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Everything posted by martyb

  1. martyb

    Saying Hey

    Hey fowks, My names marty, I have been put onto this game by a friend in work and after 10 mins of researching I am completely hooked. I will be getting it when I finish work tonight. Am i right in saying i can get standalone from steam then simply start playing once steam has installed it? Hope to be on verrrryyy soon!
  2. martyb

    Saying Hey

    Yes your certainly correct there. I was curious if time spent bandaging increased a xp of some sort. Now knowing it doesnt, It does seem very strange. Anyways iv made a few changes to the settings and filtered the servers. Im now in a multiplay with 38/40 players. I dont know if it being a multiplay server this changes anything because i have noticed drastic changes since starting in this. The amount of items now appearing to be about is massive in comparisson to any of the servers i was on before. I have managed to gather myself some decent clothing, an axe, food, water, and even some slug shells but unfortunatlely no real weapon yet. I have came across only 1 of the 38 at the time. we both appeared to have similar equipment and turned from each other. I live on! :) However i dont have a clue where the hell I am, seem to be amongst alot of farmland fairly high up terrain with a old steelworks sort of building which has a car wreckage at the side, if anyone knows where I am? I will be returning to this game later tonight possibly. How do i go about adding friends?
  3. martyb

    Saying Hey

    Well guys i have been playing for the last hour and a half, unfortunately no luck has came my way in my first 2 spawns. First time i ran for 45 mins straight ahead through trees before finding a petrol station that had been completely looted and ended up dying of starvation. 2nd attempt i came across 3 lovely gents who began to ask me to strip, shoot me then bandage me and then 3 of them punched me until i was unconcious. I couldnt even find out how to punch back lol I need to do more research i think. haha
  4. martyb

    Saying Hey

    Im really looking forward to getting home and playing SA. I noticed some of the screenshots have vaired extremely in terms of quality does it require alot to run a high spec resolution and graphic output?
  5. martyb

    Saying Hey

    I dont mind being apart of the game while it progresses. Although for someone completely new to the series of games would you recommend starting with the orginal game? That requires a bit more complicated install am i right?
  6. martyb

    Saying Hey

    Thanks for the quick responses already. My friend unfortunately doesnt have the game but was told about it himself then in conversation brought it up. I am trying to do my research as much as possible before I jump in later tonight. It seems to be an almost perfect game for myself. I love how purely online games of this type can show how people would respond on this situation, ie teaming up for the greater good or criminal activitys such as robbing each other and murder. I cant believe how iv missed this game soo far. Currently trying to youtube videos on my phone with a poor signal this could be a long day haha. Thanks everyone as soon as i get my username ill put it on for anyone willing to add. :)