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Honey_Badger (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Honey_Badger (DayZ)

  1. It only affects the Armory and the Training exercises. I tried to do the basic training vids for firearms and I got this message and the gun wouldn't load in. I have no clue how to fix it but it doesn't affect DayZ at all because that gun isn't in the mod anyway.
  2. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    NW Airfield... Why only there?

    There are other places that could be considered "barracks" the tents in Stary have about the same amount of drops as the barracks at the NW airfield and each of those sites has a chance to spawn high grade military equipment. The only reason its hard to find it there is because everyone goes to Stary and already looted it before you lol. I do agree that there should at least be something at NE airfield, the only place of real value there is the ACT there and I've hardly ever found anything worth the trip there. If choppers are in again, theres a spawn at NE airfield that makes it a bit higher value for targetting but still, could use some better loot spawns (like a barracks or some military tents like the ones in Berezino).
  3. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Curioser and Curioser- Female zombies?

    Apparently there are zombie nuns but I've only ever seen the priests. Maybe there will be more diverse zombies in a later patch or when the game goes stand-alone
  4. Careful, they might be in to that kind of stuff
  5. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Bizon PP-19 SD or AKS-74 Kobra

    Just so you know the Bizon can also use 30 round MP5SD clips. I still prefer the AKS though. Some of my group found M4A1SDs at a camp we raided and those are SO much better than the Bizon. I'd say that's the best SD automatic weapon that I've seen used in game so I'd look for one of them if I was you.
  6. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Pick up the M249 SAW or FN FAL?

    Of course, you could always solve this connundrum by carrying both if you have a big enough backpack. I run around with an SVD camo in my hands and a M4A1 Holosight with grenade launcher in my backpack for when I raid towns on my own.
  7. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Pick up the M249 SAW or FN FAL?

    FN FAL Pros: Really good for killing just about anything. 2-3 body shots kills a player, usually 1 drops a zombie. You can find them with a night vision scope which is really awesome to use for night raids. Fairly accurate Cons: Loud as hell. Ammo can only be found at heli crash sites. The night vision scope is useless during the day and you can't turn it off. Saw Pros: HUGE magazine/belt. Does decent damage to players and zombies. Usually 3 body shots will at least knock a player out. Ammo is relatively easy to find. Cons Loud as hell. Accurate to an extent (but you can just spray it to make up for this if you don't mind using more ammo) Big and stands out on your back or in your hands.
  8. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A few newbie questions.

    In order for loot to respawn, I was told you have to completely clear the loot zone (like all the spots loot spawns, cans and other stuff too) and then 30 minutes later it'll respawn. So if its a house that has 3 or 4 loot spawns you need to take ALL the stuff from the house and come back in 30 minutes. This is all from word of mouth though, I've never waited to find out.
  9. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A few newbie questions.

    You can spawn in any of the coastal citys South of Solichny on the Eastern coast and any of the cities along the Southern Coast. For a beginning player its best it go to the nearest city and try to get some basic supplies like food and water/cola. After that move inland and head to barns and other farm buildings to hopefully get a hatchet because that's one of the best weapons for killing zombies in towns if you can get the timing right. I died and made a new character the other day and I had 48 zombie kills after 2 small towns because of my hatchet lol. I leave shotguns and crossbows alone over the hatchet until i find a Whinchester and ammo for it because thats a one hit kill to a zombie and its alright for pvp. Once you're geared with basic stuff (Knife, hatchet, matches, 1 or 2 canteens) you can start living off the land and go places farther and farther North. Zombies are a bit glitchy at this point but they're easy to deal with once you figure out how they move, see and attack. I'm not going to tell you how to best deal with them because you need to figure out the way you like best :)
  10. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A good idea to stop some of the PvPing (Friendly Skin)

    I think the current system where if you have a good humanity you can hear a heartbeat is good enough for now, it just requires being aware of your surroundings more than some people are willing to commit. If you have a hard time hearing that, up the Effects volume in the Audio section and wear a headset (that helps a lot too with hearing engines).
  11. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A good idea to stop some of the PvPing (Friendly Skin)

    People with friendly skin knowing who bandits are punishes the bandits, as does 'reducing the whole "Who do I trust"?' aspect of the game. Bandits rely on these to get them in close. Also, bandits give each other transfusions and if you give enough, as Timmy said, they'd be offered the skin too. If you have blood bags to waste you could easily build up your humanity and get a disguise to go kill more people. If they did something like this they would need: -Soon as you murder you lose the skin -Can't get skin if you have any murders But again, even this would still punish the Bandits because it singles out against them too much. Especially a 2x negative humanity drop for killing someone with one of the 'Good Guy' skins.
  12. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A few questions about the map

    I think its a server setting so you can have it on a Vet+ server if the server admin wants to have it. Its just like crosshairs and 3rd person.
  13. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    A few questions about the map

    When you see 'Man' on your map it means you spotted an infected person and that is the last known location you actually saw them. The map does the same thing with players except the dot is Blue and says 'Survivor' when you hover over it. Yes, the notes you make on a map are server wide. Apparently switching to a channel other than Group stops that but I've been in direct and made a marker and it showed up for other people. If you Shift+Left Click on a point on the map, it'll make a waypoint that only you can see in game though and it tells you the direction and distance to the point.
  14. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Or if you see someone nearby that hasn't noticed you, you can just leave them alone and hide for a bit until they go on their merry way... That's what I usually do. I've snuck by so many people I've lost count. Yeah, sometimes they see you and open fire but I still give everyone the benefit of the doubt. The game is supposed to be a simulation of an apocalypse and everyone who just shoots on sight is making all of us look bad :P
  15. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Is DayZ too easy?

