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Everything posted by Punkrawks

  1. Punkrawks

    Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

    I'm pretty sure the tactical vests stop bullets, or at least 1 until it's ruined.
  2. So I just got into a gunfight at Balota (shocking right?) Anyway I'm living and he's not. I used a pristine bandage on my wounds. All my statuses cleared. Read somewhere that you need to clean your wounds or take antibiotics so I took antibiotics and instantly got a 'sick' status. Is this normal after taking antibiotics? Does it happen when you take them when you're healthy? Does it matter if they're pristine, worn, damaged, or badly damaged? Just need to know if the sickness will go away, or if I should go hide my body near Kamyshovo and prepare to die and run back to my corpse?
  3. Punkrawks

    Combat Logging At It's Finest!

    Traveling groups that large it becomes a clusterfuck. You guys are so unorganized that you're more likely to shoot each other out of confusion than the enemy. It's one thing if you had a group of structured, organized people but you guys are just a mess. Split up into groups of 3 or 4. You're just asking to get killed with a group of 10+
  4. Punkrawks

    Ambient noises

    fences rattling, footsteps on metal, reloading, eating, phantom zombie grumbles.... Any idea when the ambient noises are going to be fixed? Seems like it would be a fairly simple one. I know a team of pros were just hired for a new smattering of sounds, but couldn't there be a hotfix in the meantime? Any other sound related issues from anyone else?
  5. Punkrawks

    Gas Station Killers

    "Bandits have a dumbass attack at gas station... 3 times"
  6. Punkrawks

    How do I take a screen shot

    pressing F12 will take a screenshot through Steam Otherwise you'll have to download a screenshot program
  7. Punkrawks

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Video or it didn't happen. As for calling yourself 'elite' on a video game? Is that like getting a blue ribbon at the special olympics? People play this game as entertainment, not as a serious competition to show superiority over one another. Pretty much says you have nothing going for you in real life so you have to brag about virtual exploits. Tell me what server you play on and what times you play. I'll find you and force you to drink some bleach. You can brag about how awesome you are while gargling on cleaning products.
  8. This map has come in pretty handy (especially with dual monitors). Haven't seen anybody mention it before so figured it would help some people. It shows all spawn locations for supplies, clothing, weapons, medical supplies, equipment, deer stands, and whatnot. Keep in mind, you're not guaranteed loot in these spots, just known spawn points given the type of buildings in the area. http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus
  9. Punkrawks

    Map of Chernarus with loot spawn points

    I found the map before I found the forums. So no.
  10. Punkrawks

    5.56 Ammo peculiarities (may generalize)

    You can also have 60 round stacks if you use the coupled mags and empty them. Again, this is alpha and you'll see glitches when combining/emptying items. They're being worked on.
  11. Ok, so lets say you get shot or hit with a melee weapon and you're bleeding. You patch yourself up, eat, drink, take any applicable medication, but your vision is still washed out and blurry. I know the workaround for blurry vision is to press 'esc' open config>video then exit back to the game. Kind of annoying I have to do it every time I log in, but gets the job done. Has anyone figured out how to restore color to the game once you've lost it? No amount of eating/drinking/transfusions fix it for me and it's really starting to annoy me. Anyone? Staff? Devs?
  12. Punkrawks

    Does the silencer actually work?

    Still have one in my bag, one day they'll work
  13. Punkrawks

    Sniper at balota

    Not really fun sniping fresh spawns. I go for geared players. To me, this is endgame
  14. Punkrawks

    Sniper at balota

    Back when people spawned directly in Balota, that was my favorite killbox... now it's all but deserted. Most people spawn in Kamyshovo or on the east coast. The North East airstrip is the new Balota. Here are some of my shots from that exact same spot:
  15. Punkrawks

    Vision - faded color and blur

    Yeah I've seen all these, I've eaten until I was full, I've sat in the same spot for an hour resting I've drank water until I was full, I don't have any status ailments but my vision is still washed out.
  16. Punkrawks

    Post your System Spec and Graphic Settings

    Not directed at you, just used you as an example (hope you don't mind) for all AMD users. Yes if you are on a budget, AMD will get you more bang for your buck. However if price is no object then intel will win hands down. The absolute best AMD chip (FX-9590 8-core 5Ghz) ranks pretty much exactly the same as an i7-4770k 4-core 3.5Ghz. And the kicker is both of them cost the same (roughly $330) I'm not saying buy Intel specifically for this game, just understand that you get what you pay for. Lower price=lower performance. I see all these kids posting with AMD chips and don't understand why they get 15fps in towns on mid-range settings.
  17. Someone abusing game mechanics to get an upper hand isn't out-playing someone. If you could do the same WITHOUT logging off the server, then yeah I'd be impressed and say they got outplayed. Any kid with downs can log off, flank their opponent, log back in and kill them... that's not outplaying that's akin to cheating.
  18. Punkrawks

