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Everything posted by Ineedscoffee

  1. Ineedscoffee

    Stable server question

    So I'm reading a lot about this patch possibly moving from experimental to stable. I cannot however, find the answer to if our regular everyday servers are considered the stable branch or not. I'm blindly just thinking they are, but it would be nice to know for sure. Didn't know if it was a middle stage for after experimental, but before public. Thank you in advance.
  2. Ineedscoffee

    Stable server question

    Outstanding. Thank you sir.
  3. Ineedscoffee


    I'm at work, and uninformed. Are our normal servers considered the stable branch?
  4. Ineedscoffee


    Whatever it is, it's got my nipples hard....
  5. Ineedscoffee

    Green Mountain visit

    Then thank god I can shoot you, maybe that'll shut "you people" up.
  6. Ineedscoffee


    Folks, if your launched into the air, alt f4 or exit log ASAP. Join a server with high latency, and it just may teleport your little heinies back to safe ground. Also, if you find yourself teleported far out to sea, don't panic, take a moment and use your noggin. The clouds blow eastward, always. Line yourself up to northwest, and start swimming. One of two things will happen, dry land, or death via starvation. Either way, it beats sitting there and posting on the forums about it. Thee will always be "hackers", no matter what stage of the game there is. Sure they can implement measures against them, they will keep coming however. Just the nature of the beast.
  7. Ineedscoffee

    Green Mountain visit

    That's a beige tactical shirt, mostly worn by those who drink Baileys from a shoe.....mmmmm, creamy beige......
  8. Ineedscoffee

    10 minute is not enough to loot dead bodies you put down

    I don't know, seems like plenty of time for me. Then again, I'm not some barracks rat on the coast.
  9. Not sure if I care to test it like we do in game......
  10. Ineedscoffee

    At work when suddenly, DayZ happens......

    There's other methods, involving gum wrappers, paper clips, season of MacGuyver, using your tongues just the easiest. That's why we have children tho muhahahaha.
  11. Ineedscoffee

    Green Mountain visit

    Be glad he didn't discharge a sidearm into the bunk lol. My baby unloaded a full clip into a camel spider during his first tour. Co was not impressed. I've found endless hours of entertainment latently, from just messing with other players.
  12. Ineedscoffee

    At work when suddenly, DayZ happens......

    God that looks like one of the medical waste incinerators we have here in salt lake. On a clear day, with no wind, driving past, you can smell it....
  13. Ineedscoffee

    At work when suddenly, DayZ happens......

    If I didn't know what went on in this building, and if that battery haven't been on the floor, I'd test it for you lol.
  14. Ineedscoffee

    Green Mountain visit

    I generally try to hide there and wait for people to climb up. Once they touch the ladder, I make that noise from the The Grudge/Ring. You know the one, that deep throat creaking noise....
  15. Ineedscoffee

    At work when suddenly, DayZ happens......

    The arm hair have it away didn't it :p
  16. Ineedscoffee

    What do you do when you find heaven?

    You ration yourself, to much of heaven is......well...... Too much of heaven, Can bring you underground Heaven, can always turn around. Too much of heaven, A life and soul hell bound. Heaven, the killer makes no sound. They're still talking about money, That's right and too much of heaven. C'mon my friend. Let me tell you what it's all about, It's called money dependence today, And people just keep on going on Looking at the dollar bill, And nothing else around them. No love, no friendship, nothing else, Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket, Into their bank account, And that's too much of heaven Bringing them underground. Let me tell you what it's all about It's called money dependence today, And people just keep on going on Looking at the dollar bill, And nothing else around them. No love, no friendship, nothing else, Just the dollar bill coming on into their pocket, Into their bank account, The answer, Is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing. Oh let me tell you what it's all about. Too much of heaven bring you underground.
  17. Ineedscoffee

    What do you do when in a mexican stand off

    Why did stayin alive by the bee gees pop into my head when I saw this?
  18. Ineedscoffee

    What do you do when in a mexican stand off

    I normally order a taco......
  19. Ineedscoffee

    Dorkly Comic!

    Deans dreams came true, he made today's Dorkly Strip lol DayZ-ed and Confused http://www.dorkly.com/comic/58310/dayz-ed-and-confused
  20. Ineedscoffee

    Don't bother buying

    Oh,you mean military rats. They rush to the barracks, then run to the coast. Yeah, well those are a problem. Best we can do is keep moving north away from em.
  21. Ineedscoffee

    Don't bother buying

    While that may be true about most of the general populous, I only shoot when threatened. If you are in the same building I am, you warned to stay away, or I'll shoot you. If you come up on me, I will shoot you. If you go out of your way to even approach me, I'll shoot you. If I wanted to be all buddy buddy, I'd be playing with a friend, and guess what, we'd shoot you. I'm not playing a zombie apocalypse game to hold hands and tip toe through the zombies.
  22. Ineedscoffee

    Don't bother buying

    Of course you are, internet, doesn't matter.I highly suggest you wait a few months. Maybe by then, you and Frodo there will have your own private server/hive. Until then, and only then, you are a lovely 25slot chance of more food/ammo.
  23. Ineedscoffee

    Don't bother buying

    Judging from your mannerisms, I'd says 13. Considering this is the internet, I'm sure your some claim to fame yadda yadda. The dev shave already stated, they do not want a safe haven style pve environment. Just cause billyjobob jr there said no kos, pve/let's play house in a zombie wasteland, all that means jack shit. Get it through that thick skull boy, this ain't your slice of pie.
  24. Ineedscoffee

    Don't bother buying

    Son, no. The higher ups have already stated, pve servers do not exist. They don't care about the server you rent with mom and dads money, or what name/title you give it.Get this through your noggin, pve here means player vs everything/everyone.
  25. Ineedscoffee

    Idiotic moments in banditry

    Well arnt you just talented