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Everything posted by Gerandar

  1. In this thread "People should have to play the way I want because if its fun for me its fun for everyone! they just dont understand"
  2. Gerandar

    How to join a player server

    now take there steam name and go to gametrackers or w/e and find them
  3. I dont know what zombies you've read about/seen in movies but the only time a zombie is of any real threat is if it got the jump on you(smashed through the window without you noticing for example) or if there is a huge horde. a group of 5-6 zombies would not be an issue to avoid as they have a hard enough time walking.
  4. Gerandar

    "Your character was unable to be loaded"

    yes the game is going to punish you for server hopping, because its totally doing that now. its a bug report it and move along.
  5. Gerandar

    Stop changing spawns until....

    You sound so sure of yourself, the only thing there going to do is make private hives. but keep dreaming.
  6. Gerandar

    Day/Night server filter?

    Gamma slider, pump it up.
  7. Gerandar

    Day/Night server filter?

    just pump up your gamma/brightness and now you have grey night vision~
  8. Gerandar

    How to join a player server

    just find there name go to there steam profile and check what other names they've been using. then go to gametracker.com or w/e and find said name on the server. rinse and repeat! go kill those streamers~ if they want to put there location out for everyone to see they deserve to be sniped~
  9. Look outside, how many cars do you see? cars should not be hard to come by. gas should.
  10. Gerandar

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    Remove night, only gamma abusers play on those servers, daytime servers fill up night time servers maybe have 10 people on them. the only thing a night time server is good for is to server hop to get loot.
  11. Gerandar

    System to Punish KoS

    no they wont, as they add more weapons to the game theres a better chance I will find a weapon.
  12. Gerandar

    Stop changing spawns until....

    The only way they can stop server hopping without pissing off a ton of people is making private hives for servers, if they put a timer for me to switch servers what happens when my server crashs? I have to wait the 1-5minutes? I'd rather just play a different game at that point.
  13. Gerandar

    System to Punish KoS

    I dont care what loot you have, I just want you dead.
  14. Gerandar

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    easy enough to host your own server, I already know of a few people doing just that outside of the "white listed" servers but hey if they want to run servers with special rules thats the way to do it.
  15. Gerandar

    psychological effects of banditry

    Yeah they could and he could shoot them but then he would have to answer for a crime, in dayz there is no goverment or law force so if it were real I could shoot a baby and no one could stop me, am I a monster for killing a baby? yes of course I am but I'm sure I've made terms with my baby bloodlust and thus the idea of these effects are stupid.
  16. Gerandar

    which type of instances would you prefer?

    not really with how the zombies attack/move now I could fire axe a horde of 100 zombies and take very little if any damage.
  17. Gerandar

    Well done new spawns

    4 people went north and you think the changed worked? lol
  18. Gerandar

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Streamers like to think there better at the game then youtuber's its really funny.
  19. Gerandar

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    if he started to bitch and complain when he was told his art sucked? yeah I would tell him to get a real job.
  20. Gerandar

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    its not a job, its a hobby. streamers dont deserve special treatment just because they have morons paying to watch them to play a game.
  21. Gerandar

    Field of view

    just because you can't see the objects to your left and right doesnt mean you havent rendered them....
  22. Gerandar

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Well when the streamers start giving some of the slaray they bring it to the devs of the games they play for money then they should get special stream treatment, until then fuck em its not a real job if they cant take the heat stop streaming.
  23. if you know where to look it takes less then 20 minutes to get a M4/fully kitted with just a few server hops anyway, there idea to stop easy gearing failed 10 fold.
  24. Gerandar

    To the people whining about KoSing etc.

    even when the game is fully released most people will kill on sight, nothing will stop me from shooting/axing the first player I see short of making it so I can't hurt them anymore.
  25. Gerandar

    mod idea - bandit poker

    thats why you just find the poker game and riddle the place with bullets from a safe distance hiding in a tree,