    Post your System Spec and Graphic Settings

    Also, if you're running with an AMD processor, you're already crippled out of the gate. This game is pretty processor intensive (the way the engine offloads to the CPU) so just keep in mind that: 4Ghz AMD quad =/= 4Ghz Intel quad In reality: AMD FX 6300 6-core @ 3.5Ghz ==== i5-4670T 4-core @ 3.3Ghz Intel has lower clock speed and fewer cores, but both perform the same in benchmarks You'll definitely see higher clock speeds on AMD, but benchmarks will show hands down that Intel handles data better. Why is that? Think of it like a dam, and the river is your data. An AMD dam will have 6 spillways to let the water through and an Intel dam will have 13. Your clock speed is how fast that water can go through the dam and reach the other side. Now, even though AMD will be pushing that water through at higher pressures, overall it will still be moving less water than the Intel dam because of sheer volume. This is a very basic analogy of data pipelines but principle is the same. AMD chips are more cheaply built and can handle higher clock speeds because the amount of data flowing is smaller. They know consumers get starstruck with 5Ghz out of the box numbers but benchmarks show that a 5Ghz 6-core AMD performs the same as a 4Ghz quad-core Intel. So keep in mind, if you have AMD or ATI graphics card (built on AMD chipsets) then you are at a disadvantage from the beginning. If you don't believe me, benchmark your CPU/GPU and compare it to other chips at http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html TL;DR - AMD is like a race horse with only 3 legs
  19. Yes, needs to be a timer to prevent server hopping/ghosting Also needs to be a 10 second logout timer which makes your character sit down (kind of like wow) so when someone tries to combat log, you can visibly see them sit down and they will be vulnerable for those 10 seconds. All of a sudden it's a bad idea to combat log when being held up, they see you're trying to weasel out and just kill you.
  20. Punkrawks

    Post your System Spec and Graphic Settings

    Here's mine: i7 4930k @ 4.2GHz 16GB PC-2400 RAM GTX 780 OC Win7 x64 pro 750w platinum PS 250GB SSD (for OS and game installs) 4TB Hard Drive (for media/data storage) This build cost $1800US and is worth every penny Also running max settings and getting 40-60fps
  21. Punkrawks

    Group of 6 Looking for More

    What is your steam URL? There are literally hundreds of pages with "FrosT" Mine is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Punkrawks
  22. Punkrawks

    Just some accuracy testing with the Mosin.

    yes, the crosshairs are off on the mosin. Anything beyond 200m I have to aim to the right.
  23. I used to be nice, going to Kamyshovo and handing out beans to the newbies, even gave a guy a pistol with a clip and 30 rounds to defend himself. Guess what 99% of them did? Tried to kill me. Here I am fully decked out in TTsKO clothing, M4 dressed up like it was going to Prom... obviously not my first day in Dayz. Still.. they tried to kill me, many with bare hands. From a newbie standpoint, I would probably do the same. Uber geared guy walks up and is actually friendly! Very nice, OOH he gave me beans and water, he must have tons of goodies hidden away in that mountain backpack... I'll just wait until he turns around, hit him in the head until he's unconscious and TAKE ALL THESE GOODIES! THANK YOU ARMED SANTA! Even the guy I gave the pistol to, I told him to put it in his bag and walk away. He decides to pop the clip in right in front of me. I point my M4 right at him and say don't do it bro and he starts unloading on me! Only hit me once but I killed him and took my pistol back. WTF? Helping newbies comes with risk and I have just decided the risk isn't worth it. They have nothing to lose so risking death for a mountain of gear all of a sudden isn't a big deal to them. What's the worse that could happen? They die and start 50 feet away from where they just died with the same gear? Big loss right? Don't even get me started on geared players. They're so afraid of dying that they will ALWAYS either shoot or combat log when you try to hold them up. I have decided to let newbies run off without their beans, and let geared players die without warning. Yes there are good players out there, but they are about 1 in 10. So 9 out of 10 players will be assholes. Too big of a risk to put my life on the line. So if you ever meet me in game, I'll let my M4 do the talking.
  24. Punkrawks

    I used to be nice, now I just KOS

    I stood there talking to him for a good 10 minutes over voice chat, he sounded like a super nice guy, had a few laughs. Said he had been killed like 10 times by bandits, so I decided to give him a pistol to protect himself. He was very polite until he got the gun, then decided he wanted ALL my stuff. People go from zero to asshole in no time when given a gun, therefore anybody I see with a gun is assumed to be dangerous.
  25. Punkrawks

    sanity punish for KOS?

    Seriously man? Everyone will play this game however they want. Forcing them to be good or face a Karma system is crap. If Devs wanted a good/evil indicator system that would seriously alter the way the game is played. They don't want that or else they would have built it into the game. I kill on sight not because I feel superior or that I'm trying to be a badass, mostly it's because I know if they spot me they'll kill me first. Or if I need food, water, medical supplies, ammo... people won't just give that stuff away so I kill for it. It's called survival. You call it being an asshole and that I kill just for fun. You sir, are an idiot. People kill for many reasons, you just don't understand them. You want this to be a game full of friendship and hand holding. Where people band together and form alliances. That's crap. This is a gritty survival game where death could hit you at any minute. Don't like it? Go play the mod with your whiny Karma meters.