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Everything posted by SomeAnonymousGuy

  1. I logged in three times, and no loot has spawned in Elektro since the restart. Also, gun clips refill every login if you have any bullets left in the clip. Before the restart, the loot distribution was very nicely done. Also, the FPS on this server is amazing. I actually hit 60 at one point today. This was even before the restart that wiped all gear/items from the game.
  2. SomeAnonymousGuy

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    After the day the zombies came, people just weren't the same. I woke up in the school in Elektro, hungry and thirsty, and a guy is standing there, and says "There is a revolver behind you on a shelf." Being the kind person I am, I said, "You may have it." His reply: "I wasn't asking for your moth********* permission to get the gun." 15 shots later, I walked out, glad I muted his mic from the Elektro for a short time.