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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Gerandar

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    Nothing they add will make me want to stop and talk to random people. the only reason others are even on the servers I play on is to kill or be killed by.
  2. Gerandar

    marriage family house farm community

    no this isn't second life or the sims you get your character and yours only. hell I guess you could do some creepy RP if you really want...
  3. Gerandar

    How do you kill rabbits?

    you shall not kill the god bunnies.
  4. how would one accidentally drink this? sounds like a short bus situation.
  5. Gerandar

    A Few Bugs I've Encountered

    I just tested this with the M4 and mosin, I could sprint no problem.
  6. well considering its so easy to "wall hack" in this game I cant blame anyone for doing it
  7. Gerandar

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    if surviving was hard I could understand wanting something for it but as it stands go get some food/water and sit in a damn bush for 3 months.
  8. unless they have the same amount of slots or more then the ttsko stuff it would be worthless to wear them
  9. Gerandar

    More NEWB Questions

    most of the time its the streamer/youtubers way of excusing anyone who recks them.
  10. Gerandar

    Lee enfield ( do you want to see it in game?)

    Eventually they will make there way into the game either in the vanilla or one of the many mods people will play more then said vanilla
  11. Server hop till you get a new spawn pretty much the only fix I've seen to this issue
  12. Gerandar

    Randomly unconcious

    sounds like you were low on blood and health, so you can try to avoid the stuffed status and get healthy(naturally regen health and blood) or spam saline bags for blood but that wont help your health overall just bring back your color.
  13. Gerandar

    New Gun B95

    More guns for the deathmatch~
  14. Gerandar

    Problem with Splitting Axe ?

    So far I haven't been able to replicate the OP's issue, I'd say just another random glitch try rejoining the server or pick a new one
  15. Gerandar

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    I wouldn't say its a combat logging timer as it doesnt just apply to combat situations. its more of a badly implemented standard log out timer :\
  16. what i want is zombie kids, I just want to shoot some children to be honest.
  17. Gerandar

    What would you do?

    considering how easy zombies are to deal with, if you die to them you should just stop playing :\
  18. Pretty much letting people know to try ways around it and if someone nice enough to post it on the bug tracker does thats good until then I'll just enjoy hopping.
  19. Gerandar

    Hardcore = Friendly?

    there are tons of exploits to be used in "hardcore" servers, seeing through walls in 1st person for example.
  20. I'm not going to waste my time, someone else will find it and post it to the bug tracker for everyone to see
  21. Gerandar

    The Awesomeness of the burlap sack

    I can still see in mine so they are not working 100%.
  22. Gerandar


    did you guys really have faith that they could get something working the first time around?
  23. Well considering I already found a work around to the timer I dont really care if they make it an hour.
  24. Gerandar

    Talk about priorities...

    am i the only one that has found a work around to the timer? really?
  25. Gerandar

    You were kicked off the game...

    Well considering my buddy has been doing it since launch, I can assure you they don't give a rats ass about the devs stupid policies.