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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. Ineedscoffee

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    The guns of Navarone. Haven't seen it yet...
  2. Ineedscoffee

    i feel terrible...

    Keep in mind,with every person you kill, that your giving them something to do :p
  3. In elektro? Just play music over your mic, people will flock to kill you. I suggest ace of base or aqua for immediate results. Also, not eating or drinking technically is suicide.
  4. I just to be able to John Rambo my survival knife to cauterize a bullet wound, and yell Hurrrrrgggghhhh in the process......
  5. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Well then since you've got an answer for everything, figure this out.I never played the mod, just watched it on twitch, so why am I contently, happily enjoying this broken ass game? I spent thirty dollars for a new gaming experience, and bet your ass, I found it. Couldn't be happier. New features on the way, polishing to come, and major holidays over with, so they can shuffle back into work mode. Yet here you are, like a food critic who just got mismatched forks. Unhappy, impatient, spiteful, angry, resentful. Clearly more experienced then over half of us as well. So why am I happy and your not? I have an answer, your the Dee Snider of these forums. Always gotta be pissed about something. What's your answer? Bet I can guess it.
  6. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Yes I'm serious brah, herp derp. It's only an issue if you allow it to be. I've encountered maybe two hiccups. One small case of rubber banding, and zombie noises in the woods, in over seventy hours played. Your ass is just looking for a reason, clearly.
  7. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Bottom fucking line, this is *******Not******** the mod. This a completely new, early alpha version of the mod. The mods thattaway, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
  8. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    More time is better! Scare off the cod kids, squeak out a higher polished game with "your kind" around to bitch about a few hiccups. Not duke nukes long tho.....
  9. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Should of done a beiber song, they might not get this......
  10. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Well then Gordon Gecko, since you've got the insider info, enlighten us. Us the mindless sheep who are enjoying our thirty dollar game and our 5.99 beer.
  11. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Lol these instant gratification kids, even in an alpha, they demand it all, and the day before. Wouldn't of lasted five mins in gaming 30 years ago.
  12. Ineedscoffee

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    Don't think they were prepared or counting on Chris Angel playing.....
  13. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Can't, your ego's taking up the passenger side.
  14. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    And yet your basic ass isn't on the team fixing them, since it's so easy, your done junior. You've nothing to offer us.
  15. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Un playable how? I spawn, loot, gear up, eat, drink, explore, kill, take, fortify my location with my rifle, feel apart of the game I'm playing, etc. Interact with players, mostly by shooting kneecaps as they are chased by zombies. Sounds like you need to stop shooting new spawns and find a hobby. What helps me,mis I have twitch tv running on my ipad mini while I play. Let's me watch Lyric do hilarious crap, takes the edge off up here in the north. That's right hombre, I said up north. I'm talking deep north, old petrokva. If I can enjoy the game daily, after work, up here, then there's no excuse for your piddly ass to be complaining about the game being unplayable.
  16. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    You may have paid for your copy of the game, but you sure as hell didn't buy stocks in the company and become a shareholder from said purchase. Your not entitled to be told anything about their process. We knew what we were buying, we will sit and wait, and be grateful when they do vocally address our issues. Being constructive simply helps them as to what we want in detail, rather then "herp derp nerf rock, scissors is fine, paper"
  17. Ineedscoffee

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Boo hoo, I have eight hours left on my thirteen hour shift today, boo hoo. Fix it or im quitting rocket, boo hoo. Keep your new posts constructive rather then raging, you have Wow forums for that. It's alpha, they are aware of the bugs and issues, they hear about it hourly.
  18. Ineedscoffee

    Item condition - Worst idea ever

    You speak pretty much for yourself sport. Games fine, not even close to being a "chore". Last I checked, you hardcore Pvpers never had a reason to shoot another player as it stands. Your just butthurt that you got shot, that pvp happened in a pvp setting. Next thing you'll be complaining about having to even gather gear, and that needing to eat and drink is pointless. Risk vs reward son. Next time. Don't get caught. Rant over :p
  19. Ineedscoffee

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    We don't discuss my /played on wow. That said, blizzard doesent sell games, they sell loot, and more things leading to more loot. All you do in every endgame spot they've had to date is get loot. People like loot.
  20. Ineedscoffee

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Do none of you people own cats? I just have my Maine coon place her paw on the W. She sits there happily purring while I do what I need to.
  21. so i've stumbled upon this little treasure trove twice now, with no clue what town it's actually next to. anyone able to tell me, so i may plan my trips better? excuse the desaturation, sickness took hold :P
  22. thanks folks, been trying to find a near by town so i can visit this place in the future, and not by accident lol
  23. Ineedscoffee

    Less gun porn

    And campfire coffee!
  24. Ineedscoffee

    Less gun porn

    I'm fine with just a simple pack of camel non filters and a sodding lighter. maybe some 8bit contra main screen music when I light one up after killing a bandit. Lol the musics a pipe dream, but would love a pack of smokes in game. And beards! My god man, actual beards!
  25. Ineedscoffee

    Carrying both an m4 and mosin

    I threw it on the ground. I don't need your charity maaannn