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Everything posted by blfonsworth

  1. blfonsworth

    Fix weapon balance by fixing duping issue

    If you log off and re log on with ammo in your mag it refills? I guess I'm in the small percentage of people who don't have this happen? It used to happen in the Mod and still does on some servers, but I've never had it happen on the SA.
  2. blfonsworth

    What is the ACTUAL tent location?

    I'm wondering if items placed on the floor of the tent and not placed INSIDE THE INVENTORY will remain? The guy in the youtube video clearly lays his pack on the ground and says it will stay there, but that doesn't seem right. Also, who designed these tents? I am a regular IRL hunter, backpacker, camper and these tents don't look like any tents myself or anyone I've been camping with has ever used. They look like igloo tents.. and they are way bigger than any 2-man tents I've ever used. Most are around 7ft x 7ft (213cm x 213cm) and around 3ft (91cm) tall in the middle. A normal done tent. Like from Arma2 and Arma3
  3. Yesterday I logged into DayZ hidden in the woods near Novo. You let out your gunshots as if calling my name. Once, Twice, Thrice you called my name with the sounds of Mosin fire. I came looking for you, and found you. Atop the hill at the tracks, running down into Novo, over the archway road bridge with no water running underneath. I realized you had company and became afraid. So I shot at you. You all ran for cover. One with the large orange pack ran for the house, the other 2 with green packs I killed, one at a time, at the corner of the house after you ran from the bridge. You seemed to know where I was but could not return fire. I was in the open, on the hill, laying down, with a zombie standing next to me glitched out. I was an obvious target, only about 150M away. I killed the first, at the corner of the house. Only to be followed by another, seemingly trying to die in the same manner as his friend, so I obliged. One shot was all it took, and you fell. Realizing my hostilities would not be well received and realizing I was in the open, I began to run down the hill towards the house to ambush the last one with the large orange pack. He met me behind the house, popping out of a bush. It would be his final resting place. Was this you and your friends that I killed in Novo?
  4. blfonsworth

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    lol. Whatever it is that is taking nearly 2 months better be amazing
  5. blfonsworth

    How long Day Z to be released on PS4?

    Unless you use a mouse and keyboard with your console like I do.
  6. blfonsworth

    Lighting the Lamp?

    Is it possible? What is the method? I have a lamp with a gas can attached. I have matches. I can take the gas can into my hand and turn it on but it doesn't light up. Do I need to use the matches like a real life gas lamp? I tried putting the matchbox in my hand but it would not drag from the backpack tot he hands on the inventory screen and when I right-click I get no other option than "inspect"
  7. I have done as much research on this as I can and I can't find a fix. My MIC just won't work in DayZ Mod (I assume arma 2 also, but I have not tried to use it in arma 2 yet since I don't play it much) What works: Mic works in TS and other out of game programs. Mic works perfect in Standalone I can press the caps lock key and see my name pop up on the screen and even see the MIC icon on the screen, but no voice is transmitted. I can hear others talk but always have to reply via typing.. which sucks sometimes.. I use a Logitech f540 wireless headset and it is set as the default record and output device I have windows 8 (I know :( ) I use DayZ Commander to launch dayz, however I have Arma2 and Arma2:OA set to run as an administrator. All of the threads I can find on this forum and others dating back to 2012 all give different ways to fix it. Everything from making sure it's set as default (done it) to running arma in admin mode (done it) and even simple things like rebooting the computer and arma client. I've tried making a different device the default and then switching it back also.. I'm really at a loss here.. I hav been KoS'd a number of times b/c I can't type a response in direct chat fast enough and I'm assumed to be hostile.. lol
  8. blfonsworth

    Mic doesn't work with DayZ Mod

    Just to thicken the plot, it started working last night and idk why. I just decided to try one more time for sh*ts and giggles, keyed up and everyone in direct could hear me.. This is the first time it's worked in a month.. idk wtf happened but it's working now. Thanks for the replies!
  9. blfonsworth

    Mic doesn't work with DayZ Mod

    Also to add, I have adjusted the Windows default settings with DayZ running and with DayZ not running
  10. blfonsworth

    Mic doesn't work with DayZ Mod

    Microphone setting is all the way up VON is turned down just a little bit (75% or so) so in-game doesn't drown out TS As stated in OP, it is set to default. I have even set something else as default and then reset my mic as default to "reset" the settings.. didn't work. Thanks for the fast replies!
  11. blfonsworth

