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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. Ineedscoffee

    Faster Zombies vs. Slower ones

    I'd rather have weeping angel style zombies :D
  2. Ineedscoffee

    Dorkly Comic!

    Moved to off topic? This is where threads go to die. Thanks.
  3. Haven't even touched the mod, I do however, watch streamers that have. In fact, I prop my ipad mini up and have it playing on twitch while I look for beans. Down south is no mans land. Almost the entire southern coast is in some form, populated. Either a fresh spawn trying to find leftover loot, greifers trying to find fresh spawns, or geared people looking for greifers. You step foot into one of the big three, your getting shot at. Any military site to the north within a five min walk is also barren. The deep north is a survivalists dream, hardly any players venture out that far, as they have no one to shoot at. Surviving in the south is quite difficult. You will be shot at, chased with axes, bats, fists. There will be hardly any food, packs, clothing. Since zombies are toned down for stress testing, you won't really find much of them either. Now if you enjoy stalking other players and taking what's yours, this is your spot. You will find thrilling firefights. Watching Sacriel yesterday, he was fired upon at least twice, on two different instances, causing his heart to just about explode. He even had an hour long squad fire fight the day prior. He was standing in a watchtower, quiet as hell, talking to his stream, when two m4's ripped into the glass windows. Hell i jumped lol. The big name streamers, Lyric, Sacriel, Summit, even Towelliee, and a large handful of others seem to greatly approve of the standalone. Gameplay wise, graphics wise, it's a step forward. Granted it's a barebones version of the mod, it also doesent suffer from the rampant hackers. Now we do have ghosters and combat loggers. 98% of the community kills on sight, real banditry is rare. We do suffer some glitches, such as ladders, falling through floors, stairs, walls, mosin glitching when you try to eject ammo during prone, etc. All this will be addressed. Happy additions such as hunting, cooking, vehicles, poo throwing and such, has been outlined for the future. For me dayz was a completely new gaming experience, that handled my skyrim addiction. After over 90 hours played (damn you steam tracker! Some things are better left unknown!) I still greatly feel like my thirty dollars was worth it. It's almost like I paid for a 90 dollar game. Just keep in mind, going forward with whatever choice you make, that this is early alpha, on a game slated for a 2015 release. A lot can happen in between then.
  4. Ineedscoffee

    Celeb Zombies

    Just putting this out there, but i would absolutely be able to kill zach braff, or his zombie. If Dean could add this in, that'd be great......
  5. Ineedscoffee

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    Kid's want to try to kill me on sight? I welcome it, and i will personally thank you, if you take me down. Nothing makes my day, like logging in, and having something to do. See, you big e-star kos'ers down on the coast are on you're last legs. You have nothing to do. Kill me, and i get to explore, loot, build up, yadda yadda. In fact, thank you in advance.
  6. Ineedscoffee

    Celeb Zombies

    and we now have our endgame zombie......
  7. Went through a few load outs, shot a guy in the chest for a few parts of it lol. From 10am to 5pm, Yay day off. Day started like this Then turned into this Finally ending with this Not running a pack, as I severely dislike the bulk they add. Two 60round mags, 2 canteens, and i still have plenty of room for everything i need. Only reason i have rags, was due to trying to make a splint. Gives me a slight increased difficulty when your not hoarding food on your back. Only eat when you need to, or when you come across extra. Switched off the Mosin, as the M4 has far less glitches. Dare to test that? Go prone with a Mosin and try to eject rounds lol. Besides, only snipers need a mosin, and laying in the dirt waiting isn't surviving to me.
  8. Ineedscoffee

    What i accomplished today on dayz, Outfits!

    train station, spawns on the floor.
  9. Ineedscoffee

    What i accomplished today on dayz, Outfits!

    Apparently, if it's not with a green helmet and a gas mask, everything lol
  10. Ineedscoffee

    Towns that people don't go to often?

