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Everything posted by ryzoh

  1. where is patch? eta is a lie
  2. ryzoh

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    wut thats why this patch is taking so long to be released
  3. ryzoh

    Hacker on video

    legit in my dayz this teleports are called dsync lol
  4. ryzoh

    Mosin Nagant Rangeing and Sniping Tutorial

    and now make them rare.
  5. ryzoh

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    omg whats wrong with the spawns?
  6. ryzoh

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    what is wrong with spawns?? lol
  7. veteran mod will actually be only first person only, so just wait until they put it live =D
  8. ryzoh

    If only we had a wheelbarrow...

    the nickname + avatar combo and this topic omg laughed so hard that i just took of my hands from the keyboard and said take my beans, just take my beans.
  9. ryzoh

    Night time In Dayz SA and your thoughts?

    if its night time on dayz its because the sun is in the other side of chernarus oh wait. it only has one side
  10. ryzoh

    Found a UK Server with 127 Slots!

    if i didnt get around 300ms in uk servers i would play in this server with no doubt. :3
  11. as far as i know it goes through the wall, so if someone is using a flashlight inside of a building u can see him easily
  12. ryzoh

    Clothing ideals!

    i would love to see this outfit in the game
  13. if staying in balota killing everything that moves expect things that already looks dead is a good experience, then i guess that im having the BEST gaming experience in my life nig
  14. i only watch videos in 4k sry
  15. ryzoh

    Silencer working?

    its not working but i like to be different u know, i like the feel that i have when i have a silencer on my m4
  16. ryzoh

    Dayz --- My experience (opinion) so far...

    lets make a deal, you pay for the use of CryEngine and dean hall and his team build dayz on CryEngine IF you are not doing that then uninstalling the game is a option.
  17. ryzoh

    How We Survive

    12:02 still thinking if its worthing losing this time life...
  18. ryzoh

    HAHAHAHA Oh geez, look who's playing:

    well, im playing too, can someone make a topic about it too???
  19. ryzoh

    Idea: Different Type of Zombies

    i still like my idea of a Zombie Pet
  20. ryzoh

    ITT: I share my secret loot spot

    mad cuz tryhard
  21. ryzoh

    Add Statistics

    the mod game that is on DayZ SA ALPHA is the veteran mod, so this mod has no statistics or stuff like that.
  22. ryzoh

    I can crash any server...at will

    please Anonymous, stop making this to my favorite game =(
  23. im watching lirik's stream, sry
  24. ryzoh


    scary lol