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Everything posted by Fl0rean

  1. what is the average player-number?
  2. Fl0rean

    Friendly At The NWAF - 0.59 Exp Dayz Standalone (VIDEO)

    How do you know those two players weren't in contact with each other?
  3. *irony ahed* Really?! First time I heard this! Isn't it a zombie apocalypse game as well? And isn't this game in development for around 2 years? Should have at least some core features of a zombie game so far and with this I mean actual zombies...
  4. Just ran around for a couple of hours and didn't see one single zombie. Please fix this game, thanks! :)
  5. Fl0rean

    the zombie thing

    In my opinion hords would be an extremely exciting addition. But I do agree woth you that the single zombies in the game should be a bit more of a threat. Killing them with only one shot is far too easy and also the fireaxe is far to strong. If you think of the "classic" zombie, which I would like to see in the game l, the threat would be the number of zombies and not the single one. All in all they need to be more mobile, stronger and more. Yiu can easily say, they are unfinished buisness and I can't wait for the improvements ;)
  6. well then tell him...?! Is it desync?
  7. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    While I got shot in the middle of the night, I did a research about hacking in the dayz standalone.It is actually possible to do so. (see the link below) So my question is. How is this possible? Rocket promised us, that everything will generate on server base and this should make hacking impossible. The fact that hacking is possible makes this simple a lie (rocket is very often a little imprecise with his statements). I don't want to hear the excuse "This is still in Alpha" because this time it doesn't justify the appearance of hackers at all. Even before the standalone came out he promised us a game without hackers and this the least, the player community can expect. I am truly pissed. Please don't get me false, just because I am not one of these "rocket fanboys", it doesn't mean that I am against this game. Not at all! I love this game and I am worried it is evolving in the wrong direction. It is not really part of the topic but I also don't see the use of the last update. Why do we need a crappy shotgun, bugged spraycans, or more looks for zombies, while they need to fix major issues like: The zombies, loot respawning, desync, performance, sound, hackers etc. I know things are not always right in an alpha, but the hacker issue should have been fixed already. I love testing this game and I really want to help the development. But now as a player, I simply feel tricked. I can live with any bugs or issues, but not hackers! I am truly worried that Bohemia Interactive is not interested in DayZ anymore, because they already got their money out of this project and now they just add stuff in order to create continuing attention for the game. [removed link of the vid myself] added another video: (sorry that it is german) REMOVED
  8. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    Because I simply want people to see that it is possible. I am not advertising anything, i am trying to help the development of the game. Some people with insufferable attitudes might call that bitching. Never mind I won't post anything in this forum anymore, people do not really discuss about it anyway, besides do not give a fuk. And this quoted guy seems to be only interested in flaming than anything else. Probably never had a real discussion in school. Flamers are just as bad as hackers....
  9. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    Who does actually care about the fact that there are hackers? And that rocket lied to us when he promised us a server based game? Who is interested in the development of dayz? In fact really nobody is, not even bohemia interactive, screw that!
  10. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    No, I would not accept such a statement from a company producing games, sorry.
  11. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    1. That means: It is possible 2. The fact why I am annoyed, is that this hacks do not depend on the server but on the client. Exactly what rocket promised us will not be the case.
  12. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    There are hackers, thats a fact. Also I removed the video myself, I know it was dump but it still exists and even worse: It is possible
  13. Fl0rean

    Why is this possible?

    sry, I wasn't thinking. Removed it already.
  14. Fl0rean

    My best experiences so far...

    Nice stories. I like that some people still feel like I do ;) Keep up being the good guy.
  15. Fl0rean

    change name

    Hi, is it possible to change my ingame name? I don't want to run around with my steam name.... Thank you :)
  16. No, just likes does who are too lazy or just aren't good enough to make contact...
  17. Fl0rean

    Can I carry 2 guns

    Just killed a guy with 2 guns. I hardly couldn't decide between sniper mosin or red dot m4 so I was asking myself if I can carry bot of them? Maybe the guy I killed also just lay over the second gun...
  18. Fl0rean

    Blurry Screen wont Go Away

    its a bug, go into the graphic-video options and it should be gone...
  19. I agree with you! A lot players do not take the affort to run up to the airfield anymore, because they can just stay at Balota, ghost or recycle the loot as soon as respawning loot is implemented. The NWA was always the most exciting place in the game and now it kind of loses this reputation. Also I think that it doesn't help with the bandits, because they have the possibiltiy to already gear up in Balota and get their hands on a weapon.
  20. Zombies & what can be improved? The Zombies are one of the most important aspects of the game. To make this game feel like a real Zombie-apocalypse you need good working zombies. I know that Dean's Team is right now working on this issue and I want to offer them my opinion and my player experience. I really love this game and I am happy that the standalone is out, remember that I only voice my critics in order to make this game a better one (I won't mention the already discussed lack of zombies). Behavior Already in the mod the zombies were to only realy terrible thing which dragged the performance of the game down. The zombies themselves in the standalone improved a little bit. It is now more fun fighting them, than it was in the mod, because know they are not glitching threw you while you try to hit them. The behavior got worse though. Besides that they completely glitch threw houses I also don't like how they act. As you can see in the screenshot, there is a zombie just standing around. This completely drops my excitement. Sometimes you can even walk up to them without them recognizing you. In my opinion the classic zombie needs his awkward terrifying way of walking (it kinda was already implemented in the mod). Some of them could even crawl because they are hurt. But I especially would love some different kinds of how they slowly walk up the street in chernogorsk and how they sloooowly turn around when they hear a shot in the distance. Variety would be welcome but it is not necessary in the alpha I guess. But the standing zombies NEED TO BE FIXED. Fighting Zombies Right now I like that a fresh spawn can find a hatchet and "onehit" the zombie as long as he hits him in the head (with the better hatchet). It can be compared with chopping of his head. But what I really don't like is, that you can kill zombies with only one shot, no matter where you hit them. The classic zombie would ignore the first 3 shots before he slows down. Zombies should be a "onehit" only if you hit their heads or you should be able to slow them down by shooting their legs. (to safe ammo for example) Also zombies should be a real THREAT! That would also help to improved the KOS mentality in Dayz, because people would team up more often. Zombies need to be a threat not only for fresh spawns but also for player with guns and a lot of gear. How can that be helped? It must be a mistake to use a gun in a bigger city, because as soon as they hear you shooting more of them shall come, so that players would rather use melee weapons in order to be silent. Hords I know that Dean's team is still working on the respawn-issue and it will be a long time until they will think about hords. But I think hords would really make the game more exciting and this should not be forgotten. Just imagine two players are in Zelenogrosk and suddenly a hord works through the city and they get overrun. Without thinking they have to team up because they need each other in order to make sure that they can survive. After they got rid of the hord they would be probably more likely to work together than to shoot each other. Conclusion It is probably very hard to implement a proper acting zombie in dayz but the work is always worth it because you can not only improve the game experience, but you can also help the KOS mentality which players often complain about. Don't forget that the game is all about Zombies! Feel free to discuss!
  21. Is it christmas yet?! :P