    Breaking BaddieZ

    New Epoch Chernarus Server, come claim your spot! : 2762 --SARGE AI MISSIONS -SBB ~350 VEHICLES (all types including helis spawned around map) Server Content is still underdevelopment and new things will be implemented. NEWLY ADDED SINCE OP: -Trade City Safe Zones, You go into god mode and have weapons disabled when in trader cities. -Combination Lock added to Stary building supply trader Breaking Baddiez emerged from a group of real life mutual friends coming together to shoot zombies and people. We're based in EST and so is the server. Data center is in VA and the server runs a full 24hour day/night cycle based in EST. Right now, there are tons of AI all over the map just waiting to be killed.. or kill you perhaps, those pesky snipers are pretty good shots ;) The missions yield a hefty prize to anyone who can take out the groups of armed AI. More Missions to come soon! Admin events in the works! Server Rules: Side Chat is TEXT ONLY unless you need to contact an admin, then feel free to mic up and ask for help. Theft in Trade Cities may result in kick or ban. (safe area script coming soon) BASE RAIDING IS ALLOWED! PVP and PVE HAVE FUN!
  12. blfonsworth

    Breaking BaddieZ

    Bump. We're new player friendly! Some new content added!
  13. blfonsworth

    Breaking BaddieZ

    Side chat is text only, unless you need an admin, then key up and speak I'll make that a bit more descriptive
  14. blfonsworth

    Glitched Car Key

    I bought a supply truck from trader city Bash, later that same day I got an error message on my screen that says "no entry in database found for" and it had the file extension name for the key.. I checked my inventory and it was gone from my belt. The truck is now stuck in my base, very close to my actual building, locked. I know I can find a hotwire kit and hope it works and get my stuff out, but is there anything I can do as an admin to try and recover the key? I've tried finding it in the sql database and I can't find it. I don't think it glitched out of my inventory, I thin it somehow got deleted totally from the database. Is it possible to get it back? I thought a vehicle would self-destruct after the key was destroyed. A friend of mine died with his key on his body and not too long after the car randomly blew up while sitting in the middle of out base not being touched or used, we figured his body has just despawned from the map.
  15. Hello all, I'm now to server administration and need some help! I recently started a new Epoch Chernarus server and need help with scripting it. I have the SARGE AI working great, I could not tell you how many AI have shot at me.. it worked first time which was awesome. I'm going to work on adjusting the settings on SARGE. After SARGE was implemented I wanted to add the towing script. Myself and my co-admin searched a lot of resources and I thought I had installed correctly. I followed the install instructions found here: It didnt work at all. So I checked around some more. I read somewhere that if you have an "addons" folder in your epoch pbo, you need to put the tow script there and adjust the path accordingly from "R3F_...." to "addons\R3F_..." That didn't work at all I tried changing the code from "execVM" to "#include" (the #include command is how I implemented the SARGE AI so I thought it would work with the towing ) .. still no towing in game. I just read something else that says I may have to open the script and tell it which vehicles can and cannot tow... Do I need to do that? That seems like a real time consuming task that would have been done when the script was originally written. My next question is about a known type of hack I may have encountered last night. A guy came into my sever. I have a small group of friends who play there with me. Since it's new we have been trying to communicate with everyone we see that comes in. We've managed to snag a few permanent residents I think. Last night a guy came in and kept spamming side chat " / " with "Anyone want to team up?".. over and over.. We made contact with him, he said he was in Elektro and wanted to meet up with us. We were in Petrovka hunting down the SARGE AI (Still trying to test all the spawns to make sure they're working). We told him we were north of NWAF at Petrovka.. not 2 minutes later he started to say in chat "I can see you" "Stop or I'll shoot" (typing the whole time, never spoke over the mic). We thought maybe he saw some AI in Elektro (maybe the npc heli flying around or something) so we kind of ignored it and only responded once with "That's not us in elektro". Next thing I know, a guy comes out of almost thin air (we were in the middle of the road and I suddenly saw him running up the road) and starts to shoot us with a silenced MP5.. somehow his MP5 was able to make one of our SUV's explode? That's not what concerns me.. I run a Day.st server and the host is kind enough to give you a 'debug' map or sorts where I can see where people are. It said he was still standing on the coast in Elektro. I even refreshed it several times. I could see us moving around in Petrovka but his dot was still on the coast. We killed him and he got mad. He started asking why we shot him (aside from him shooting at us and blowing up an SUV) I told him I didn't like people hacking my servers and I told him I could see him in two different places. I guess he didn't like that and started calling me a hacker (lol) b/c I wasn't logged in as admin at the time so *admin* didn't show next to my name. So I logged in as an admin and kicked him ( I don't like banning ). He came right back in so I kicked him again. He didn't come back. How did a guy on my server (which is brand new, less than a week old) come into elektro and within 2/3 minutes have a silenced weapon with quite a bit of ammo and be in petrovka shooting at me? Especially when my debug map on my server host shows him still sitting on the very edge of the coast in elektro? Is this a known hack?
  16. blfonsworth

