mwe get all the fun stuff. Including moose walking in our post office parking lot. Yay northern exposure.....