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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. Raptor05121


    Anyone have one yet? I am REALLY anxious to get one. I'd like to see some in-game screenies and field reports. I won't be getting on for another few hours.
  2. Raptor05121

    Firearm Spreadsheet

    no mosin?
  3. Raptor05121

    how do you join friends?

    I usually just right click on their name from my Steam friends list and click Join, it will auto-start DayZ and bring me into the appropriate server
  4. Raptor05121

    What do now?

    The first thing you need to do is learn how to shoot. Find some zombies and try cracking some shots off at them. Page Up and Page Down adjusts your Zero (top right corner, in yards). Shoot about 200 rounds before you try taking on another player with a gun. Ive seen bambis with less than 5 minues after they spawned with stock mosins and just 5 rounds of ammo take out a 5+ hour fully-kitted mall cop with a M4 in his hands
  5. I first played the mod almost two years ago and switched to SA. The graphics are so much better on this. Sure we don't have half of the cool "toys" to play with, but the performance and graphics of SA alone make it more fun for me. I could never go back to Mod. tl;dr- if you like SA and have never played the mod, you might not like it. Poor graphics, performance, but the gameplay is sweet (if you can get it working. the mod is a mod, so sometimes it goes anal)
  6. Raptor05121

    New blue clinic building?

    OP will probably start a thread on the police stations here in 3....2....
  7. I've got $10 that says we aren't seeing a car or other 4-wheeled road-going vehicle until November.
  8. Raptor05121

    Poor performance?

    I left the country two weeks ago and just got back. I fired up DayZ and I'm getting 15fps where I used to get 40, and I rarely see 60 anymore when my computer used to stand at 60 all day. i7-4770K @ 4.5GHz GTX770 2GB GDDR5 8GB DDR3 RAM
  9. Raptor05121

    Poor performance?

    I'll give it a try, thanks.
  10. Raptor05121

    Poor performance?

    Now that I think of it, my nVidia drivers did update when I turned on my computer yesterday. I tried turning things from "Ultra high" to "normal" and I cannot tell a difference in frames, I used to get 40 in Elecktro. I now get 15. In smaller cities (Kamy) I used to get 50, now I'm lucky to get 20. Used to hit my limiter at 60fps in the forest and roads, now bumping between 30-35.
  11. Raptor05121

    Traps in Electro?

    Yesterday my group and I were running through Electro and we started hearing music. Two guys holed up in the school/tech building blasting techno constantly. Then another two guys in the building next door keeping a birds-eye-view on who goes in. We started by surrounding them. One of our guys had an SKS, the other a Blaze. I had the shotty and went inside. Popped my head around the corner and immediately got sprayed. The idiots didn't have any aim, because even with both of them lying down with SKS's, I didn't get hit. I ran out and into the side building to keep watch. I come up the stairs, turn around, and there is one of their friends staring out of the window. I light him up but before I could reload, one of his other mates comes up the staircase with an SKS and I got killed. It was rather exciting, but I'm not sure how much "fun" sitting in a building and luring people into a trap is. We watched them for about 45 minutes. I got off after I died.
  12. Raptor05121

    Traps in Electro?

  13. Raptor05121

    1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

    It should also note that Carbine is pronounced CAR-BEAN and not CAR-BINE
  14. Raptor05121

    Battlefield 3 vs DayZ dispersion

    The 1911 in game right now seriously needs work. I've shot plenty of sub-$300 over-seas made 1911s that have tighter grouping than DayZ's model. It should be good out to 25 yards, easily. 5" barrel is no joke.
  15. Raptor05121

    Weapon ballance

    I've been to two self-inflicted .22LR cranial suicide scenes. One of which the bullet fragmented and stopped several inches past the entrance wound (hollowpoints won't "bounce around"). The other did in fact make an entrance and exit wound. Both were fatal (obviously).
  16. Can we get rid of the respawn? I kinda think it is silly. My game freezes for a second as more zombies "pop" in. Not to mention, although I do like that its a Zombie survival game now and not a FPS PvP shooter, myself and three others expended abot 300 rounds of ammunition and a list of medical supplies just making our way through the first 1/4 of Svetlo. We never made it through. I like the fast zombies, it makes a challenge. But when they pop back in, its kind of annoying. We all got off afterwards. This patch is 50/50 for me. Great performance on my end, but holy crap its impossible to loot, and thats without even bringing in the constant clipping problem.
  17. Raptor05121

    Weapon ballance

    Please, tell me more how many .22LR gunshot wound victims you've treated? Because from my experience, you are wrong.
  18. Raptor05121


    I found one in the prison at the NWAF. No mag yet but I can't wait to try it out. Also an Amphibia. I went to chamber some .22LR and it loaded 10 rounds lol wtf
  19. Raptor05121


    Sounds like they need to change something. They're both .45 ACP cartridges. If anything, the 1911's cartridge would have more energy with the longer barrel
  20. Raptor05121


    The 1911 has a longer barrel and is made of steel while the FNX has a shorter barrel and is polymer. The 1911 would shoot a tighter grouping at distance. I can't comment as to how Rocket modeled the two in game, but in real life, the 1911 is a much finer handgun. I would take a 1911 with two mags over a FNX with one anyday of the week and then some.
  21. Raptor05121

    Mosin +prone + bipod

    I shot my Mosin while prone and using a bipod yesterday. It is amazingly fun nut nothing like DayZ. The recoil will take you a second or two to re-align your eye with the scope and then find the target again...and thats a non-moving target. It would be cool if they added that in for high-powered rifles in the game...
  22. Raptor05121

    Heart Attacks?

    realistically? yes. Game wise? probably not, at least thats not how I read/understand it
  23. Raptor05121


    Good luck getting into a server. They are usually jam packed.
  24. I shot one of those last week. AK pistol. Not that much recoil at all. It was pretty loud and the aiming sucks We seriously need a gov't issued 1911. Plane jane, no bells or whistles
  25. Raptor05121

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    Boo. Freaking. Who. You want to go play a game where you click a button and win? Go try tetris. If you don't like challenges, maybe you should just unplug your computer.