    Lopatino and just northwest of it. Construction site with 30/35 slot packs, m4's, ammo, food, etc. also a trainstation with a press vest, balistic vest, school type 3floor building with closthing, food, mosins, handguns, etc. plus 3 lootable cars, and 9 garage bay doors. havent seen a single soul in every trip there.
  11. Ineedscoffee

    What i accomplished today on dayz, Outfits!

    yes, with firearms and less imaginary tea.....
  12. Ineedscoffee

    What i accomplished today on dayz, Outfits!

    i prefer to stay deep north. there i at least get to look at things :p
  13. Ineedscoffee

    Betrayal stories, please!

    we may have derailed the Op's original intent lol
  14. Ineedscoffee

    Betrayal stories, please!

    The only one that matters........ Obi-Wan: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness. Anakin Skywalker: [shouts] I hate you. Obi-Wan: You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you. Riveting.......
  15. Something that's been drilled into my head, is always clear a building with your firearm up. I practice this in ever single shooter I play and have played. I don't look for a headshot, I keep it right at chest level. Also I'm able to spot deadly force easier this way. If I don't see a gun, I give a warning. Now today, I turn the corner in some military building, my magnum right on point, and as I turn the corner, I see a body with an m4 at rest, not shouldered. Before either of us could even speak, I had put four rounds into his chest, purely on reflex. Sure I felt like a jerk, as had he not been armed, I would of opened contact. Got a free 60mag at least.
  16. Ineedscoffee

    Coastal vs Northern Population Trends

    Marine eh, did I say eyeballs? :p
  17. Ineedscoffee

    Coastal vs Northern Population Trends

    I followed roads when I first started. Turns out, they lead to places.
  18. I hear the bambi comin' It's rolling round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when, I'm stuck in Bashyna Prison, and time keeps draggin' on But that bambi keeps a rollin' on down for my M4.... When I was just a new spawn, my mama told me. Son, Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns. But I shot a man in Cherno just to watch him die Now I've got that Bambi bleeding, He hangs his head to cry..... I bet there's new folks eating, reckon not to far They're probably drinkin' water, my beans all gone Well I know I had it coming, I know I can't be free But those people keepin healthy And that's what tortures me... Well if loot freed me from this prison, If that 60round was mine I bet I'd move it on south farther down the line Far from Bashyna Prison, that's where I want to stay And I'd let that M4 whistle, blow them Bambi's away.....
  19. Ineedscoffee

    Bashyna Prison, Johnny Cash Style

    He'll be singing "you can't take the sky from me" by mornin
  20. Ineedscoffee

    Best Character Contest.

    We're running from the shadows of the niggghhttt
  21. Ineedscoffee

    Bashyna Prison, Johnny Cash Style

    My on,y hope, is that one day, I may raise a Jayne statue in Cherno.....
  22. Ineedscoffee

    Nighttime NW Airfield Encounter (Story)

    Beans for a clever use if the weapon flashlight, I'm impressed, and just ask me, I'm important :D
  23. Ineedscoffee

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    While the magnum packs on helluva punch, you fire that thing off, you might as well stand up on the roof of the fire station in Cherno, screaming BAAAAAAAAAA SOWENYAAAAAA MAMABEATSE***H
  24. Ineedscoffee

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    Pay no attention to the haters. Frankly, the games about your survival, not theirs. What you attempted was admirable, but futile given the current player base. Hell, anymore it's safer to don a brown hoodie, autumn pants,orange pack and a mosin, creep along tree lines. And wait for one of those military rats to go running by, and drop him. Your better off serving new players by putting them down instead. You know their headed to the coast to go ADHD with all that new ammo they found, with new spawns and a gleam in their eye. Grab the supplies you need, take the firearms and ammo, throw em in a pond, and let someone stumble upon the leftovers. Yes, it is killing on sight, but it's the end of days, you have a pack, you have something I need. I will take it in the most efficient way possible.