    New Server, New Admin, Couple questions

    Thanks for reply. I didn't ban him b/c like you said, I guess it's possible to pick up a mp5 sd quickly, however, running.. even driving, from Elektro to Petrovka takes more than 2-3 minutes. Not an exageration.. we had just stopped chatting with him about where we were and teaming up when he appeared on the road. It may be a ping issue with my map.. I could see other green dots moving but not his, that is what made me think he was running a script of some sort. Is there a way for me to check if someone is running a script while they're in the server? I've been on Epoch servers that had the tow script running and was wondering if it was done different since most installs I have seen are for vanilla dayz. I do agree with you that the tow script can be a bit OP but it's nice in certain situations. My only hesitation on it is the heli lift being super OP and really just overkill. I've heard of SARGE causing issues with AI Mission packs. I think I'm sticking just with SARGE atm though. The AI mission packs show on the map and are pretty predictable.. I like not knowing if a bullet will wizz past you when you go into a town.. It makes you stay on your toes while looting or moving around since Zombies are only difficult in the beginning and only a irritant at most after you've played a while.
  17. blfonsworth

    Host vs Host

    I have been doing research on server hosting and I'm looking for feedback. After reading forum posts, advertisement posts and comparing pricing I have come down to either going with Vilayer or trying out Dayzpriv I know Vilayer is a solid host that handles a lot of dayz stuff, however, I'm still leaning towards dayzpriv for pure pricepoint. They seem to be relatively new in the server hosting game and I'm wondering what kind of feedback I can get from people with more than 4 or 5 posts who have owned a server through them. I'm really big on supporting small companies or companies that sprout up around a specific community like this so honestly I'd rather give dayzpriv my money than vilayer but I'm not trying to get scammed or end up getting stuck with a crap server I can't use that I had to pay for!!
  18. blfonsworth


    Is the Jerrycan the only way to refuel? Can I park a car close enough to a gas tank to refuel with a red hose I found? I have a 20L jerry can in my car atm but I'm wondering if that is the only way to transfer fuel from a tank somewhere in the game into your car..
  19. blfonsworth


    I have noticed that themajority of servers I go into that say "3PP:ON" are in fact 1PP only. Is this a server feature that must be reset every time the server resets? If so, Why make 1PP ONLY the default? Shouldn't it be 1PP/3PP by default and then make 1PP only an option? Yesterday I started to bookmark servers that were 3PP and found that after I came back to servers that said 3PP and I know WERE 3PP that they had been switched back to 1PP only, but were still labeled as 3PP:ON Or is it just me?
  20. blfonsworth

    Just see Items 2 meters in front of me

    Never experienced this. Actually, when raiding an airfield, I will stand at the front of the hangar and zoom in to see if there is anything worth going in for..
  21. As a long time eve player, my favorite thing about these types of games are the player events. Top Flight Security may be able to assist in the hostage recovery, I'll speak to my guys and see.
  22. blfonsworth

    How to cure 'sick' from overfed

    This is for being sick from food/chemical poisoning I think.
  23. You're right. This is actually stated by rocket himself, right here on these very forums in the announcement sections. He is actually pretty specific about it. But, why would the OP read that? That wouldn;t make much sense to read the announcements from the devs about loot spawns before you complained about loot spawns.
  24. blfonsworth

    about to purchase zomibies gone?

    My thoughts exactly. Can't blame him though, if he hasn't played he doesn't understand..
  25. blfonsworth

    Two Questions before buying the game

    I would say get it then. If for no other reason than to be able to reserve a retail copy now for only $30 vs the full retail price when it comes out