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Everything posted by Drantek

  1. Hey everyone, I understand that this is alpha and that I will run into alot of glitches... which I have, but glitchy zombies and losing gear b/c the floor ate it :P isn't as bad as not being able to grab or equip anything. I can't do anything except move :( Plus, today was the day I was finally going to try to cook rice D: I had the pot stove and everything :| Since it is kinda hard to explain, I uploaded a video for you guys to see more or less what I'm going through. Any ideas on what I can do? I honestly do not want to lose my character unless its a super last resort lol. Thanks in advance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSexpuzsuRA
  2. Drantek

    Can't equip/loot anything? (Please Help)

    Actually I dont have to kill myself, but unfortunately I have to leave my backpack and all its stuff. Turns out by taking off my backpack everything fixed itself. Funny thing too, I was apparently immortal w/ the backpack on. I tried jumping off a construction site to kill myself to respawn, but I just survived.
  3. Drantek

    Keep loosing all my gear bug

    It happened to me too, everytime I'd relog I would start on the coast again. It fixed itself oddly enough when I looted and got geared up, exited the server, exited to the main menu. Then went back to join the same server and after that I've been able to keep my gear.
  4. Drantek

    Can't equip/loot anything? (Please Help)

    I guess I'll have to :\ I'll keep trying other things though, but eventually I might have to. Thanks anyway
  5. Drantek

    Can't equip/loot anything? (Please Help)

    I have lol, I've gone through populated, to not too populated to high-ping servers and nothing.