    There's too many ranged weapons spawning! Its like the games a first person shooter or something... No, weapons need to stay the way they are. You may not need all the ammo/guns you're finding but one of the other 49 players on the server who come after you may need a weapon. I do like the randomized spawning. The only problem is if you're a veteran player you should know how to get from where you are to a place that has good loot anyway. Think about it, no matter where you would spawn you're near a place with good supplies. Stary/Novy Sobor, NW, NE, or Balota Airfield, Berezinho, Cherno, Elektro, Zelenogorsk, and Solichiny. Yes it adds more variety to the game play but it doesn't stop you from getting most of the supplies you really need right away.
  16. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Remove broken bones and make it a death blow.

    I've only broken my leg once in this game and that was because I was crouched in a perimeter tower at NW airfield then hit Z to lay down and my guy threw himself from the tower for a 20 foot drop in prone. Luckily my brother was nearby with a bloodpack because by the time i came around I had 2k blood and was still bleeding lol. I agree with the spraining mechanic rather than broken bone mechanic for falling but that sounds like it could take a lot of coding to get working so that might be something added in a later development stage. Right now I'd rather see the bugs with the zombies and servers fixed more than "Oh no, i fell 1m and broke something". Yes, its annoying and not realistic but since its part of the original game I feel like finding the code and changing it would take more time that the 30 minutes it takes you to find some morphine. Also, if you're carrying 60+lbs and you hop off even a small jump you can blow your knee joints out. My grandad worked with a guy who picked up 2 bags of roofing shingles (about 80lbs) and then hopped off the back of he truck and his legs blew out through his knees. Think of that when you say "I could totally make this jump" and you have a coyote mlitary pack filled with supplies and extra guns and the gun on your back, the car parts in your inventory (like you could haul an engine across country anyway :P ) before you talk about realism...
  17. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Zombies in buildings

    Everything Rocket has changed up to this point I've liked and applauded, he's doing a great job turning this into an amazing game. Nerf sneaking: that's ok, I'll just learn to sneak better Limit ammo and gun drops: makes sense to me because after an apocalypse who's going to run to each airfield and drop off the ammo! Spawn zombies in buildings: ...No... I like that the zombies hit harder, detect you easier, you make more noise and people can't spam the Side chat, but when I go by a gas station and see 3 zombies crammed into the little shop or go to raid a military tent and it has 2 zombies doing the Monster Mash inside it just kills it. Also, before people bash this I understand its Alpha and he's just testing things to see what works right now but I honestly feel like this has got to go. It'd be like holding a lollipop in front of kid and then when he comes to get it you smack him in the face and when he yells out in surprise all your friends in the next 30 meters run over to smack him too :\
  18. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    can't pick up hatchet...

    I had a hatchet before the recent updates but now its gone. I think I read (don't quote me) that the hatchet may get a melee attack and so its buggy for now until they iron out the problems? Idk, I'm tired and may have misread that earlier
  19. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Zombies in buildings

    Orly?! I didn't want to risk it because the military tent had one of them facing directly at the door and the other was staring at the loot piles but if they just stand there then this changes things.
  20. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Zombies in buildings

    I'm the opposite, I like that the zombies aren't quite so helpless and seem to retain some of their basic animalistic abilities. I just don't like the fact that there are 3 in a building that's barely big enough to contain them lol
  21. Honey_Badger (DayZ)

    Zombies in buildings

    That's not needed nor is it constructive... I haven't had a single FPS issue since I started playing back at 1.4 or 1.5 and I have a 2 year old ASUS laptop. I guess I could just start carrying around cans to throw from now on then :/ I just hate using up that inventory space when I need that for mah beans :P
  22. Honey_Badger (DayZ) yes, Beta Patch no

    I've tried 2 different ways to install the Beta patch and each has not worked so far. First time it just crashed repeatedly when I started the game, second I could start the game but when I joined a server it would tell me: You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable data that has been deleted.chernasus Could we get an "official" way to install the Beta patch please? Or at least someway that works more consistently?
  23. Honey_Badger (DayZ) yes, Beta Patch no

    To be honest I prefer doing it by hand so I can see where (almost) everything is going. Having the 6updater is nice and all but I don't like having another program running in the backround that I can't keep tabs on. I'm kinda paranoid about stuff like that :P Plus doing it by hand has a strange feeling of accomplishment when I get it all working correctly lol
  24. Honey_Badger (DayZ) yes, Beta Patch no

    Nope, this worked like a charm, wish I had found this guide sooner :) One question though, do we have to always launch it through CO now?
  25. Honey_Badger (DayZ) yes, Beta Patch no

    I followed that guide and that's the one that led me to the deleted.chernasus problem :/