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About MethHeadMario

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. MethHeadMario

    Patch 557 still broken

    OK but this is a AAA title after selling over 1 million copies in 1 month. What the OP is trying to get across is the way the Devs are handling information is really bad.. Go find Rockets last stream video. He didn't even know paper and pens didn't work.. I believe and hope that things will get better but right now it is chaos and needs to be fixed..
  2. I just recently found out that they have something already made for combat logging, they just won't turn it on until they know they can handle the load it would put on the server.http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168839-hot-spawning-ghosting-combat-logging/ Thats the link to the Topic I started about Combat logging etc.
  3. Hey this guy is a Fanboy who screams It's Alpha into every post on the forums.. Don't listen to what he says.. I am hoping the OP isn't right here but nobody really knows.. Anything could happen.
  4. MethHeadMario

    Quick Question . Is Combat Logging fixed meanwhile?

  5. I like First person View for FPS games but for Dayz I think 3rd person view is better..When i get into a gunfight i always use First Person View but for running around or just looking around in general i like 3rd person. What I do hate is when players that play only on the Hardcore Servers say they are better players because they only use First Person View. I understand it may be a bit harder but that doesn't make you a better player than me because I like 3rd person in this game..
  6. MethHeadMario

    Mosin Spawns

    Now this is why alot of people can't find stuff.. Server Hopping is an exploit that shouldn't be used.. This is why I camp NEAF and kill every Server Hopper that spawns in..
  7. MethHeadMario

    Patch 557 still broken

    Lol.. Another Fanboy. Just because we bought a game in Alpha doesn't mean that the way they keep the community informed isn't chaos.
  8. MethHeadMario

    Patch 557 still broken

    ok, you coming from the game Warz can say that anything is better because that game was the worse ever..
  9. MethHeadMario

    Reaction On Dying

    If a player doesn't kill you then the game will.. Thats a qoute from someone, that pretty much puts together Dayz Alpha ATM..
  10. MethHeadMario

    Humanity Restored

    I agree with Jackinator..
  11. MethHeadMario

    Patch 557 still broken

    I agree with the OP.. This entire setup is complete chaos. Example: I recently started a post about Combat Logging, Ghosting and Server Hopping. It took 2 days and 3 pages of troll comments before someone was nice enough to give me some info that Rocket said about it. I don't know where the info came from and evidently 1000's of other people have never seen the info because there are TONS of post's complaining about the same thing. I even had a Forum Team Member troll me and tell me I didn't know what I was talking about and that he didn't know whether to close my post or merge it with the thousand other post's about it instead of giving the info that some random other guy gave me..
  12. MethHeadMario

    Radios and Mics

    Well the problem with this is the range of the Radio's.. I was told that the range is 1000m. I have only tested it to about 300m, so unless you have radio stations all over the map then this would be a problem.
  13. MethHeadMario

    Quick Question . Is Combat Logging fixed meanwhile?

    They have a fix for combat logging but they won't turn it on until they are sure the server's can handle it.. I recently started a thread about Combat Logging, Ghosting, and Server Hopping where someone gave me the info about what Rocket said about the combat logging..
  14. MethHeadMario

    Wall glitches.

    Yeah there are a few bugs like that.. I have found people useing the wall exploit in NEAF where they can hide inside the building and shoot anyone around the building or inside of it.. I actually figured out how to do it yesterday trying to kill a guy inside the wall but he was deeper in the wall and it wouldn't let my bullets reach him.
  15. MethHeadMario

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    Lol.. Someone gave me that information about the combat logging precautions being turned off ATM in Dayz SA after I made this post. Obviously you don't know what your talking about and your just another Fanboy that screams "It's Alpha"..