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Everything posted by ryzoh

  1. bows? bows for what? for my dog? i want to use ak and m4's
  2. guys chill, the day didnt end yet, and im pretty sure if they didnt tweet anything is cuz they are working to push the patch to stable, so just chill guys, everything will be ok in the end of the day.
  3. im 100% sure that 0.42 will have the cooking/hunting system implemented. hope i can test it today :) btw gj DayZ Staff!!! keep up the good work.
  4. ryzoh

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    ok so we need a ETA, its been a week already
  5. jk master Stay with DayZ until the end of the year and then go make a pretty damn good multi player game with a open world to explore and a engine as good as of the GTA V in Dean i trust!!!! :beans:
  6. ryzoh

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    SHAME ON YOU DEAN HALL if u gonna leave bohemia to open your own company game, pls make a decent mmo shooter game
  7. im rly eager to see it in stable branch btw keep up the good work.
  8. ryzoh

    Futuristic Rev. 30.10.116789

    we might have to starting banning a few people in forums jk good update :P
  9. ryzoh

    ETA for the new patch

    gaben said something like that
  10. so i can make a mini base to put my stuffs and go back to kos thanks
  11. ryzoh

    military tents, when?

    just want to hide my stuffs so when i die i can easily gear up and go back to kos
  12. ryzoh

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    i need this on stable branch *_*
  13. dean y u no tell me the patch notes
  14. asap of course but i want it really badly
  15. ya i forgot that make spaws items works properly pls what is the point of having a base with no items? lol
  16. well if you pushed this update could we get camps and bases in the next one? thanks.
  17. u re a dog? rofl u re so funny dude!
  18. are the combat logging already fixed? what about mouse acc? where is cars? gtg b 2 rust bb
  19. any news about the combat logging?