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About IcyBlade

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    DayZ, duh.
    The Stomping grounds.
  1. Forcing people to play in a way you deem fit is hardly a reasonable suggestion. I don't KOS or any of that stuff but knowing that myself and others are being forced to play in a certain way would be disappointing. The reason hunger and thirst is simulated is and sanity is not is because we can all simulate our own sanity as we play in our own minds. Essentially your suggesting that the players be partially AI, simplifying them possibly because you have been previously unable to survive. Consider the possibility that it is you that need to change and not those that KOS I have had the same character for over a week on fully populated servers.
  2. IcyBlade

    Event - Air Drops

    In the mod we had the helicopter crash sites and from streams that rocket gave it sounds like they will be adding at least similar events to add a level of dynamicness to the map.
  3. IcyBlade

    Name of the game: Survival.

    Had a similar idea with a event upon death showing you your progress so you can reflect over your progress. See link in signature "Death Event". | V
  4. IcyBlade

    Mods in the standalone

    They have already said they want to add modding support. Don't know how it will work though. Ironic.
  5. IcyBlade

    Grenades/Item Throwing

    They have talked on the stream that they have a dedicated physics developer working on implementing a system that will allow all items to be thrown. Apparently no exceptions.
  6. IcyBlade

    More clothes

    Congratulations, your correct.
  7. IcyBlade

    Dead players eventually become lootable zombies

    Seems odd to me that every one thinks this is set in stone. Do you not think if the developers saw that an alternate method would result in better balance or game play, that they would not be reasonable enough to consider changing it. I personally think they have come across as very open to suggestions and intelligent about their decisions. I like the idea to be honest, as the OP said it would bring more meaningful zombie encounters without some weird special zombies that some other posts have suggested.
  8. IcyBlade

    End Spawn Suicide

    Good point. The main solution I see is that if you die within 10 min then you incur a 5 min re spawn penalty. This would mean that by the time you spam re spawn to your preference you could have actually walked there. It woulds also not have too much of an effect on new players as a single death would only cause 5 mins which is not that bad and that's only if its within 10 mins. However if they die by accident a lot they could become frustrated, but really, you would need to changing up your play style if you can't live for more than 10 mins.
  9. In a survival situation would a small amount of clothing or say tissue be enough to reduce the problem. If so there is no reason to have a specific item do the job as there is plenty of spare clothing around to the point that you could assume you character just tares of a negligible amount from their shirt for use.
  10. IcyBlade

    A Second Use for the Rope

    A good idea, I would like to see it in game. With the video above you don't actually need the carabiner, you could use a large knot that is two large to go through the hole on the hook so one rope will be locked in place by the knot and the other can be used for retrieval. Not as safe, but possible. I'm not a mountaineer / climber in any way and I was able to see this solution so I think that it could be general survivor knowledge. Rocket and devs have talked about more interesting building traversal like jumping from roof top to roof top and stuff like that before on their streams with interest so I think it would be well received. However such a feature might be very hard to implement and as such I'm not sure the effort is necessarily worth the reward, for them as developers. At least not for now.
  11. IcyBlade

    NOT just another skills post.

    Very good idea. However I don't think that it would suit the game as so far arbitrary stats or skill have been avoided and is part of what give the game its unique feel and game play.
  12. I was thinking about this as well. However I realized that they have a decent sized team, this means that some can work on stability while others on AI, physics and other such core features. There still may some that can work on smaller features that add new loot or crafting options, as they are not constantly needed for development on a core feature. So basically for each feature there may be avoiding a "too many chefs in the kitchen" problem. This leaves some that can work on smaller features until they are needed.
  13. IcyBlade

    New item idea?

    Once streams and ponds are updated to potentially contain disease and cause sickness this would definitely make for a handy item. For all who are saying its not necessary because of the pills, they require as container which aren't small, this is on top of space for the pills. These trade space for the inability to transport water. Also there will be many more types of weapons but no one is saying "no way we already have one of those". So nice idea, would like to see it in game. Especially as they seem to be taking sickness very seriously.
  14. IcyBlade

    GPS chip injection into a player

    I think this would be interesting, you could use it to track and therefor avoid players you have previously encountered. However this would likely be used for Bambi hunting games 99% of the time. Only thing that would be an issue is that it would rarely get used for any productive reason and so would not be an efficient player enjoyment to development time ratio.
  15. IcyBlade

    Land mines and trip wires

    From what I have read, they may add traps to go with the new hunting features, which may function similarly to your suggestion, which would indicate that they could be added. Would love to see a bear trap.