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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. Gerandar

    Less gun porn

    Unless its a assault rifle garden no one will give two shits about your fruits/veggies
  2. Gerandar

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Streamer gets killed, instantly blame it on stream sniping.
  3. no it wont, right now the west side of the map has the best loot spawns whats wrong with wanting a balance among the sides of the map? forcing people to spawn on the east side hasnt made people go north, it just makes them run at electro and not give a shit if they die anyway.
  4. Who doesn't hold there military grade assault rifles like OG gangstas?
  5. Gerandar

    Getting the spawn spawns.

    2 prisons, 1 ATC tower, and 2 hangers, I admit its not as good as NWAF or balota or any of the military spawns on the west side of the map but its much more then nothing.
  6. Gerandar

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    I didnt get this game to test it, I got it to save money when its done
  7. Gerandar

    Kos best solution

    I shoot the unarmed guy I saw, I get mauled by zombies I still killed him then I just run back to the military loot and grab a gun and rinse and repeat.
  8. Gerandar

    Reanimating players...is it possible?

    so run to where I died and 1 shot it with the easy to find fire axe? its a nice novelty idea but wouldnt change much
  9. Gerandar

    North East Airfield Picture From the Sky

    Went to it in game days ago, its there alright.
  10. Gerandar

    Im hacked In DayZ?????

    ddos is a denial of service attack, basicly sending ping request to a server from 100's or 1000's of computers to get it to crash.
  11. Gerandar

    Getting the spawn spawns.

    change steam name get new character, god doesnt exist.
  12. Gerandar

    Anti-Suicide Prevention Operation

    in this game you can climb a ladder with broken legs so that wont stop them~
  13. Gerandar

    Kos best solution

    This wont stop me from killing on sight I know where all the military loot spawns are it takes less then 30 minutes to get a gun with enough ammo to ruin someones day so hooray for me~
  14. Guys dont worry hes most likely just mad because he joined one of those servers to KoS but got his ass killed and is now butt hurt
  15. Gerandar

    New spawn points. good or bad thing?

    its not bad, easy enough to sprint punch someone camping with a mosin, steal it while there passed out and then kill them and take there kit, so its just a little more dangerous to gear up but much faster if you get lucky.
  16. Yup your gonna get shot by someone sitting in a bush, have fun
  17. you talked to everyone who plays Dayz?! the forums are hardly a good example of the majority, the majority of players are nto going to waste time posting on this website because they are either playing the game or dont give a damn enough about it to post/join a forum.
  18. how in the world would you annoy the hacker, he cant die so you axing him is of little importance and he can teleport away from you or just kill you if your 0 damage axe attacks really bother him that much
  19. Gerandar

    .357 op

    that still doesnt explain how the bandage stops my internal bleeding from the bullet.
  20. umm I want to know what game your playing because this game is not graphically impressive in anyway shape or form infact its kind of bleh looking compared to most of the games you listed there
  21. Gerandar

    .357 op

    so would a shot with many other weapons, a bandage is not going to fix my bullet wound even if its from a .22lr if I get shot in the gut by a m4a1 im not going to just bandage and keep running at full speed without even a single fuck given about the cavity the bullet should have made in my gut.
  22. Gerandar

    DayZ Combat tips

    the steps should be as follwed step 1: Shoot target that has not seen you Step 2: if target has seen you log out and find a new server to get a new target.
  23. so instead of logging off you let the god mode hacker kill you?
  24. Gerandar

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    This game is not a simulator stop trying to make it into one.