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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Gerandar

    So... can you be that good?

    dont bring sense into this thread.
  2. Gerandar

    So... can you be that good?

    The difference is online banking/gambing websites are dealing with money lots of money. getting caught cheating and winning tons of money would most likely get you caught, but the person who wrote you the hack wouldnt be in any legal trouble as long as he hosted it in a country where the internet laws are loose(like iceland for instance)
  3. Gerandar

    So... can you be that good?

    local laws have no power over websites based overseas. what they are doing is not illegal in the country the website is hosted in
  4. Gerandar

    The Union of Asia's Important Announcement

    are your seriously named the union of asian's? or were you going for asia? because your name as it stands is to god damn funny
  5. Gerandar

    So... can you be that good?

    Find me a pay to play mmo and I will find you scripts/hacks for it. there are entire communities people pay to be apart of to get hacks for top tier games so yeah good luck stoping them.
  6. Gerandar

    So... can you be that good?

    is this an online game? yes? then theres cheaters/hackers/script users. Good luck, the minute those hacks are patched out new ones will be out
  7. Gerandar

    Chambering single bullets into weapons.

    Just because I cant shoot you doesn't mean I can't throw this thing really hard or pistol whip you.
  8. Gerandar

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    if this game was based on realism we wouldnt have are super human zoom in eyes, or zombies to begin with.
  9. Wrong, this game as its in alpha is not optimized for most if any systems, I for one have no issues on max settings but for those that are having issues this post might/should help them at least a bit
  10. Gerandar

    Great way to start the new year

    Yeah it sucks but if your log out spot was safer and had less traffic you would have been fine, just saying.
  11. Gerandar

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    FOV slider should be removed, along with the headbob slider gotta keep the playing field level.
  12. Gerandar

    Great way to start the new year

    Yes it was, if it wasn't you wouldnt have been shot.
  13. Gerandar

    Session Lost?

    VAC would not detect an in game exploit, its for stoping 3rd party scripts/hacks not shitty in game coding.
  14. Gerandar

    Great way to start the new year

    Logging off in a barracks, ATC towers, towns, ect.. would be bad places good places is the middle of the forest covered in trees.
  15. Gerandar

    Session Lost?

    Sure you got VAC banned for no reason, yup totally believe you.
  16. Server hop, combat log, and KoS just to piss everyone off~
  17. Gerandar

    Great way to start the new year

    That will learn you to log out in a bad spot~
  18. i had my buddy shoot me in the face with the mosin, and it didnt one shot me tho I did have the balistic helemt on but he shot me right in the unprotected face area so yeah o.o
  19. dysenc + shot to death is what most likely happend
  20. i dunno about you but 1 or 2 server hops and I have enough ammo to last hours. then just server hop to get it back~ and now that I can camp Kamy for fresh spawns I'll just sit here and kill the unarmed :)
  21. Gerandar

    Rocket has some fun on New Years?

    I had the same thing happen, with two names, GAMEISBROKEN and Rocket2Guns fairly obvious that its just script kiddies.
  22. Gerandar

    Poisoning food!?

    I should be able to use a lot of things in combat, like a shirt I could strangle someone good with a shirt.
  23. Gerandar

    Seems legit, are players already hacking?

    if you killed him he is a shitty "hacker" real hackers/scripters wouldn't let you kill them.
  24. Meh, givent he fact the new patch hasnt fixed combat logging at all (at least not on my client) I dont see how any of them died to you.
  25. Gerandar

    How to beat the game.

    You beat dayz by gathering food/water/med supplies then sitting in a bush for 3 months.