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mietzekatze (DayZ)

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About mietzekatze (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Signature check time out

    Please, i beg you tell me how i can fix it, too! Im searching for so long for an solution to this :(
  2. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    How do I set up my microphone?

    Yeah happens to me, too. Teamspeak is fine but direct communication isnt working. I can see the mic-symbol but nobody can hear me (tested it).
  3. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    Hey guys .... i think i know what the issue is. Could not find out what exactly but this helped me: Turn your Firewall/AV off! Does it help you? If yes i would make a solution post for all of us. :)
  4. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Fps drops in MP

    Hey guys .... i think i know what the issue is. Could not find out what exactly but this helped me: Turn your Firewall/AV off! Does it help you? If yes i would make a solution post for all of us. :)
  5. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    Same problem here, tried anything (at least overclocking and stuff). Nothing works. Arma 2 Singleplayer/Multiplayer - fine. Operation Arrowhead Singleplayer/Multiplayer - fine. DayZ - issues. Has to do with some DayZ Options and/or the patch/beta. There might be a hidden setting in one of the .cfg files .... but i really dont know which one. Someone PLEASE help, this is so fucking frustrating. :(
  6. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Fps drops in MP

    Bump! Have the same problems!
  7. mietzekatze (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Hey rocket, update sounds realy nice! Thanks! But i have one litte request: Could you pleeeeeaaase fix the bug with the suits (like ghillie suit or camo suit), where you spawn in the ocean? This would be awesome! :) Greetings from germany, hoping my english isnt that bad. mietzekatze