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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Gerandar

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    People trying to dictate how others should play the game.
  2. I dont really care about any sort of survival, I just want to kill things.
  3. There should be more wrecks on the roads. also the airfields should be littered with wrecks I mean this is the cleanest looking apocalypse ever.
  4. Gerandar

    Random Encounters

    saw a guy, shot a guy, games okay.
  5. Gerandar

    Rain makes the game unplayable.

    they should turn the rain off until they make roofs that block said rain.
  6. Gerandar

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    meh like everything in this game the timer isn't perfect keep searching theres ways around waiting.
  7. Gerandar


    just delete the entire folder and run around in an empty wasteland, kind werid seeing people going upstairs that are not there.
  8. Gerandar

    Reinstalled the Game, all issues fixed...

    reinstalling the game wouldn't fix a memory leak if thats whats causing the issue
  9. Gerandar

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    Your clan got recked by 1 guy, much good, such skill.
  10. Gerandar

    Why KoS

    people get scared in this game? really? with how janky things look I cant help but laugh most of the time. I KoS because they let me I dont need or want your loot.
  11. Gerandar

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    your not getting your character back, bugs/glitchs happen learn to deal.
  12. Gerandar

    is dayz teh new tf2?

    nah TF2 is a better deathmatch.
  13. Gerandar

    I'm not trying to start a war

    The answers as to why its in the game are there, just because they didn't start off by stating "3rd person is in DAYZ because........" doesn't mean anything.
  14. Gerandar

    Lower Fall Damage for Alpha Plz

    because we dont need to test for fall damage values, nah not needed at all.
  15. Gerandar

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    why are you going to not post an I.P and take screenshots of killing people again?
  16. Gerandar

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Do you really have faith in the devs to code this in? They can't even keep respawn working, or make the game check for all the files befor you load so you can just delete objects and see through walls. good luck with anysort of time spent alive = longer beard.
  17. Gerandar

    I'm not trying to start a war

    "Why is it in the game?" gets given answers. "But you didn't use the word dayz in them!"
  18. Gerandar

    I'm not trying to start a war

    you asked why its in this game, rocket wants it in this game, B.I wants it in this game. 1st person is clunky as fuck and if you know how to you can look through walls with it. so real.
  19. Gerandar

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    Helping random people is not enjoyable in anyway, only way anyones getting loot out of me is if they kill me.
  20. Gerandar

    I'm not trying to start a war

    play on "hardcore" servers then, realism is not an argument when a bandage can heal my bullet wound.
  21. Gerandar

    Rollback the patch?

    patch is working fine for me no rollback needed.
  22. Gerandar

    Can you play Dayz with an Xbox controller?

    I dont see why not, your going to get recked by anyone using a mouse/keyboard but go for it
  23. Gerandar

    A new idea to stop the "kill-on-sight" mentality

    if were going down the realism tracks they have to rework bandaging a bullet wound. also a ton of other things this game is not a simulator. and if it was going to be it would just be a combat sim like arma.
  24. nothing else to do other then deathmatch each other, but to be fair dayz will always just be another deathmatch
  25. cant say rain has caused me any major fps issues :\